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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410767199' post='2552751'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Next up for discussion ... the WEM Copycat.[/size][/font][/color] [size=3][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]...up for discussion ... the WEM Copycat.[/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]...for discussion ... the WEM Copycat.[/font][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]...ussion ... the WEM Copycat.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] ha ha
  2. I used to work with a 16 track reel to reel sync'd to cubase with SMPTE (late 90's) I wouldn't go back to recording on multitrack tape now, crikey, what a nightmare! And slaving a Umatic video machine to cubase in order to make sound to picture, gives me the heebee jeebies! The thing I find with recording to digital (Logic) is that you have to initially spend some time creating a useful starting template and make sure all your leads, patch bay, preamps etc are all hooked up so you always know what channel they are on and all that kind of thing. If you get that right, then normally it shouldn't be any time at all to start a recording. But if tape is good for you then have fun!
  3. Stetsasonic - Talkin All That Jazz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfTSGErOWGY
  4. i've bought all my vinyl for that reason
  5. I read the article, very interesting! As for the Peavy - I assume the thickest lacquer is the on body so you would think that has the main impact on tone. But who knows…
  6. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1406621189' post='2512984'] What are you going to use to clean and preserve the wood from now on? I ask because I have a genuinely worn through neck. [/quote] sorry just saw this - I'm not sure if I've sanded right through to the wood or if there is a little varnish left on, but it has such a good feel i'm tempted to give it a little extra sand to make sure i'm through to the bare wood. i don't know if maple requires any preservation oil or wax as it is such a hard and tight grained wood. The Roadworns I have picked up and some other bare wood necks (Charvel did one recently) seem to be untreated wood and consequently do get in-grained dirt, but I like that look so I think I'll be leaving mine untreated. I might be kidding myself on but I could swear it sounds better with the sanded neck?! I'm tempted to do the body but that is thick poly so would be quite a task...
  7. I always like the feel of the 'road worn' Fender guitars I pick up, and put it partly down to the bare ('worn out') necks. I finally took the plunge and sanded the back of the neck of my 80s Strat Plus. Easy to do and I have to say I'm loving it. So if you're in the same boat, I say get the sand paper out!
  8. Korg Monotron Duo! €38 http://www.thomann.de/gb/korg_monotron_duo.htm
  9. The cure for my reoccurring GAS has been to get down to one of everything - one bass, one guitar. It's quite a relief!
  10. I have found that[i] very[/i] old and dirty roundwounds sound great on a P-Bass. I doubt manufacturer makes much difference when they're that knackered.
  11. I think the phrase here might be 'false economy' !
  12. OK, this isn't for me but a friend (honest) is putting on a street party for the World Cup final and is screening the match on a big screen. He was going to hire some active speakers but has found these Skytec actives on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/181316462279 He would like to use the PA for future street party events - bands etc. I am [i]very very[/i] doubtful about 2 x 800 watt active speakers for £150 new, but hey maybe they are ok?! Anyone here ever used these? Personally I would hire some decent actives, but he's keen on buying.
  13. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1402956663' post='2478367'] Would you all say that the TI's have a looser tension than the La Bella DTFs? Considering putting a set on one of my Precision basses - currently have DTFs on two Jazz Basses and sometimes find the tension a bit heavy. [/quote] Yes they are much less tension including the lightest LaBellas (extra light 039 - 096)
  14. Amp is SOLD ProAc Studio 100 speakers still fore sale, will take £800 delivered
  15. do you go right through to the wood?
  16. Has anyone here relic'd the back of their neck just to make it feel nice, (as opposed to just looking old?) Every time I pick up a nicely relic'd guitar or bass I find myself wishing the necks on mine were like that. The thick poly varnish on my bass and guitar neck shows no sign of wear even after 30 years!
  17. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1401549809' post='2464655'] Which synth does the fattest bass sounds? [/quote] Good question. I don't know about the OP, but my Moog Minitaur is Fat! With a PH. Phfat.
  18. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1399664027' post='2446529'] About a blend pot: I rewire all my strats to have the first tone as a master and the second tone to blend the neck PU with the bridge in pos 5 or with bridge + middle in pos 4. Having the tone control the bridge pickup also takes the really sharp edge out out of it, even when on max, and using the second tone control for this purpose is definitely recommended regardless of what other mods you make. [/quote] Is this basically the same mod as the LFralin blend pot? [url="http://www.fralinpickups.com/images/blendschem2.jpg"]http://www.fralinpic...blendschem2.jpg[/url] Or do you achieve it in a different way? Seems like a good mod. I'm interested in being able to get the bridge/neck sound - I switched the pickups round in my other strat to be able to achieve that - there's another thread about that here.
  19. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1399643364' post='2446239'] My techs are big into these guitars and have even gone to trouble of buying all Japanese tools for their work. they showed me their tools and the difference is like that between a master's samurai sword and a cheap blunt instrument from Wal-Mart....hence the better build and finishing. [/quote] Crikey!
  20. Thanks, nice pics! Mine looks exactly like that (except it's more worn and discoloured). Yours has more pronounced grain. maybe it's ash? I've researched the MIJ / CIJ thing before regarding various basses, and it's just a change of name - pre 97 is MIJ, post 97 is CIJ, post 2007 is back to MIJ - there is no difference in manufacture as far as I can establish. However they may have tweaked the spec of the 54ri's over the years. Some posts I've read say that Fender stamped saddles indicate a higher spec'd 54ri. I took the pickguard off and it's routed for 3 x single coils as it should be, but nothing written on the PUs to indicate what they are.
  21. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1399639546' post='2446155'] glad to have saved you some money too.....when are you getting the beers in, then?!!!! [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1399639450' post='2446151'] Also......if that one at Chandlers was a 54, you did very well indeed. By all the accounts I have heard the MIJ 54 is the best of the 50s RI Strats. In fact I have read somewhere that they were so good that Fender USA banned Fender Japan from exporting any of their high end guitars at all from Japan, which is why these lovely Strats are now so rare and sought after. [/quote] as far as i can tell it is a 54ri, made in 1997/98 (CIJ A004620) it has the soft V solid maple neck, vintage frets, 2TSB, fender stamped saddles, single ply white guard, round string tree, 7.25 radius, alder body. could be a 57ri maybe, or some other 50s model, don't know how to tell 100%
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