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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457356390' post='2997632'] I don't think of myself as a Floyd anorak but I don't recall a song called 'Free Fun' on Obscured By Clouds. I guess they meant 'Free Four' ? [/quote] I'm afraid that you are much more of a Pink Floyd anorak than me, I couldn't name more than three or four albums, let alone the songs.
  2. I'm normally pretty tolerant of poorly phrased adverts but this one made me laugh/shudder: [i]I'm 27 and living in Northampton, looking for a new band to do get with, jam with and see how sh*t works. Want fame by 30 so no f***king around. Dedicated and motivated, irritated and pissed off necessary. Drop me a message and well go from there. Steve[/i]
  3. It is over the top enough to be cool in the right hands.
  4. I know a drummer who used to be somebody of note who got me an audition with a guitarist (who still is somebody) who was setting up a touring band going across Europe. I didn't get the gig and felt vaguely humbled by the thinness of my CV compared to theirs. Their philosophy was that it doesn't matter where you have been or who you have played with as it is largely luck that decides if you 'make it' and the music business is largely based on who knows whom in a way that would be completely illegal in most other hiring situations. On the flip side, you cannot have an elite playing to big crowds without a huge supporting cast of peons doing quick and dirty gigs in the same way that you cannot have a Premier League without having dozens of lower leagues and divisions to provide the pool from which the premier league players are drawn. Thirdly, how do others see you? When I tell people that I play in a band, they are generally impressed to a reasonably flattering degree, even though I play in variable pubs and manky clubs and they are impressed because it is something that they, along with everyone, once wished that they could do and/or did. Finally, pretty much all of us are where you are, its just that most of us like to exaggerate or achievements for dramatic effect! PS: I think 2016 is my 30th year, too.
  5. There's quite a nice Pink Floyd retrospective slideshow on MSN.com today. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/music/pink-floyd-breaks-up-for-good-a-band-retrospective/ss-BBqqe5V?fullscreen=true#image=1
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1457308631' post='2997320'] No idea how big your shed is or looks like, but I have made mine look like an annexe. Get a doorbell and curtains and make it look like it is lived in. Also i have lights on a timer. [/quote] That is an excellent idea.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1457308661' post='2997321'] Buying good gear and looking after it is the best insurance. There will always be single points of failure. Sometimes you need a backup brain. Last week our guitarist left his leads and pedals at home. The week before the drummer forgot his stool. [/quote] I once forgot my strap after having driven 45 miles to a gig.
  8. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1457212346' post='2996474'] ...then I unplugged the bass from the amps headphone socket and plugged it in the second input and it was fine [/quote] Any number of times I have plugged my iPod into the headphone socket instead of the aux in and wondered why it didn't work.
  9. Very sexy indeed
  10. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1457289453' post='2997077'] Yeah but you have two 4x10's so surely in the event of a speaker failure you still have the one cab option? [/quote] Yes, but it isn't there as a backup. If they made a 2 ohm cab, I'd only take the one.
  11. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1457146217' post='2995845'] Def Leppards Rocket does it repeatedly. I can't think of any more than Jean Genie, Major Tom off the top of my head but there are loads. [/quote] Id forgotten this. Possibly the first song I heard that referenced other songs.
  12. I drink steadily all evening through a gig. Waitrose Apple and Blackcurrant Squash mixed very dilute and, if I'm feeling daring, a pint or two of lager-shandy. Keith Richards has nothing on me, the lightweight.
  13. I remember a Billy Bragg concert which was being filmed and he told the crowd to smile and "look awkward for posterity in your silly clothes and stupid haircuts."
  14. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1457275763' post='2996928'] Spikey bushes are difficult because we have a 1yr old. [/quote] By the time a spiky bush has thrown out spikes s/he will be a two year old and they learn what hurts and what doesn't hurts really quickly at that age so I wouldn't be concerned about that. My two both grew up in a pyracantha-inhabited garden with losing too many eyes or limbs; think of it as training for blackberry picking.
  15. The Met encourage shrubs. A good list of pros and cons here: http://thecrimepreventionwebsite.com/garden-boundaries-fences-and-defensive-plants/618/defensive-plants-shrubs-and-trees-shrub-fences/ As one officer said, they are also very good DNA collectors.
  16. I was going to make a good single album from Yes's double albums, but realised that I could barely make a single.
  17. Seller has no reputation and is asking £10 for postage? £5 would be fair to high cost.
  18. Fender P and J: The scale feels too short and/or I like 24 frets so always run out. Warwick Thumb and similar. The weighting is wrong for me.
  19. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1457203259' post='2996365'] I knew it was something I was doing ! Leads wrong way round and volume not turned on bass [/quote] Welcome to the idiot club. The membership is remarkably large.
  20. Not to my taste, but I imagine that there should be a decent market for it. You could do visual duets with Ronnie Wood!
  21. I generally listen in my car (Lexus) or through my headphones (Monster). Both have pretty good sound definition.
  22. I do all manner of stupid things when plugging in pedals. My most recent was to plug amp fx send to rack unit, rack unit to pedal board, pedal board to amp fx return (all correct so far). But no sound. Endless checking but couldn't find a problem until I realised that my bass wasn't plugged in to the amp. Duh.
  23. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1457183605' post='2996098'] Seconded! [/quote] I am eternally grateful that, when I started to learn bass, I was stuck in a provincial backwater that didn't sell left handed basses so I had to learn right handed. There seems to be much less variety than the 10:1 right: left rail warrants.
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