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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. I would find it very, very difficult to part with my bass but, if I stopped playing I would like to think that I could sell it and put the money to better use. Well done on making the break.
  2. That is very cool! Congratulations.
  3. I'm not trying to be argumentative but I have never had a strap detach itself from a bass and so have never used straplocks. This could be because I don't go in for onstage gymnastics, spinning my bass round my head etc.; rather I jiggle in place at the most. Are straplock users more acrobatic?
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1460282711' post='3024267'] You'll be surprised the amount of bassists who still use the smiley face setting. [/quote] I keep my EQ turned off on my amp. My bass EQ has the right half of this face and my EQ pedal has a frowny face on it (everyone knows that frowny faces are good for metal, right?)
  5. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1460202028' post='3023524'] Definitely depends on what you're looking for. I just bought a twin pack of D'addario EXL-165s for £24.89 from Amazon but normally I would go to Strings Direct and occasionally Stringbusters as well [/quote] +1 for Strings Direct. Not necessarily the cheapest but for speed and efficiency I cannot fault them. Sometimes I order at lunchtime and they are here 15 hours later. No idea how they manage it as I live in the wilderness (sort of).
  6. Whenever anyone says, "What songs do you play?", my mind goes blank and all I can think of is 20th Century Boy, or something equally inane.
  7. I was going to come along but can't however, if anyone is interested in having a go on my Dingwall Prima, I'm happy for someone to borrow it for the duration.
  8. I don't have any evidence to support it (but that's never stopped me), but I have always thought that vintage instruments sold more sluggishly than was believed and certainly were never investment worthy.
  9. I'm not sure that bands are louder now, but the sound quality as certainly improved. Granted, I used to frequent punk and metal venues where amps were routinely pushed beyond sensible limits.
  10. I use these:
  11. I curl my forefinger closed in the position it would be in if making a fist. The first knuckle after the nail is adjacent to my thumb's knuckle. I hold the pick quite loosely and the heel of my palm is on the bridge of the bass. The picking movement is very limited allowing for fast notes.
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1459885002' post='3020638'] I'm sure if the Fender Precision hadn't turned out to be so popular, we'd all be laughing at its clunkiness every time an example popped up on eBay. [/quote] Oh we do, we do!
  13. I always use JMB and Bandmix. I've had successes with both. Generally more joy with JMB, but it is more effort, too.
  14. [quote name='Ajoten' timestamp='1459934219' post='3020919'] Dear god, not my point at all, more based on high profile players of posh basses tend towards a certain style of music and imagine people who aspire to such instruments aspire to such styles of music. <edit>and it sure as hell isn't any particular style of music I'm being critical of, but the lack of biodiversity of styles</edit> [/quote] Fair enough - I have a strong bias towards the less erudite end of music as I am much more interested in lyrics than music. If you like, I am more 'music hall' than 'music school', however I also like my tools to be as comfy as possible, especially cars and basses.
  15. My bass is high end and, as a rule, the music I play on it might seem a bit déclassé in comparison but I don't particularly care if the audience appreciate my bass because I bought it for me to appreciate and I love playing it so much more than I did my old one. Even Crazy Little Thing Called Love is fun to play on it. Occasionally someone will ask a question about the bass or recognise the model and make appreciative noises about it, which is a plus. Obviously the bass sounds better than a cheap one and, just as obviously, there is a law of diminishing returns on price vs quality. On a slight tangent, I am slightly uncomfortable with the OP's implication that one style of music is superior to another.
  16. Playability every time. Tone can be synthesised / faked more readily.
  17. It's probably not PC to say that I like my necks to be Size 0.....
  18. Very nice. Get some black strings and you'll be in Desiarto Hotblack territory!
  19. A long time ago, I had an amp which sounded flat when I plugged into the active input, it sounded great in the passive input because i could get a meatier/slightly overdriven sound from it.
  20. So I think we can all agree that another 43 £75 price drops will bring it to the correct price.
  21. I have four tickets for the Peppa Pig 10am show in Cambridge for Sunday 3 April 2016. Two adults and two children (although you would be allowed to have one adult and three children). We can't go so they are free to the first person who manages the following: 1- They are Print at Home tickets, so you need a printer. 2- I am out and about all day to text me on 07710-670629 and I will email the tickets to you. Cheers, Ben.
  22. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1459504693' post='3017142'] Put on head or in ears. Done. This whole suing culture can suck a fat one. This is the reason peanut packets say, "warning, contains nuts". [/quote] Mega pedant alert: peanuts are not nuts. [runs for cover]
  23. If fingers are numbered 1 - 4 from forefinger to little finger, I tend to use fingers 1 & 2 for normal play, 1 & 3 for rapid play and 1, 2 & 4 for super fast bits. I've no idea why I do this, but it works so I let it be.
  24. Classical guitar recording have terrible string noise. Anything else is brilliant in comparison.
  25. I think this is a natural extension of a cashless economy. We all like to be paid in cash, but as we are providing a commercial service, being paid cash with no questions asked isn't really defensible in the 21st century for a band or a plumber / builder, etc.
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