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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1441901199' post='2862826'] Telestar and Surfin' Bird. Novelty records? Really? [/quote] Ha, yes - these are the kind of thing I was trying to describe in the in the original post, so for me Telstar, Surfin Bird, Popcorn, Quantum Leap (perhaps), Laurie Anderson Superman, Video Killed the Radio Star, are kind of borderline novelty/pop. 'Novelty' obviously isn't quite right judging by some of the terrible music that has been launched into this thread But you get the idea?
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1441891642' post='2862667'] But I like it runny ... [/quote]
  3. The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word ! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gc4QTqslN4[/media]
  4. in a thread of admittedly dubious musical merit, I have to say 'Star Trekkin' for me falls firmly in the 'terrible cheese' camp! [edit - as does 'eat it' !]
  5. this is a real boundary crosser! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjxNnqTcHhg[/media]
  6. more bad than good but still... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuRnwMQkCmY[/media]
  7. I'm interested in the 'burred edge of novelty'! Records that I consider genuinely good (even if you don't want to listen on repeat) rather than terrible cheese. Here's a couple to get you going, positive contributions/abuse welcome! Streetband - Toast [media]http://youtu.be/lfMmPpNhOVM[/media] The Tornadoes - Telstar [media]http://youtu.be/BxpZ5rOMH4U[/media]
  8. Super funky Korg SQ-1 analog cv/gate + midi sequencer, brand new unopened still sealed etc! I bought two, this one never got used. £69 posted (uk)
  9. I put Gotoh Res o Lites on my PB and they are great. Got them here, there are cheaper Gotoh PB tuners too: http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk/guitar-parts/guitar-machine-heads/bass-machine-heads.html
  10. I feel your pain... But you're too far away. What have you done so far?
  11. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1436444954' post='2818189'] And that's why I tried to put a financial comparison with Radio 1 - their cost per listen is 0.001p, so your 400 listens via streaming would have been worth 0.4p at Radio 1 rates, your getting 50 times that. When the listens do build up into the hundreds of thousands then musicians will be doing very nicely. It will take a long time to happen, but remember, in the 60s, artists were getting 0.75% royalty on physical sales. [/quote] I understand your point, but I'm not sure this way of looking at the figures stacks up, however I don't know enough about the actual mechanics of the system at this point to form a better argument My gut feeling is that the artist loses out. I know we shouldn't base arguments on gut feeling, but let's take the latest Blur album as an example - I was quite looking forward to it and prepared to shell out £10 for the CD, (or similar for the download). So in that scenario I expect the band might have seen approx 20%, let's say £2. If Spotify pays 0.005p per play (not sure that is 100% correct but it seems to be what i got) then I would have to play the 10 tracks on the album [i]4000 times[/i] in order to 'give' the band £2? Doesn't seem right to me.
  12. My mcps statement shows just under 400 plays for a track of mine (i think its quaterly) earning me 20p. It doesn't seem like much to me (seeing as I pay Spotify £10 a month), but maybe the reach of these services means it can work out in favour of the artist? If it led to direct downloads (eg from bandcamp) it might work, but why would you download it if you can stream it.
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1436363362' post='2817516'] Recent threads on compression have not ended well... let's hope this one can stay helpful, informative and pleasant! [/quote] Ha, I must have missed those, how does a compressor thread go sour?! Disagreement on optimal ratio?! 2:1!! 10:1 !!! (best not ask I suppose)
  14. In a nutshell they compress (squash) the dynamics of the signal, so that there is not so much volume change between loud and quiet. You can control how much compression takes place, it is quite a big topic, but that's the nitty gritty. Something like an MXR87 would be a great pedal to experiment with as it has an LED indicator to show you how much compression is taking place.
  15. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1435841942' post='2812931'] On the subject of Paul Jackson, you might want to check out some of these Youtube clips with my old mucker and bandmate Jimmy Copley on drums. Some lovely playing from Paul, Jimmy & Char [url="http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=paul%20jackson%20jimmy%20copley%20char&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=paul%20jackson%20jimmy%20copley%20char&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk="]Paul, Jimmy & Char[/url] [/quote] nice thanks
  16. I know there has been a thread on this classic video, but I thought some of you might appreciate the [i]new[/i] [b]HQ sound quality[/b] version! Mike Clark and Paul Jackson jamming - taken from and old Japanese only instructional video: [media]http://youtu.be/cI67sxiIvJg[/media] [b]Original[/b] youtube version is here (I do actually like the gritty sound quality of this too) [url="https://youtu.be/J1i1RJeUw70"]https://youtu.be/J1i1RJeUw70[/url]
  17. They will have less tension, I think you need to go the other way.
  18. Fantastic guitar - this really is a bargain. Not enough guitarists here?!
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1434651425' post='2801568'] I'd go with Ikay's advice. I also so happen to have some waxes of various shades. PM your address and I'll send you some. You won't need much. When you get the wax it's really hard. Roll it round in your hands for a few minutes and the warmth of your hands melts the wax until it's kneedable. You then fill the holes, like you would with plastacine. The wax re-sets and it's all done. [/quote] Thanks very much for the offer I'll PM you.
  20. well i've got both of those in the cupboard (not the same one) so that sounds like a good plan
  21. I am about to swap a set of tuners on a P-Bass and I think I will be left with some of the old holes visible. What's the best way to fill/colour/hide these? (maple neck) Cheers Ted
  22. [quote name='King Tut' timestamp='1434095522' post='2796546'] I loved the tone of that bass. . . It is my old one isn't it? Nice and warm. Just couldn't get on with the neck! [/quote] Yes that's the one! It's got a fat neck but I like that. I'm fiddling with it's innards! Yuk. New pots and wiring from KiOgon, and I might try some new pickups to see if they make much difference.
  23. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1433853131' post='2794539'] I gave up as well, but saw that the complete video was 31 minutes. [/quote] 38:50! must be some kind of record in taking the most time to say the least
  24. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1433833100' post='2794265'] It still does, Ted, especially re-united with those old strings. Sorry, couldn't resist.... [/quote] Thanks!
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