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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1458217502' post='3005665'] "Pretty awful"? - It's absolutely hideous. Possibly the most horrible looking bass I have ever seen [/quote] I rather like it.
  2. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1458217886' post='3005671'] Do we buy lots of used paint brushes? I suppose they're worth money to someone but really it's the art that is being bought not the tools. [/quote] If the brushes of famous artists were around and were provable, I suspect they would sell for millions. The brushes used to paint Sunflowers, anyone?
  3. I thought the jumping and bouncing around off each other was pogoing while moshing was more collective headbanging in the same direction as each other.
  4. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1458170401' post='3005373'] I went Pedaltrain plus soft case. Works fine. [/quote] Same here. I also use the pedaltrain PSU. It isn't cheap, but it fits neatly.
  5. Didn't Ritter make one for $250,000? I'm pretty certain of that but I'm too lazy to look it up.
  6. I'm very disappointed. I read the title as a Warwick Dolphin 15 string.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1458130336' post='3004933'] In the 70s though, if you were a "serious" rock band you didn't really do singles. [/quote] I imagine this policy would have been something of a surprise to Queen, David Bowie, etc.! I take your point that there was a certain pretentious sneering at singles as the lesser art form by some bands, though.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1458122597' post='3004818'] But what counts as a hit? [/quote] I would say that these are the criteria in descending or of importance:[list] [*]If you asked a random sample of people of approximately appropriate age, would they remember it? [*]If you asked the same sample, would they be able to name any other singles by the same artist? [*]Chart positions. [/list] So I would class Falco as a one-hit wonder in the UK, because I remember Rock Me Amadeus and could sing the chorus, but couldn't name any other songs. The word 'wonder' is also important because the song is widely remembered 30 years later and the song's longevity is more important than the chart position.
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1458000522' post='3003879'] Family tradition [media]http://youtu.be/RvaiwQh7zBk[/media] [/quote] That is genuinely impressive. He's had dancing lessons.
  10. Kraftwerk - The Model. Lots of good tunes but nothing that came close to this in popularity.
  11. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1458074578' post='3004518'] Only time we do a proper soundcheck is when using a full PA, which isn't often. Otherwise the pre-gig ritual is as follows: Normally the vocals, keys, horns - anything thats being put into the PA gets checked that its coming out the speakers. Monitor check. Impatiently the drummer hits his kit randomly whilst this is happening. Guitartist plays licks while "testing" that his pedals work. More random drum noises. Guitarist checks guitar 2. Horns get another tuning. Bit more drums. Keys checks on-stage sound. The first time the bass makes a noise is on the first song. [/quote] What are you doing at my sound checks?
  12. At least he being up front about its state and his lack of expertise.
  13. Almost certainly, but I doubt that I could remember it with any degree of accuracy.
  14. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1458057182' post='3004256'] I should really have remembered this as we do it - "One of us" by Joan Osborne. Despite the film, I still like "Take my breath away" by Berlin. [/quote] Top Gun is great if you fast forward through the non-flying bits. Someone on YouTube has pasted all the flight scenes into one clip. I think the title sequence is one of the best ever, synth music included.
  15. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1458029416' post='3003940'] Controversy alert! To the average Joe, casual listener I'd say these two were one hit wonders. Rush - Spirit of Radio Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart [/quote] I'm inclined to agree.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1457988313' post='3003757'] The gorillas know [/quote] I really, really, don't want to know what Gorilla Snow is.
  17. Fair play to the band. It looks like they know how to put on a show.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1457893669' post='3002766'] I thought Georges Braque was dead. [/quote] Apparently not! This isn't the worst bass that I have seen and he is up front about how it has been made and isn't asking a ridiculous sum for it, either.
  19. You dirty boy......
  20. I think I'll have to start an 80s cover band. There is at least one set's worth of excellent songs here already.
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1457865241' post='3002386'] Unfortunately the Proclaimers aren't one hit wonders. There's a whole raft of novelty songs out there that they did including Sunshine on Leith, Let's Get Married and too many more to mention [/quote] I'm allowing the Proclaimers as they only had three songs in the top 20 in 20 years. That qualifies in the OP categories.
  22. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1457861071' post='3002333'] I have a customer who runs the Airbus overseas repairs department , apparently this sort of thing happens quite a lot, vehicles driving into planes, plane wings clipping thing they shouldn't , they actually have permanent departments in some of the bigger airports around the world because it is so common ! [/quote] I imagine that manoeuvring a plane onto its stand is a very difficult job, especially as they seem to be getting bigger all the time.
  23. Perhaps he sneezed when taking the pictures.
  24. That looks pretty nice.
  25. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457825773' post='3002202'] How about Norman Greenbaum's 'Spirit InThe Sky' ? [/quote] Oh yes! I heard that once he did a gig somewhere and every time he tried to play a different song the audience started throwing things so he ended up playing Spirit in the Sky dozens of times. So many great songs listed here.
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