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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1456937947' post='2993802'] ...which just goes to show that all is entirely dependent upon the outlook of the person reading the ad, as one would expect. Some prefer one, some another... I don't see where this could go, really. What's the [i]real [/i]question..? [/quote] If pointless rambling and going round in circles ISN'T the point of Basschat, I must have missed something.
  2. I think so. Ones I've seen before were usually around £150+
  3. I don't think I'll be able to go back to a four-string now as I have been on a 5-string for 20-odd years now. I take Jim's point about work-arounds and there have been some bands that I have been with where the fifth string has been an expensive thumb rest but, by and large, I like the flexibility of a five-string.
  4. Band 1 - Only fun when I'm too old to lug gear and/or stay up really late. Band 2 - Sounds fun but "serious inquiries" sounds like a police investigation, so avoid. [Yes, I know that is the US version of 'enquiry'] Band 3 - Instant death for wilful abuse of apostrophe. Do not pass Go, do not collect £200. Band 4 - Why not? Sounds fun.
  5. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1456855842' post='2992940'] I think many on here would be quite happy to have the exposure of an advert to get their songs heard, Caniston / Anisol give me a call I am sure we could do a deal [/quote] Yup. I'll happily take the Bodyform account.
  6. Crazyhead's cover of Have Love Will Travel
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1456771154' post='2992128'] the Beatles are still more popular than Jesus, based on how long and numerous Beatles threads are on Basschat anyway [/quote] They would have to be more popular than Jesus on here because we are BC......
  8. I get occasional bursts of GAS, but I'm getting better at suppressing them. Yesterday I had an almost overwhelming urge to buy a compressor. But why? I don't need one, my current set up is fine and would probably sound worse with one stuck in. Thankfully I don't have a credit card and avoid music shows, conventions, etc.
  9. I like Musescore. I haven't tried anything this complicated but it has handled everything that I have asked of it.
  10. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1456781684' post='2992302'] If a song is to be used to sell a third party product then I think the song writer should have control over its use. [/quote] That's fine as far as it goes, but what about the artist/s whose performance of the song is used? Don't they get a say? What if there are multiple authors of a song and some want it to be used and others don't? Does a song writer who still lives opinion count more than the inheritor/s of his/her deceased writing partner?
  11. I subscribe to theory that once a song has been released, it has been RELEASED. Meaning it is out there and, provided a user pays their dues for it, it can be used. Like Neephid, I don't buy into "selling out". By definition, all commercial musicians are selling and those who aren't selling are, on the whole, probably quite hungry.
  12. I remember in Daley Thompson's era, Lucozade used Iron Maiden's Phantom of the Opera.
  13. I was just reading the Matching headstock section of gear porn and was wondering how many brothers and sisters my Prima has and to what extent they look the same. Anyone got one or more?
  14. A beaut that makes me nostalgic the 80s / 90s.
  15. At school, I was the football team goalkeeper, in rugby I was a winger and in cricket a spin bowler. I feel all of those were leading me to the bass.
  16. An unkind person might suggest that vocalists and/or guitarists know they are cool so don't need to put in the effort that the bass player does.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456672052' post='2991227'] It makes no difference whether you leave or not. The hotel still has no vacancies and guests are still welcome. [/quote] But they do make you change room quite a lot. 😉 Almost as often as this thread changes topic. Perhaps we have a Hilbert thread, one which contains an infinite number of topics within a finite thread.
  18. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1456586430' post='2990525'] Surely that will be a Mandelbrot fractal? Eventually the pattern will repeat and Blue will explain why the Beatles changed the world. [/quote] Just to be even more pedantic than usual, the point of the Mandelbrot Set, Julia Set, etc. is that they never repeat. They are examples of infinite non-repeating lines contained within finite space. In the unlikely event that anyone is intrigued by this concept, read up on the Hilbert Curve. It is a reasonably straightforward example.
  19. I always thought that the number of strings was a consequence of technology. As pickup and bass technology improves, the number to strings that can be fitted increases and the price decreases. Fan frets are a good example of this. The calculation of fret positions in the early days was pretty easy and anyone with a slide rule and grasp of arithmetic would be fine. The fan fret calculation is hideously complex unless you have a decent grasp of A-level maths and/or a computer-controlled laser cutter. As the technology for the latter improves and lessens in cost, 5 string fan fret basses and 7 string fan fret guitars become more available.
  20. There is of course a considerable pedigree in not needing to play your instrument in order to succeed; just as being able to play your instrument is no guarantee of success.
  21. If it had 25% more strings then I'd buy it.
  22. My dissertation was on non linear dynamical (it's every bit as sexy as it sounds!). At the time there was some academic interest in the way gossip spreads but no one had managed to find a mathematical model which could be a useful predictor of conversational patterns.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456518486' post='2990052'] I CAN TYPING........ NEEEYAHHHHHHH!!!!!! THHHPP!!! [/quote] Not to mention the positively certifiable. Nurse, he's got out again!
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