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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1421675167' post='2663800'] Dont forget to make it clear how they contact you WHEN (see what I did there) it sells out. [/quote] Ha, thanks. Good tips.
  2. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1421670989' post='2663739'] Good luck. If nothing else you'll give the bands you approach a bit of a confidence in what they're doing. It's a nice thing to have a hub that has an identity to make bands feel like they're part of something bigger than just themselves. There should be lots more of this sort of thing. That does not include the fantasists I 'signed*' with a couple of years ago though! I'm sure you will be clearer and more realistic with expectations both ways than they were. [size=1]*I had my fingers crossed so it didn't count.[/size] [/quote] Thanks
  3. I'm not aiming to compete with the big boys at all This is small and interesting. There are lots of new labels springing up at the moment, labels can have a distinct personality and attitude. This would be very much hand picked music that I feel is interesting (some of it will be my own). A service to get stuff onto iTunes not what I want to do, but I appreciate your thoughts
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421663959' post='2663635'] Unless they offer you a serious amount of cash up front, I wouldn't bother with physical distribution. It will tie up your stock and if it doesn't sell, getting it back in the condition that you sent out out can be problematic. TBH I really can't see the point in getting a 3rd party to do physical distribution any more. Do your digital distribution with whichever aggregator offers you the best deal based on projected sales and sell the vinyl via sites like Bandcamp and your own band and record label websites. [/quote] Thanks BigRedX You've got a good point, I'm not fussed about the big chains, but I would like to get some vinyl to places like Boomkat, Norman Records, Rough Trade, Bleep, Sounds Of The Universe, Sister Ray, Soul Brother etc as well as selling direct via Bandcamp. I expect vinyl editions would be something like 300 12"s. (This isn't a money making venture!) Do you get any of your vinyl to small retailers or do you sell it all at gigs & bandcamp? Ted
  5. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll keep you posted.
  6. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1421577468' post='2662763'] Can't help but your local to me so is be interested to know who and what you are planning to record if you have any thing planned yet? [/quote] Thanks. Initially I'll be putting some of my own stuff out and also looking for other music that I think is interesting, original, unusual or has something to say. I know that sounds a bit vague right now but it will become clearer
  7. I have plans to start a small record label, releases will be digital and vinyl. I have experience with recording, mastering, pressing, packaging etc. What I don't have any knowledge of is distribution and how payments work with distributers, shops etc. There are undoubtably other things I don't know, but I don't know that I don't know them yet..!? Does anyone here have experience of running a label? Any advice much appreciated.
  8. [quote name='organic' timestamp='1420723806' post='2652559'] Thanks to everyone for all the advice. I think when the strings need changing I'll try a set of flats. As for the recording setup, I'm currently using a DI box into a focusrite saffire audio interface. A pre-amp (or maybe a bass practice amp with a line out?) would probably make a huge difference. Particularly as the other problem I'm having is that I'm having to turn the gain up pretty high but then if I accidentally play a string too hard it just goes straight into the red. May try a compressor pedal in the interim. [/quote] What are you recording into? Logic? Garageband? You don't need to record at a very high level (i.e. keep it well out of the red) - if you're in either of those two DAWs then get the recording in and try some of the preset 'bass guitar' settings on the channel. They add compression and eq, amp sims etc, and some are very good. You can tweak to taste.
  9. Solved this... Seems like either of these is a better solution as they output at line level, not mic level: http://whirlwindusa.com/catalog/black-boxes-effects-and-dis/transformers-isolation-devices/isopod http://whirlwindusa.com/catalog/black-boxes-effects-and-dis/transformers-isolation-devices/isopod2-isopod2hw
  10. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1421429125' post='2661162'] Just made a call to Chandlers. They've binned their Plek machine due to varying results. [/quote] Is that Chandlers in Kew, or Charlie Chandlers in Hampton Wick? I have read that Chandlers in Kew don't rate the Plek process (but I think I also read somewhere they didn't have a very good machine), however I had a bass Plek'd and setup and Charlie Chandlers about 3 months ago and they described the process in very glowing terms!?
  11. Can anyone more electrically minded than me please help?! I want to have the stereo output from my laptop go to a [b]single[/b] active Genelec speaker. I read that you need to do the mono summing in a certain way, not just use a reversed 'y' lead. So I was thinking of using this Radial Engineering SB5 that is designed to mono-sum a laptop signal and output a signal through the XLR so it can be plugged into a mixing desk. http://www.radialeng.com/stagebugsb5.php But I don't want to go into a mixing desk, I want to put it into the XLR input of the Genelec 8020. Is the SB5 still good for this? I don't know if a mixing desk requires a different signal to an active speaker. Thanks! Ted
  12. [quote name='2stringsmcginty' timestamp='1421146448' post='2657552'] I've got a music book for one of my favourite bands (Switchfoot) I'll dig that out and get playing. I'm guessing I can find a metronome app for iPhone. Probably take a few attempts to get metronome in time with the CD! [/quote] you don't put the metronome and the song on at the same time. set the metronome to a slow tempo (50bpm) sit in a darkened room (optional!), count 1 2 3 4 so that your '1' is on the click. nice and steady and even, play a note on the 1. do this for 10 mins. then play the note on the 1 and 3, do this for 10 mins. then play the note on the 1, 2, 3, 4. do this for 10 mins. My prescription is once a day for two weeks. Dr Manzie
  13. [quote name='2stringsmcginty' timestamp='1421143262' post='2657490'] I used to play drums but struggled with timing, coordinating 4 things going on at once was hard and I could just manage to keep the beat, I could not do a fill and drop back into time or offer much variation beyond switching from hi hat to ryde I am dyspraxic - found out when I was 21 after I'd learnt to do many things I apparently shouldn't be able to do so I accept it may take longer for me to crack, but it's not impossible. [/quote] My friend has this, it screws his timing up playing guitar, but he's got much better. I would say keep the bass lines very simple, learn the changes and don't be tempted to flower it up with fills or things. Play it straight and get to know it so well that when you change chords you know it's coming rather than hearing the band change and then changing, which will obviously mess things up.
  14. I had an LM3 before my TH500, and also play a P with TI-Flats (actually trying out LaBella low tension flats at the moment). I used to fiddle around with the LM3's VLE and VPF knobs quite a lot to get the sound I wanted (and I did like the sound). I picked up a second hand Tonehammer pedal here and really liked it in combination with the LM3, but decided that it would be simpler to sell both and get a TH500. The TH500 is a bit less cluttered as it doesn't have so many tone knobs, so if keeping it simple floats your boat (I prefer simple) then there's one reason. The other is that it has the 'drive' control which, as Lozz mentioned, can be useful if you want to get some overdrive (from subtle to quite fierce). Also has a mute button. Both have a DI output but I don't think the TH500 has a level control on the DI out. Tone-wise I could probably get more 'sub' from the LM3 using the VLE knob, but other than that I wouldn't say I noticed a whole lot of difference, and I never had them side by side. They both seemed to do a good job. I was more attracted to the 'keeping it simple' idea and also I was using an Aguilar cab so it appealed to me to have them both by the same company I hardly do any gigs so I'm not best placed to comment on the live sound.
  15. Interesting, thanks
  16. How tricky is the MS20 Kit to construct? I was also very interested in the new Moog 37, have you tried one of those? Seems like Moog have suddenly got the price/features right - the 37s seem to be in very high demand, back ordered for ages. I've not been able to try one yet, but the reviews seem very promising. I'm interested in this Arp too.
  17. Thanks for the review. What are your approx settings? Do you have much of the 'drive' control engaged?
  18. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1420472900' post='2649700'] I think the black one is a Fender JV, not a Squier JV? Not the same thing, although I am not entirely sure what the difference is. One popped up here a while ago. Edit to make more sense - a Fender with a JV serial number, as opposed to a Squier or the early Fender logo'd 'Squier Series'. I think I read sometime that these were for the domestic market and not export. But I could have made that bit up [/quote] Oh yes I didn't notice the Fender logo, I guess the domestic market thing explains why it isn't a JV0--- serial (I thought Fender logo JVs were all 0 serial)
  19. [quote name='fingerz' timestamp='1420462074' post='2649536'] They do ! I have one (a '62 version) from 82. I can't vouch for the colour, although many others above have. But otherwise it looks genuine, and a rare colour too! Everything else is exactly the same as mine. The only thing, if you are really anal and want it original, is to check the pots are CTS pots. I can't see it written on them in the pic, but it looks great otherwise. CTS pots are the originals as I understand, and were fitted to vintage Fenders too. Good luck, I'm happy with mine, their rep is well deserved. [/quote] My JV doesn't have MIJ on the neck heel, and neither does the red one in the listing. I'm wondering if it got introduced on the last batches before they became SQ serial? I have an SQ too and it's a very different feel.
  20. I have a studio for my work, a smallish industrial unit with various DIY acoustic treatment - cloud, traps etc. I'm looking for a professional to help me analyse the room, help with room nodes, speaker position, analyse if my treatment is working etc. Anyone here do that or know a good professional? I'm based in SW London / Surrey. btw I have been on Gearslutz, had lots of advice etc. The main thing is I can feasibly do the room analysis myself but the readings don't mean much to me so I'd like a professional to help! I will pay of course.
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1420459198' post='2649480'] Yes. It means it was made in Japan *Swish.. Genius* [/quote] ha! very funny
  22. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1420453242' post='2649408'] As previously mentioned looks genuine. Looks like a JV collector when looking at other items for sale. [/quote] Well spotted! And the black JV-P he's selling has the original certificate and manual Never seen those before [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/1984-Fender-JV-Precision-Bass-not-squier-black-COLLECTORS-LOOK-/271728461556?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item3f444746f4"]http://www.ebay.com/...=item3f444746f4[/url] [edit] although I see it has 'Made in Japan' on the neck - they normally don't, which I presume means something to somebody more knowledgable than me.
  23. Very Christmassy! Looks good to me. There was a red JV Jazz on here a while back. Funky colour
  24. $149 ! Are you kidding! I wouldn't even plug my kettle in with that. You need one of these mate, 2m UK 3pin kettle lead for [b]£2,499.98[/b] http://www.futureshop.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=5105#.VJnzE7BA Now we're talking!
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