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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. These are fabulous amps. I used one constantly for 10 years and never a hint of trouble with it. Superb sound and a well-crafted voicing section gives a perfect sound in every situation.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449624305' post='2925384'] Great commentary, however, IMO the OP was trolling. Just wanted to get that out there before the thread is closed. Blue [/quote] I'm glad you made this point. I'm not sure that you had made your feelings sufficiently clear previously....
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1449612396' post='2925283'] Wow, I didn't realise they used real toddlers in their Peri Peri Kiddie flavour. [/quote] More to the point, actual meat!
  4. I was hugely tempted to PhotoShop Mr. P's face onto the image but couldn't take the inevitable trolling that would follow.
  5. Did someone mention aimless noodling?
  6. Did someone mention headbands?
  7. I hadn't heard that before but it is very cheering. I have often had the same thing happen to me. When learning and failing, it is surprising how much goes in. I think Going Underground was the last time it happened: I couldn't link the sections together properly and the next day it came together. I'm not quite as good as Mr. Harris, though!
  8. I think of them as the Harley Davidson of basses. And that isn't a compliment!
  9. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1449584991' post='2924868'] [/quote] NOSTALGIA!!! I had one that was almost identical in the early 80s. I can almost smell the Insignia aftershave....
  10. One of the things I like about BC is the way people can express their beliefs and have an intelligent discussion without resorting to personal attacks. I rather feel that this thread, as it has grown, shows us at less than our best.
  11. [quote name='mike 110' timestamp='1449572235' post='2924683'] Feel Like Makin' Love - Bad Co [/quote] This sends the wrong sort of shivers down my spine. A great song that I had to play in too many bands over too many years.
  12. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1449521390' post='2924362'] I listened to a Jaco live solo once. I didn't understand it. There was no time signature, it was just random runs with a couple of harmonics on the end. Then waiting for a few seconds then doing it again ..... and again. I put my humble opinion on what I thought next to the video - didn't slag it off, just said I don't get it and it's not for me and how I like to hear a cohesive catchy melody in a song format. Well the shitstorm of hatred I got was unbelievable! 'You're not a 'proper' musician' etc! So for me Jaco has been spoiled by all the fanboy jazz purists. I do like playing Come On, Come Over' though. Start there, its easy to listen to! [/quote] I've had lots of criticism (professional and personal) along these lines relating to different musicians, a fair bit on BC and a not inconsiderable amount because I have always been a singer who plays bass rather than vice versa. I get very uncomfortable as soon as one style of music is held up as superior to another. To me, it is all music and some I like, some I don't. I don't have enough years left to master everything, so I stick to what I enjoy.
  13. I acknowledge his genius, but his music and others' music with him on it generally does nothing for me and I'd be bored after a few minutes. I'm happy to admit that the failure is on my part.
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1449400248' post='2923128'] why credit him? why not the writers producers and marketing team? in the big shceme of things he probably comes quite low down the list of talent/skill/endeavour credits list after all those in the background who keep him in the spotlight just mho of course [/quote] But this is true of everyone. Even the most industrious singer/songwriters don't make it alone. They also are part of a much bigger team and need the contacts, marketing skills, etc. Also, the performer is the one whose name goes up in lights; we talk about Elvis, not Lieber and Stoller.
  15. Yup, its all true. We are not unlike entertainers at children's parties and those entertainers who are polite, engaging, respectful and reliable get repeat business. One function band I was in had it pointed out that we sounded great but looked miserable. Once we mastered the art of playing while smiling we got much better reactions.
  16. Ah - good old Shaky! And Justin has gone up in my estimation. I've certainly seen much worse drumming in my time.
  17. Pearl Jam - Black. The song is a bit whiny and self indulgent, but the outro is lovely.
  18. I suppose it is the prerogative of pop stars to be pretentious and irritating and it is the prerogative of everyone over 30 to find them so. I understand there was no shortage of middle-aged+ people who found the Beatles vastly annoying at the time, for one example.
  19. As a rule, I loathe Christmas songs, mostly from having to grind them out year after year but there are a few (very few) that I enjoy playing: Christmas Wrapping - a cool bass line, a simple melody and it isn't too 'full on' Fairy Tale of New York - even though I usually have to sing the Kirsty MacColl section, I still like it. "The boys of the New York PD choir..." line sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it. Thank God It's Christmas - not Queen's greatest effort, but I'm a sucker for JD bass lines.
  20. While I am no fan of Mr. Bieber, he should be given due credit for having singles at numbers 1,2 and 4 in the charts. That is a very impressive, if not unparalleled, achievement.
  21. Love his bass lines. Years ahead of his time and bass wasn't even his first instrument. I can't think of any other guitarists who have mastered and understood the bass so comprehensively.
  22. This is the ultimate glass is half full thread. Frozen always sets my teeth on edge. I'm prepared to go as far as The Little Mermaid, but that's my limit!
  23. GAK have always impressed me.
  24. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1449263564' post='2922147'] Bowie - Ziggy Stardust [/quote] Ooh. Good choice!
  25. Which albums have starts that really do it for you? Not whole songs, just those first few chords. I'll restrict myself to one: Iron Maiden's Somewhere in Time. A big bass chord followed by those classic Maiden guitar sounds with the octave shift. It's not musically sophisticated or difficult to play but to my ears it is close to perfect. Brrr.
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