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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. I'm a firm believer in modern equipment is superior aurally. To my mind the analogy of cars is apt. I love driving an old Jaguar: the feel, sound and acceleration is wonderful. However my three year old Lexus is comfier, more efficient, handles better and works in all weather conditions.
  2. I use a set of earbud headphones. Usually Panasonic or similar. About £15. They sound just fine to me but my hearing isn't all it could be. If it wasn't for my cat they would probably last forever. As it is, they last about 4 - 12 months if I'm lucky.
  3. I suppose bass gear is a bit like cars, some people are happy in a 30 year old Volvo and some people lease top spec Jaguars. They both perform the same function and as long as everyone is happy.....
  4. This one rings very true. Especially the hit about waiting for 5 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg7EW1sNXvk
  5. I like the guy in the video's t-shirt.
  6. The KLF / Timelords: Doctor in the Tardis. irritatingly catchy and well constructed.
  7. The "Song you never want to play again" thread has been very popular so I thought I'd suggest the reverse. For me it is Don't Stop Me Now. Relentlessly upbeat and cheerful, a quick 3 mins long and nice bass bits but not too tough to play.
  8. I occasionally get nostalgic for the time when we had 'real music'. This article reminds me that it wasn't all fun. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34184563
  9. Re Nellie, I'd forgotten that existed! Reminds me that in the 90s I was in a band that did a rocky version of Supercalifragilisticexpealidocous (or however it is spelled.)
  10. No Rest by New Model Army on TOTP. I had heard heard or seen anything like it before. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=no+rest+new+model+army&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=89D5340F6CE4618BD00089D5340F6CE4618BD000
  11. Fantastic. Especially the one socket under the bench seat.
  12. I have the Shure GLX-D16 Beta Digital Wireless System. IMO it is perfect. Crystal clear sound, transmitter can be used as a tuner and it has a Lithium Ion battery that has about 16 hours of charge and can be charged up from mains or USB, meaning I can top up the charge in the car on my way to a gig. It isn't cheap at £300+ but I am really pleased with it.
  13. Now sold.
  14. These are excellent amps. I'm a bit vague about how much you want for it as you have two different prices.
  15. I went to and played at loads of open-mic nights when I was starting out. That feeling of sheer terror at the prospect of playing one or two songs: ahh, those were the days.
  16. If you don't do Crewe, does that mean that's Crewe cut?
  17. Sell the Honda Jazz and buy a Volvo Estate. Before you know it, you'll have two 810s!
  18. I have one of these and love it. Buy it folks!
  19. I can't view your pictures without a Yahoo ID. Can you post them somewhere more accessible, please?
  20. For my pedal board, I got a twin cable (two jacks at each end) which stays beautifully flat. It is much more flexible than standard leads and keeps the send/return tidy. I can't remember where I bought it but it was one of the standard online places such as GAK, PMT or Andertons, etc.
  21. Twice in my playing career I have made significant steps up the price range. First when I went from Hohner to Yamaha TRB and then from TRB to Dingwall Prima. In both cases, the improvement in quality gave an identifiable improvement in sound and (more importantly) required less effort to play because of the build quality. Would the audience notice? Maybe, maybe not but I felt that my playing was enhanced which I guess is most if the point in retail.
  22. @ TimR. Thank you for telling me what is wrong with my singing. If only I had known that all I needed to do was to sing with passion, I wouldn't have wasted the last 20 years behind a microphone! Trust me, it is very, very hard to manage vocal synth effects either by way of a vocoder and/or effect patches while playing bass and singing at the same time. Obviously, for the Geddy Lees among us, that is less true. It could be that you are one, in which case I apologise.
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