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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. This! > http://youtu.be/G1KhY2FDBzs
  2. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1394964479' post='2397065'] Lots of people are using the terms "correct" and "incorrect" with regards playing with a pick. There is no definitive technique, but there are tried and (generally) trusted ones. Carol Kaye has being playing bass with a pick for fifty plus years and has never suffered from doing so. The problem with CTS and RSI is that they take a long time to show themselves. So just because a person has being playing in a certain way, and is not experiencing problems [i]NOW[/i], does not mean that they wont in time. IMO a technique which delivers fifty years of injury free playing (in her early days she played for up to fifteen hours a day), while not guarenteed, is a safe bet. While it is neither correct or incorrect, it's track record should at least convince people to give it some consideration. [/quote] I agree, I would definitely start with her technique as a model. I like to palm mute, and she doesn't, but I'm sure she's right seeing as she is brilliant and I am crap. She favours the 'taping a couple of layers of felt strip over the bridge' to stop resonances but it isn't to achieve the same sound as palm muting, it is a very subtle thing that just dulls the overtones and brings out the fundamental. She says it is essential for recording.
  3. IMO the most difficult thing to grasp (ha!) when starting with a pick is how to hold it. All the other things like weight and size are easy to change later, but it is very important to get going with correct technique as it will be very difficult to correct a bad hold. The most natural, [i][b]but incorrect[/b][/i], way to hold it is like you are pinching it between your thumb and first finger. The correct way to hold it is with the side of your first finger and thumb, like these pics show:
  4. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1394790843' post='2395204'] Come on: Make your mind up!! [/quote] Doh! Sorry, I mean't to delete 'always'
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1394723407' post='2394440'] Again, that's totally cool. But you have to be aware that not everyone on here knows that. So if someone makes an attempt at a haggle, they are not necessarily being unfriendly. As some others have already said on this thread (and other similar ones in the past), they add a bit onto their target price in the knowledge that sellers might try to beat them down. Some people clearly state "no offers" or "firm price" or similar. I wouldn't dream of making a low offer in those cases. That [b][i]would[/i][/b] be rude. I see it as a bit of a game - but not with every interaction. If it is clear to me that someone does not want to enter into a discussion I will quickly either offer them what they want or walk away. Either way, I don't think it is a big issue. [/quote] I agree. I have bought (and sold) loads of stuff on this site, and usually always for a bit less than it was advertised for. Some things I sold knowing I wanted pretty much the asking price, some other things I was just glad to get shot (eg. effects pedals that I didn't get on with) of so took a lot less than I'd put it up for. The hassle is doing the pictures, but once they are done it is usually quite satisfying to sell it and wave it goodbye .
  6. Ian bough my Hiscox case. Nice chap to deal with, very good transaction, thanks
  7. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1394342982' post='2390449'] Yes, big difference 2 of those compared to 1. You can get away with using 1, but you won't believe the difference till you hear it for yourself. [/quote] I had two, just sold one! I wanted a smaller setup. I don't want to start gassing after another one so I'm off to have a cup of tea and forget I even read this thread
  8. Just thought I'd report my TH500 arrived, and it's brilliant! Fender Precision with TI flats into the TH500 into an Aguilar GS112. I play with knobs full up on the bass, treble off on the amp, slight mid cut, sounds great and exactly what I'm after. Nice blue led's and a mute switch too, what more could you want!
  9. Trouble with Sound On Sound is that it costs £4.99 to buy and then another few hundred quid when you 'realise' that you [i]must have[/i] the mic/synth/compressor/plugin on test that month!
  10. I bought this jack to jack bass speaker lead about 6 months ago but now I've changed my setup and I don't need it. It is a very good quality lead and well made. Here is the original listing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1m-1-4-Jack-to-Jack-Guitar-Amp-Cabinet-PA-Speaker-Lead-Klotz-Cable-2-5mm-Ampeg-/261095229207?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:3160 I'll sell it for £10 posted Cheers Ted
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394184054' post='2388739'] See, Morrissey might be a twat but lyrically and vocally what he does in The Smiths is unmitigated genius as far as I'm concerned. People keep telling me they don't like him but my brain cannot comprehend that concept. Its a bit like saying "there are no foods that I like" or "I don't like reading". I mean, sure, you can think that if you like...but, what??? [/quote] +1
  12. The Smiths were beyond brilliant. I believe you'll need a bit of chorus on some of those basslines!
  13. [attachment=156953:Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 16.23.26.png] here's a screen grab to help
  14. You don't have [b]send[/b] effects on the master channel in Logic, but you can [b]insert[/b] effects on the master channel and automate the wet/dry. Using group channels would be my preferred option as it's more flexible.
  15. you need to direct all those tracks through another channel, usually called a bus or group channel. for example it is common practice to have a 'drum group' and 'guitars group' etc. you then apply the effect (send to an effect) from that group channel. i can be more logic-specific if this doesn't make sense.
  16. I assume it is alder, as it is light - 7lbs 15oz, and resonant.
  17. Thanks guys, now you've really got me wondering whether to hang onto it! I do love the kit, and you're right Dingus - the amp is built like a tank. The new monitors have arrived today so I need to get those hooked up and compare. Maybe the ATC and ProAcs can come home. Ms Manzie will be impressed I'm sure
  18. Bought a lead from Gareth, very good chap to deal with
  19. Jose bought my MarkBass LM3. Excellent transaction, great comms. Thanks! Ted
  20. Just sold my MarkBass LM3 and ToneHammer Pre/DI Pedal and spent it on a Tone Hammer 500 Looking forward to it
  21. Anyone going to this tonight? [url="http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/michael-henderson-norman-con-81178"]http://www.southbank...orman-con-81178[/url] I just saw it and it seems like there are plenty of tickets still available Seems a bit pricey to me (£17.50 to £35) but that seems to be the way of gigs these days. I'm in two minds about whether to give it a whirl...
  22. ATC amp now sold so looking for £800 delivered for ProAc speakers [b]ProAc Studio 100s[/b] Standard in many pro studios (Michael Brauer uses a pair), and would also be an excellent pair of hifi speakers. Mine are cherry finish. They are all original and have only been used in my studio at average listening levels. They sound superb. I bought them new about 3 years ago from a ProAc dealer. Current retail price for a pair of these is around £1400. As far as I am aware these are unique in the ProAc range having originally been made for the pro market rather than domestic. ProAc discontinued them a few years ago but brought them back following demand from the pro studio market. These are in MINT condition and I have the original boxes and packaging. Info: [url="http://www.proac-loudspeakers.com/html_files/Speakers.php?Range=Studio&Speaker=Studio100"]http://www.proac-lou...eaker=Studio100[/url] Any questions please fire away. Ted
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