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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1384611307' post='2278713'] I think the OP's title is a bit misleading, and is maybe leading people off track. [/quote] Sorry , I thought there were only two techniques (anchored on the pickup vs floating thumb - by which I mean anchoring thumb on the string above the one you're plucking). Apologies for any confusion! Scott Devine explains it in the video below, the thumb anchors on the string [i]above the one you are plucking[/i], and also rests on the other strings to mute them. In practice I find I don't need to go as far as resting the thumb on the D string. (skip to 06:40 if you're interested in what I'm trying to badly explain!) [media]http://youtu.be/yDSAd29kJ0o[/media]
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1384609044' post='2278661'] There have been many threads on this. Many of the "top" players anchor their thumb. Go through Youtube. You'll find hardly any "floating" thumbs. It doesn't hurt anyones playing styles so do what comes naturally to you. [/quote] I've read several threads but I'm not talking about floating vs anchored, its specifically how to deal with the E when you are already using floating technique. Couldn't find the exact info I was after. I can't work out how to mute the strings properly using the fully anchored technique so I didn't pursue it! ("if at first you don't succeed, give up")
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1384606796' post='2278617'] I float all the time - I never rest on the pickup. [/quote] so when playing on the E do you push against the body with your thumb/hand for a bit of stability, lightly press, or literally hover without touching the bass?
  4. I've been trying to move from pick playing to alternate-finger fingerstyle, and it's coming along ok. String muting is easier for me using floating thumb (combined with left hand muting), so I'm sticking with that. The problem is I'm not finding it very natural to anchor on the pickup (P-bass) when playing on the E string. Partly because my pickup is screwed nearly to the body so there isn't much to anchor on, and also because i tend to pluck a bit more towards the bridge. So I have been 'floating' while playing the E string, kind of resting my hand on the body. But I can tell that its not very easy to be consistent when using that 'technique' and it tends to be sloppy. So my question is whether to learn to anchor on the pickup when playing the E and just get used to it, or stick with hovering above the E and try to make it work?
  5. [quote name='Oggy' timestamp='1384432814' post='2276581'] Hi Guys I've recently got my hands on a 32" Scale Jap Fender Jazz - I love it. It's not just the shorter neck scale that I love, it also has a scaled down body so that it looks in proportion. I'm wondering if any of you basschaters know of a 32" scale P-Bass - do / did / has Fender (or anyone else for that matter) ever produced one ?? Oggy [/quote] i've got a 32" precision MIJ squier from 1984. has the most fantastic neck, weight is very light, and sounds great - although i should add it doesn't sound as good as my full size P.
  6. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1384552544' post='2278219'] IMHO there's a difference between a bass "solo" and a bass break in the middle eight. Free's "All right now" springs to mind. The break is short, in keeping with what went before and maintains the rhythm of the song. Same with many drum "solos". Too often a bass solo is used as an excuse for the bass player to gurn to hell and back and play, badly, what a guitarist could do whilst yawning, and bears little relationship to what went before or goes after. Jazz is, of course, an exception Steve [/quote] good point. i actually really like 'bass breaks', in the same way that i love 'drum breaks', and don't really care for 'drum solos'...
  7. this is great! i can't read music and my theory is elementary but it was still fascinating!
  8. Millions of people like guitar solos. Bass solos are best left to the jazz scene where on average only 12 people will have to suffer them at one time...
  9. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1382792082' post='2256605'] Incidentally, has anyone ever tried the TI roundwounds? If so, what are your thoughts on them?[/quote] I have, the guage is so light that they felt totally strange! Very very light to play. I couldn't really comment on the sound as I took them off after a few hours as I couldn't get on with them at all. I usually play TI Flats btw.
  10. Bought a Precision from John. Very good communication and very well packaged, arrived the next day. Thanks.
  11. Dan bought my Avalon U5. Very easy to deal with and super fast payment. Thanks, Ted
  12. Graeme bought my Comfort Strapp in an A+ transaction. Thanks Ted
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1383773558' post='2269053'] Every key has one each of A B C D E F G with sharps and flats added as appropriate. For example, C major has C D E F G A B with no flats or sharps. E major has E F# G# A B C# D# E - and thats the way to write it - there needs to be an A natural so there can't also be an Ab, and there needs to be a G but it is in fact a G#. [/quote] I still don't really understand why we don't have ABCDEFGHIJK, but your explanation has helped! But what happens if you are playing a scale with more than 7 notes?
  14. [b]Original Comfort Strapp Pro Bass Short[/b] 33"-37" (84 - 94cm) £25 posted (uk) Light home use, I've only had it a couple of months - I found it slightly short for my needs so I just replaced it with the longer version. Best straps I've tried, ultra comfortable without being bulky at all. [url="http://www.comfortstrapp.com"]http://www.comfortstrapp.com[/url]
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1383383234' post='2263781'] Does anyone else play.? i had an old Yamaha M06 and too be honest it wasnt for me. went out and tried this and it is superb. its a Yamaha P35b. the weighted keys are very close to the real thing. and Yamaha's grand piano sounds are really great. The Rhodes is nice, can also use it as a controller board. 88 Keys, 10 voices, reverb and other effects, nice and simple. and came witha really posh stand unit and padded bag. what i really wanted was a Nord but i canny afford it [/quote] How are you getting on with the P35 now you've had it a few days? Any more to report? I was thinking of getting one for home - for the kids to play, and maybe one as a controller keyboard for the studio. How usable are the built in speakers?
  16. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1383585035' post='2266222'] I still have my old guitar amp but I need to check it still works! If not then I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. [/quote] by the way it isn't my amp!
  17. don't forget the practice amp! this is on the forum at the moment for £20! http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217849-kustom-dart-10fx-combo-amp-with-reverb-delay-l20/
  18. As a self employed producer/writer for commercial music, I could feasibly join all these: [b]Musicians Union[/b], [b]BASCA[/b] (British Academy of Songwriters, Composers, Authors), [b]PCAM[/b] (The Society for Producers and Composers of Applied Music), and I expect there are more? I don't actually belong to any of them right now (I belong to PRS and MCPS for royalty collection purposes). but I've been wondering if these societies have any major benefits? The fees aren't huge, but taken together it's quite substantial as an ongoing yearly expense - MU - £183, BASCA - £165, PCAM - £150. It's not easy to tell the benefits by reading the websites. What do you think? Do you find them useful? Is the MU better for gigging musicians? Any others you would recommend? Cheers
  19. nice! i was just thinking of getting one of these for the studio.
  20. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1383139728' post='2260637'] I do agree that english is not my main language so maybe something was "lost in translation", I cannot notice anywhere where I mention that I would leave a buyer alone if anything was to happen during shipping. This thread is about refunding, not damaged item. Yes I do understand that If there if something happens in shipping I am responsible for sorting it out. That is why I ask professional packers to send basses I sell. It is relatively pricey (100 euro on average for JUST packing , custom made for the bass or item i haev in the past sometimes covered this at MY cost to have a happy buyer), but I have never had a single trouble with destroyed basses by shipping companies. I was often "blamed" for taking pictures of dings that buyers would "not seen it if you had not mentioned it" I personally will not refund, I think the buyer has a millions chances to listen to what the pedal does with youtube.Com or I can provide sound clips of any basses. If the Buyer has a change of heart it is not my problem. [/quote] i think we are talking at crossed purposes i agree, i wouldn't refund someone either just because they decided they didn't like it.
  21. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1383071358' post='2259884'] I personally state in all sale that its final and that buyer understand I am not responsible for anything that may happen during shipping. Yes I do understand some people disagree with that. How am I to know what's going on once the item is received? o Unless is it a trusted member who I have done deals with before I will never refund anyone. simple..... ;-) [/quote] you aren't responsible for what happens during shipping but you are responsible for sorting it out. if you buy something from John Lewis and it arrives broken do you think you would be happy if they said it's your job to sort it out??! you can state what you like in your advert but that doesn't make it acceptable
  22. i would expect that the process would be for the buyer to return it to the seller, the seller confirms it isn't working and refunds the cost, (including the cost of returning it i suppose). put it down to one of things that happens every now and again.
  23. Logic uses AU plugs exclusively so the vst3 tip won't apply unfortunately, but I think you can automate them to be turned on and off, I've not tried this actually. One thing I forgot t mention was that some 3rd party instruments and plugs are very high CPU hogs, I have a particularly bad one by MOTU, so keep an eye on which if any are causing issues! Working at 88k or 96k is a bad hog too, so work at 44 or 48 if you're not already.
  24. Hi, ok I'll buy yours if that's ok. If pmd you. Cheers
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