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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1426778074' post='2721848'] what's wrong with the "sell anything" section? [/quote] Only paying members can look in it, and also it hasn't really taken off as a sales section so the figures are this: Sell Anything 378 topics 1,093 replies Other Musically Related Items For Sale 14,650 topics 57,328 replies In other words, the 'sell anything' is a bit of a dead section. I do quite a lot of buying and selling, which I pay a fee for, so I'd like to be able to use the vastly better viewed 'other items' section
  2. I would like to propose we adapt the '[b]other musically related items[/b]' sales section to [i]include[/i] iPods, iPhones, Laptops, Macs, PCs, Software (programes, plugins etc) and hi fi equipment. eg. What is an iPod if it isn't musically related? I understand and agree that the mods don't want this section to become a random boot sale but I am proposing that a small change would be a good thing. At the moment the tech items are relegated to the classifieds graveyard of the 'sell anything' section.
  3. Friend of mine is part of this band Entermienum. Album came out last year and a new one is on the way. Their bandcamp tags are [i]alternative industrial metal goth hardcore industrial noise[/i] So if that sounds up your street then click this! > [url="https://entermienum.bandcamp.com/album/entermienum"]https://entermienum....bum/entermienum[/url]
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426542768' post='2719235'] Having skimmed through the manual, I think it's definitely a synth you need to try before you buy it. But then again I can hardly talk. I spent £600 on a 1st generation Tenori-On on the basis of a 5 minute demo at a music show! [/quote]
  5. £650 seems high I'm not sure anyone could ever make it for £100, not even Hasbro! I've read loads of reviews over the weekend going back several years, and I would estimate of people that have owned one 75% seem to absolutely love it, 15% liked it but moved it on, maybe just 10% thought it was no good. It is true there are lots of venomous haters but they haven't owned it and take the stance of overpriced limited toy - which is the opposite of what the most users report. They are going for £500 on ebay so there must be something interesting about them. To me it seems overly limited but I'd still like to get my hands on one
  6. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1426510635' post='2718593'] If you're looking for a fun sampler, the Korg MicroSampler is a fantastic and fantastic-sounding bit of kit, really intuitive, quick to get samples in and playing around, pattern sequencer, effects from the Kaoss series, some very clever thinking went into it. [/quote] Thanks I'll definitely read up on that. Very much looking for something with tweakability of samples - you have one I take it?
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426507074' post='2718544'] I think the problem with it looking like the VL-Tone is that you expect it to have a similar sort of price... Liking the look of the Volca range. Also for something completely left field, I'm looking at getting something from [url="http://bleeplabs.com/store/"]Bleep Labs[/url]. [/quote] I bought the Volca sample - it's definitely fun but getting samples into it is a bit of a faff (iphone app). It has very limited pattern storage too. Having had a couple of months I'm left a bit frustrated with it - I would prefer a slightly more featured version for a bit more money. It's in the toy bracket (actually feels like a toy) but then again it was £99 and it could be fun for a couple of tracks. Bleep things look fun, have you seen the small/fun Teenage Engineering devices, they are about £39 eg. https://www.teenageengineering.com/products/po
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426506161' post='2718532'] Like any synth this unit will live or die by its sounds and the user friendliness of the interface. Unfortunately no matter how good it is I can't help thinking of the Casio VL-Tone when I look at it... [/quote] Me too. But apparently it is milled from solid aluminium and built like a tank. Check out some of the videos, it's a really interesting/original piece of hardware/softwareI think, but not sure I can justify around £600 on it.. If it was £300 I would go for it. https://youtu.be/E7GEzeir2wE
  9. I wondered if anyone here has owned or played one of these? https://www.teenageengineering.com/products/op-1 They are expensive and seem to attract a love it or hate it reaction! Looks very interesting I thought.
  10. Test it through headphones. I'll give mine a go when I get to the studio later today!
  11. Whoever has mixed it has done something to make the guitars appear extra 'wide', but it's a bit overdone so when you listen in mono they half disappear, and in stereo it sounds a bit overcooked - they are too far out of the soundstage imo. Maybe they've put them out of phase or something? It sounds ok to me otherwise (i don't like the quiet intro though) but a touch polite generally. Could be dirtied up in the mixing/mastering stage so it's a bit more aggro.
  12. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1425741872' post='2710260'] Any chance of a pic of the cakes? [/quote] Of course! Here you go. (It's a shortscale)
  13. Ray, the two main 'legs' fold flat, the shelves detach and can be put in a bag. So it definitely could be carried on a bus, although you might get a few funny looks. PM me to arrange!
  14. [quote name='Mr H' timestamp='1425736346' post='2710186'] This thread continues to amuse me! I told my friend in Godalming about it, he replied that he was tempted, but that he already has "a (not as good) one", and that driving into Kingston is too much like driving into London. Good luck with the sale. [/quote] Is it the price that's putting him off?
  15. Still available and a bargain - now at[b] £3 ! [/b]
  16. it would be ideal for that. especially as it's currently used to hold cups of lemonade and plates of cakes at children's tea parties.
  17. My dad is looking for Banjo lessons. I don't know anything about banjo but he tells me it's a 'G' banjo. He's had lessons but the tutor left the area. PM me for details please!
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1424782952' post='2700374'] One of the great things about a true modular synth is that you can connect any output to any input and listen to the results. That means being able to do things like use audio output of a module as a control voltage for another. The classic example of this is cross mod (using the audio signal of OSC1 to modulate the pitch of OSC2 or vice-versa) which appears to have been implemented to a degree on the new version as the FM switch. What is less good is that the only place the audio signal appears is at the final output which limits your options considerably. Looking at the patch bay also I can no longer see a separate keyboard input for OSC2 which would have been even more useful now that cross mod is actually available. [/quote] Interesting, thanks, I need to get stuck into this thing!
  19. Punk (post punk!) in my opinion I would definitely [i]not[/i] alternate on the down beats, you want your downs on the down for max attitude (and better consistency). It's like ras52 said before changing his mind [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]strike down - no strike up - strike down - strike up[/font][/color]
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1424713803' post='2699512'] Good to see oscillator sync in there. that was a much missed feature for me back in the 80s. Have they improved access to the signal path from the original? That was my biggest disappointment, that there was limited possibilities to use the audio generated as a control voltage like a fully modular synth. It wasn't until I managed to get hold of an MS50 to go with it that I was able to unleash all the sonic possibilities [/quote] Oscillator sync is great. Not sure what you mean by the signal path, I have never owned or played an MS20 before so I'm not sure. I seem to remember something is new on the patchbay bit but can't remember what
  21. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]SOLD [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tascam MP1-BT1[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Plug your bass in and play along with songs you want to learn, loops, metronome etc.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I bought this here for £90 about a year ago, I used it a lot for recording bassline ideas for a project and also learning some songs. Then it didn't get much use for about 6 months so I'm moving it on. It has loads of features you'll never use, but the main thing of plugging in and playing along is great.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Doesn't seem to go to full charge but still lasts ages. I have the quick start manual but not the main manual, which is available here:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][url="http://tascam.com/content/downloads/products/147/OM_MPBT1_eng_v100.pdf"]http://tascam.com/co...T1_eng_v100.pdf[/url][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So in light of that how about £50 posted?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][i]MP3 player with integrated Bass preamp and effects Plug in your Bass and play along 1 Gigabyte memory capacity Plenty of space for your favourite MP3 songs Built-in multi effect for bass Distortion, Compressor, Flanger, Phaser, Chorus, Octaver, Delay, Reverb Bass canceller with selectable pan point and selectable frequency range Removes center-panned guitar from most songs so you can play along Variable Speed Audition (VSA): +16, +12, +8, +4, 0, -4, -8, -16, -32, -50 Change the song tempo without affecting the key to practice fast licks Seamless in-out loop Practise complex parts over and over again 3 play modes Play a single file Repeat a single file Repeat all files Metronome Chromatic Tuner with calibration (435 to 445Hz) and Oscillator Input volume control Set the balance between MP3 playback and your guitar Volume control for headphones Lithium Ion rechargeable battery Up to 9 hours of playback time (by USB) Optional AC adapter (not included)[/i][/font][/color]
  22. Now £2 !! Buyer dropped out, so this is back up. Heavy duty Quicklok 4 tier stand in synthtastic red finish! Used but all working. Folds flat and stands are detachable. Collection only please - Kingston KT2
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