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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1419122506' post='2636880'] this is the best hip hop record ever recorded imo.. there i said it. funny, i love so many epic hip hop records. . White Lines is great, PE is up there. but its no Grand MasterFlash. its such an Epic hip hop record.. when ever i think of the essence of hip hop its this record. . [/quote] Good call! The best hip hop record in my humble opinion is Rammellzee and K-Rob from 83, nothing like it before or since and still sounds amazing: [media]http://youtu.be/9I56Kkxh_os[/media]
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419178277' post='2637253'] Anyone else a fan? [/quote] Yes! His first autobiography is excellent and a real insight into being in a great band. (But the second one is unbelievably dull)
  3. the photos have disappeared in both your tele ads
  4. The BBC4 programme was ridiculous. It had some good footage but I've rarely witnessed such shoddy journalism on BBC4 - it basically started by stating that the only black music in the 60s was the 'vanilla pop' (??) of Motown so James Brown created funk all by himself when he wrote Cold Sweat. That was it all over and done in the first 5 mins. Then we went to Sly & the Family Stone.
  5. i'll take these PM'd
  6. good idea! i've only got one amp but i like the idea.
  7. Ok I strung the P with the LaBella LTs! I actually got a dodgy A string which is all rough like it's not wound properly and not nice and smooth like the other 3 so bassdirect are sending me a new A to replace. Tension wise these are a little bit tighter than TI's to fret, and they don't do the rubber band thing that the TI's tend to do when plucked. I actually much prefer the feel but unfortunately even this minor difference in tension has got the old left arm hurting again, so it seems like I'm really 'stuck' with the TIs being the only flats I can play and the LaBellas are likely to be in the classifieds pretty soon... As they have only had two hours use I don't want to conclude anything about the sound. My initial impressions are that they are a bit more classic Motown sounding - maybe a bit deeper, whereas the TIs have a slightly more upper mid woody sound (slightly). I tend to use a pick and the LaBellas seem to sound a bit better than the TIs with a pick. Fingerstyle (which I'm not very good at) was very similar to my ears, but I like to play fingers with the tone rolled right off anyway so there's not much in it even with new LaBellas v old TIs. SImilar gauges between both. If I didn't have the sore left arm I'd keep the LaBellas as I like the 'twangier' feel for the picking hand.
  8. Just bought a Fulltone OCDv4 on this forum, it has a great overdrive sound! Certainly better than my Maxon OD9 pro+ However I was after a just a tiny touch of overdrive to my funky Strat clean sound and the OCD (in fact [i]all[/i] my overdrives/distortions) remove some of the thickness and 'snap' from the sound even when they are barely overdriving. I figured I'd give a blender a go so I could mix a touch of OD in parallel with my clean signal. Couldn't stretch to the Xotic blender so went for a Boss LS-2. After about 25 minutes trying to work out how to do it I finally figured it out. Success! A perfect (for me) blend of OD without losing any of the clean snap. In fact it opens up a load of new sounds - you can really ramp up the OD but only mix in a [i]tiny[/i] bit to the clean sound which gives a new kind of clean/thick sound all together. This is the same way that 'parallel compression' is quite a thing in the production world - mixing in a touch of super compressed drums to the clean drums for massive drums. Just thought I'd report back. Cheers Ted
  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1416228909' post='2608078'] An ideal evening in my books! Will try and sort something out over that way Cheers bud. The La Bella Low Tensions felt great on the Precision I had a quick play on, but as mentioned, the the TI's have more options for gauges. Cheers Si [/quote] TIs only have one option for gauge
  10. And another innocent read of a Basschat thread costs me money…! Now I've gone and bought the LaBellas to try out… Will report back.
  11. I'd be interested in the comparison too - I tried LaBella's lightest flats (760FX - 039 to 096) but they were still higher tension than TI's and flared up my tendon issues, although i really liked the sound. I've only just heard of these low tension labella's. I can't imagine the LaBella's will be lower tension than TI's though, TI's are amazingly easy to play.
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1415730614' post='2603192'] I can see the JJC connection but he was doing this sort of stuff over 35 years ago and was brilliant at it. Can't see the need for another but then again i never got the whole Oasis thing either. For anyone who didn't get to see or hear JCC at his pomp then i suppose it could be exciting stuff. Just one of the problems of old age. Been there, heard that. [/quote] i think the music is the essential ingredient that makes it 'new', it is basic but at its best has an urgency more related to punk and post punk than hip hop. the lyricist i sleaford mods has been around for ages apparently but it wasn't till he hooked up with the beat making chap that it got much interest. anyone like those basic basslines?!
  13. i'll take the OCD - PM'd
  14. My thoughts exactly, took me a couple of goes to get it, and then it was irresistible. Most exciting band I've heard for years. Saw them in Brighton a few weeks ago, I didn't have my hopes up as I've seen a lot of MC's with a DJ and it's generally not very compelling, but this was completely different. Even more basic (pressing 'start' on a laptop for every song) but he is such a ferocious front man, it was excellent. I'm going to Electric Ballroom in Jan.
  15. Sleaford Mods, they won't be everyone's cup of tea that's for sure but I'm a big fan. Angry and basic. Real bass (albeit looped) on a lot of their tunes, reminded me that bass fills (and drum fills) are often just getting in the way... [btw, explicit lyrics if you're at work or easily offended, or both!…] [media]http://youtu.be/Wi-JClH7DZ0[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/jcvBMyy8a7c[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/Mcb4kDqJP4Y[/media]
  16. out of interest, why do you have eight OC-2s? is there a difference? or were you octaving the octave down to sub subsonic territory!….
  17. NOW SOLD Friend of mine bought these and has double booked with his Mum's 70th. [b]Level 42 Royal Albert Hall Sunday 26th Oct - stalls x 2[/b] Will need to special delivery these to you today - 4.30pm Friday in order for the post office to guarantee saturday delivery. Face value £35 each, guaranteed delivery included = £70 total OR MAKE ME AN OFFER! PM me if you fancy it.
  18. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1413837098' post='2582665'] To allow the sale to go ahead is disgraceful - once again I'm amazed at how immoral eBay has become. Despite several reports of foul play this person has been able to sell an obvious fake. Initially I thought the seller was unaware that the instrument was bogus but having been told that the bass was not a real Fender they have chosen to ignore the friendly advice and have gone through with a sale. Surely that constitutes a fraudulent sale? [/quote] It's quite a weird one. He's got 100% feedback with about 500 transactions, and he seems to be reasonably clued up about basses - taking it to bits and carefully photographing it, but showing exactly the parts that give it away as a fake. It doesn't even look like a Fender, let alone a vintage Fender. If he was a genuine con artist surely he would have at least used a Fender?? But I agree - even if he is genuinely clueless he should have taken the listing down after the 'advice' and relisted as 'sold as seen - i don't know what this is'... I agree that ebay should have taken down the listing. What a mess.
  19. [b]Akai MPC4000 mint condition[/b] 272GB ram, 80GB HD, ADAT and digital board installed ( IB-48P and IB-4ADT expansion boards), 8-analogue-outs + L/R +digital out, USB ports x 2. Additional mini keyboard included for easier file name input. Original manual + sample disks. Latest OS This is THE most powerful MPC ever made - it was the last one before Akai switched to Numark ownership. It is basically a Z-series sampler (last akai hardware sampler) in an MPC. Apart from the RAM (which can be expanded from the current 272GB to 512 GB) it is fully expanded with all the additional boards, outputs etc. It has had very light use in its life and is in [b]mint[/b] condition. The pads are perfect and work 100% with no double triggers at all. It had a new akai jogwheel installed (previous jogwheel had a minor issue) when I bought it as well as all the expansion boards. Screen is bright and 100%. Basically this was my fantasy project to get a fully expanded MPC4000 into my studio but I am simply not using it as I am too tied to my DAW+Logic. It is a brilliant machine, and a hardware sample tweaker's paradise - tonnes of filters, routing possibilities, LFOs, sample stacking etc. If you are after an MPC 4k you will not find a better example than this. Collection preferred from Kingston (KT2 6EN) but could organise courier for cost. PIC is just for illustration, but can organise as many pics as you want to see. ________________________ Two MIDI inputs and four MIDI outputs Built-in USB and SCSI interface for external drives USB Slave port for connection to a Windows or Mac OS computer with the free akSys sofware 10 analog outputs, and/or 10 digital outputs with installed IB-48P and IB-4ADT expansion boards XLR and 1/4" stereo analog inputs and outputs with 24bit/96kHz AD/DA converter Phono inputs with RIAA preamp for direct connection of a turntable WordClock input for integration with other digital device Flexible Master/Slave synchronization capabilities: MIDI clock, MTC, MMC and built-in SMPTE Two assignable footswitch inputs Extensive sample editing that includes cut and paste, timestretch, slice, resampling etc., with waveform display Dynamic resonant multi-mode filters, 3 envelope generators and 2 LFOs for each of the 64 voices Six Q-Link sliders and knobs for real-time control over a wide variety of dynamic changes Internal 4-bus multi-FX processor See more at: [url="http://www.akaipro.com/product/mpc4000#features"]http://www.akaipro.c...pc4000#features[/url]
  20. USA Precision with a Jazz neck. Fender saved!
  21. Track down a 32" scale, it's a great size. I had a 32" P Bass I wish i'd hung onto - light, easy to play, and sounded great. 30" is much more guitar-like in feel from the one's I've tried.
  22. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1413573529' post='2579831'] Carol Kaye's own educational material on this is great. Did you know she also gives lessons by Skype? Check out her website if you haven't already. [/quote] i've read her Q&As, but I read reviews of her books suggesting they were aimed at the better player? i did see she did Skype but I would feel like I was literally wasting her time... Would like to hear more of her stories though!
  23. Thanks for all your contributions, very helpful so far
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