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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. It's not necessarily the right solution, but if you end up replacing the 'Velcro' yourself, Graphite Hook and Loop from B&Q is incredibly strong (and expensive, around £10 per metre). You could probably stick a space shuttle onto its boosters with this stuff.
  2. I've never owned one. I tried one in a bass shop once but found the weight to be prohibitive. I suspect that many of the other criticisms of Wal could be aimed at my Dingwall: very shiny and very expensive. But then I love Marmite! This, of course, is the heaviest Wal of all:
  3. I went the other way. Having played bass for 20 years before the internet and tab got going, I could only learn by ear (or buying expensive scores by Off the Record, etc.) I found that my playing improved markedly when I started using tabs, but then I was never much good at learning by ear. Writing this has reminded me of some of the wonderfully bad lyrics bands sang when lyrics had to be figured out by ear; especially if a new song had been recorded off the Radio 1 Top 40 onto a cheap cassette and then collective guesswork was applied to the decoding.
  4. Is it my imagination or are there no pickups?
  5. Oh, sorry. I forgot to say that it is a printed circuit.
  6. I've recently bought a second hand effect pedal that, to my ears, has an excessive amount of buzz and hiss coming from it. It is quite old and was a cheap buy, so I don't begrudge the seller selling it to me but I am wondering if it can be repaired. I've opened it up and had a peek inside but there is nothing obviously wrong. Are such things repairable or would the cost be so high that I would be better off buying a new one?
  7. In my experience, the pay per hour is comparable to that of a pub band. You get much more money, but put many more hours in and often have to travel much further, too. Having said that, the experience you gain from the higher level of professionalism is invaluable so I say go for it.
  8. I've just bought a Tech 21 pedal from Ben. He is a good man to do business so have a bump from me.
  9. I've got on well with both the Gallery and Bass Direct. The young chap I dealt with in the Gallery was very pleasant and helpful, as have been all in Bass Direct, although Mark can be a little forceful if he disagrees with what you want. Up to a point advice is useful, but he can overdo it. I once had to buy something from The Gallery because Mark was effectively refusing to sell it to me!
  10. I'm in a band that plays twice a month on Fridays and Saturdays and I wouldn't join a second band because that would mean declining bookings and thus holding them back.
  11. Hmmm, I've always wanted to learn double bass but was put off by the price of new EUBs. I could be tempted by this one.
  12. Yamaha basses have been solidly good for as long as I have been playing. Having said that, pretty much everything made by them from instruments to motorbikes and everything in between are spot on.
  13. Northants is not easy to find bands in unless you are prepared to travel. Joinmyband is the most popular site here, but you might need to post an advert in surrounding counties, too. The size of Northampton notwithstanding, it is a very rural and un-diverse county.
  14. Most of us have died a miserable death on stage at one time or another. Fortunately for me, I did it before the internet existed!
  15. My Dingwall is my main bass so it is practised with at home and comes to rehearsals and gigs with me. My other bass is used when the fancy takes me.
  16. I have the 210 version. I bought it a couple of months ago and it is excellent. It does everything that I need of it without a hitch.
  17. The best amp/cab in the world is one that you save up for for ages and then, when you buy it, it is every bit as good as you hoped.
  18. Being in a band is like a relationship. Without mutual respect it is doomed.
  19. I would get a crowbar, boilersuit, balaclava and heavy duty washing up gloves. Then I would steal an old transit van and a car. Use the car to ramraid a music shop, lob as much gear as I could into the transit and then drive to secluded location where I left my car. Transfer goods and I am ready to rock. Not that I have planned this at all.....
  20. Billy Gould's distorted bass on Zombie Eaters. If you don't want to listen to the whole, it comes in at 2.01 here: [size="2"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMzDYif3LQ0[/size]
  21. I'm not overly concerned about such things because, in comparison to an iron or kettle (I don't use a kettle), consumption is negligible. Also, if you own a big amp and a little one, although you are using less power in your home, the energy used to construct the small is vastly more than your energy saving, if you look at it from a global standpoint.
  22. I like gigging because it is a guilt-free hobby in that it pays for itself as opposed to being in a cycling club (which would be my second choice) which would be just money out, not in. Gigging also doesn't conflict with parenting as, as a rule, it happens when the children are asleep and it gives me the opportunity to be sociable in a pub when neither socialising nor going to pubs are really my thing. Now that smoking in pubs is a thing of the past, I have no complaints at all.
  23. I bought a TC Electronics bc250 210 (here http://www.tcelectronic.com/bg250-family/ ) which cost £350. It has stacks of volume, a lovely sound, a built in tuner, aux in and headphone out, and downloadable / programmable Toneprint wizardry which serves as effect pedals. I honestly think that you couldn't do better as a newish bassist. I only wish such combos were around when I started playing.
  24. I've just listened to your Rik Mayall song. Truly inspired - an awesome tune!
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