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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. Nooooo - Don't tempt me to spend more money! :-o
  2. Hi Si, I take your point about the drive pedals but it is probably more to do with me being an insane control freak who likes his sound to be 'just so'! I love the sound of my bass and amp clean and get quite unreasonably irritated with the way that some pedals cut/boost high/low frequencies. Ben.
  3. Here is my pedalboard. It is ridiculously oversized with a fair amount of unnecessary duplication between pedals. It works for me as I am prone to panic attacks and so like to avoid changing settings during a gig. The signal chain is: PAPA Smith preamp > EQ1 > EQ2 > EQ3 > Fission Bass Powerchord > SYB5 Synth > Duality Fuzz > ODB 3 Overdrive > CEB 3 Chorus > MXR Phaser > Wonderlove Envelope > Sonuus Wahoo > Flashback x4 Delay/Looper. The board itself a Pedaltrain Grande with two Pedaltrain 1250 PSUs underneath. I wish that I could fit the 4-way extension underneath for neatness, but the preamp needs a 24v power supply which is too bulky. My thoughts on the pedals are: • Preamp – this is pricey but perfect. My bass has a slightly brighter tone than I like so this gives a little more bass which now growls beautifully. This is always turned on. • I have 3 Behringer EQs which are for different pedal combinations.[list] [*]No effects or Chorus/Wonderlove= no EQ on [*]Emulating 80s pick sound = EQ1 on [*]Distortion / fuzz = EQ2 on [*]Fission powerchord = EQ3 on [/list] • Fission Powerchord. It took me a long time to get a good sound out of this. It is most effective in rock song solos when there is no rhythm guitarist. • Bass Synth SYB-5. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t have bought this, but I get a really filthy overdrive sound if I use this and the overdrive pedal at the same time and, because it is synth-based, it is quite tight and controlled. • Duality Fuzz. This is a brilliant fuzz pedal and it is tight and controlled and as bassy as you want, too. I use it for a Muse-esque bass fuzz. • ODB-3. I mainly use this with a lot of overdrive, but a very dry mix to beef up my sound. I find it too messy to use a wet mix satisfactorily. • CEB-3. This chorus pedal has been overtaken by the Wonderlove in my book, but I keep for a very specific sound when playing arpeggios. • Phaser – on it’s very slowest setting, this can be quite subtle, with the ODB-3on it is very powerful, if a bit of a one-trick pony. • Wonderlove – easily the best envelope pedal I have used. I keep it on a pretty gentle setting for a sound that is close to my clean sound, but just a little more interesting. • Sonuus Wahoo. This pedal does so many things that I get depressed by how little I understand it. At the moment I only use the bass wah-wah effect (which is brilliant) but am aware that it does so much more. • Flashback – a brilliant delay looper. I mostly use it with a very fast delay so that my sound is fattened up just a little for some songs. I have been known to cheat and set a loop running for songs with a tough bass riff when I have backing vocals to sing, too. Don’t tell anyone, though, because I’m pretty sure there is a law about that! ;-)
  4. I wish you'd posted this a week ago as I have just bought one! An excellent pedal folks. Buy it!!!
  5. Thanks guys. I took it out to play 'in anger' for the first time tonight and the sound was absolutely amazing. The only downside was that my Boss effect pedals all sound flabby and horrible now, so I need to upgrade them to higher quality ones. I need to do this WITHOUT going back into Bass Direct and buying the 6 string Prima Artist which is calling to me....
  6. It is mostly walnut but has maple, too, to balance between the high and low strings. I must have been mad to pay £5,000 for it; not because it isn't worth it but I'm not sure that I am good enough to do it justice!
  7. I bought this Prima Artist 5 from Mark at Bass Direct on Monday. It is unbelievably gorgeous to hold and play. The only problem is I am reluctant to take it to gigs in case it gets a ding on it!
  8. I bought this from Mark at Bass Direct on Monday. I had to sell a couple of kidney or two to pay for it but it was worth it. I is far and away the best bass I have ever played. Sorry for pinching Mark's pictures of it but my phone takes terrible pictures and they didn't do it justice.
  9. I have always only ever had one bass I find that any sound tweaks needed can be done via onboard controls. preamp, pedals or amp perfectly well. Of course, I am not a pro player so my standards in this regard may be a bit lower than most.
  10. My new rig, not roadtested yet but it sounds beautiful. May need to buy another cab to get the best of it, but can't afford it yet.
  11. For sale - ill health has forced me to stop gigging (can't bring myself to sell my bass though ) Warwick xtreme 10.1 1000w bass head in gator case 4x11 + 1x2 Warwick neo pro cab (neodymium - lightweight + superb sound!) 1x15 Warwick neo pro cab (neodymium - lightweight + superb sound!) speakon cables Everything is in very good condition, but has been gigging for the last four years, so has some wear and tear (Warwick badge has come of the 1x15 cab, scrapes on the cornder protectors of cabs, some scuffing on head case). Very reluctant sale as this is the best sounding amp I have ever owned. rrp for all of it is around the £2,200. I am looking for around £600 - £700 mark. email [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] or ring 07531798763 Pictures: [attachment=101903:full stack.jpg] [attachment=101902:front head.jpg] [attachment=101901:front head close up.jpg] [attachment=101900:4x11 tags.jpg] [attachment=101899:1x15 tags.jpg]
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