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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. i wish i'd hung onto mine
  2. got your new message and replied, thanks
  3. i didn't get a reply to my PM brother jones (sent 3.11pm!), can you check you sent?
  4. i've been experimenting with heavier strings and drop D tuning. replaced my usual TI flats with these LaBella 760FS, and they sound really great (better than the TIs in my opinion). however i the higher tension has flared up my left arm tendonitis even in drop D, so i have to reluctantly go back to the TIs. carefully strung, destrung, and now re-packed - the LaBellas have had about 2 hours use total on a Precision. i cut 2 inches from the E, but they have very long ends so there is loads on there. [b]£28 posted [/b] (£38 new from bass direct)
  5. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1372546583' post='2127159'] But did you see the female bass player with the see through top and the sparkly black bra ? Definite highlight of the PS set for me! [/quote] yes i did agreed
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1372546366' post='2127153'] If you want the look perhaps One Direction is going to be more your thing. I would take the music over the look anyday [/quote] that isn't what i mean't!
  7. i suppose this is better than primal scream
  8. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1372545464' post='2127136'] I am enjoying it. Perhaps it is the curse of being good musicians why some people are not enjoying it, and . I am not, so to me it sounds good. I like the loose sound. If I wanted it really tight and formulaic, I can put on a CD [/quote] its not the sound, it's the look!
  9. i've got to say that watching this is terrible.
  10. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1372544727' post='2127121'] Keef is famous for using 5 string guitars. Anyone know why? [/quote] yes, he tunes it to an open G chord i think, he got it from ry cooder (who did it because he's a slide player). the 6 string becomes a bit redundant. its great fun to play an electric tuned like this, it makes a sound impossible to get in standard tuning.
  11. any TV sound engineers here? i'd like to know how they mix for broadcast. i'm assuming they get the dry stage mix and blend it with the 'sound out front' to create a similar sound to being in the audience? i usually think it would nicer to here a bit more of the stage mix and less of the out-front sound. the glasto Chic performance to me sounds exactly like being in the audience - i.e. huge kick drum and gigantic frequency filling bass. compare it with this live show where the sound is much drier, while still sounding 'live'. much preferable i think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1APFyc_QtQ
  12. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1372458562' post='2126127'] Straining to hear any bass on my Travelodge telly [/quote]
  13. Just strung my bass with the LaBella 760FS. Interesting tonal change from the TI's, apart from LaBella's slight metally (roundwoundish) twang which I put down to them being brand new, I think they actually sound better than the Tis. A bit less pronounced midrange to my ears and on my amp, which I like better. At standard tuning they are definitely too tight for me, my left arm tendons start to ache after about 5 mins. At Eb I'd say they are about the same tension as the TI's at standard tuning. At drop D tuning they feel too loose and tonally start to not work imo. EDIT - having played these for longer I think they are fine in drop D
  14. only joking, have you seen my picture? i'm a rabbit, i can hear a carrot growing at 100 yards
  15. hmm... probably 'very slightly above average' would cover all those! EDIT - bass playing 'very below average'
  16. thanks. would be nice to have them to try a shootout!
  17. As it says in the title my LM3 has a direct out with adjustable level. I can record into my DAW fine, but recently I've been looking at the high-end REDDI and wondering how much better it would be. Also there is a Radial J48 DI on the sales forum which I was looking at as it has good reviews, but is this mid-range DI going to give any noticeable improvement over my LM3 direct out?
  18. i've got this problem in my studio (booming at certain freqs). trouble with trying to eq out exact freqs on the amp is that the peaks change depending on where you are in the room. improving the room acoustics is the solution, but not much you can do on open-mic night other than persuade 100 people to turn up (!) so the bodies soak up the sound better i find generally generally turning down the very low bass on my amp helps, even though the honkiness is further up the frequency range.
  19. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1372080012' post='2121286'] Possibly, although he doesn't want to track the direct signal too, just wants the Low C. All Octaves I've tried do not create a low note that accurately recreates the tone of the direct signal.....nor would I want it to. In fact I'd rather use my OC-2 over a 5 string, I love having the clarity of the C (3rd fret A), with the rumble and sub of the low C Si [/quote] ok i see
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1372008212' post='2120591'] To expand on that, what you are asking for... 'To play a note an it be reproduced an octave lower' ... Can be performed by most octave pedals by turning the 'dry' volume off and turning the -1 octave volume up. Nearly all (if not all) will allow this. However, going as low as a detuned C is just not going to cut it. For analogue octavers, tracking anything lower than 5th fret (A) on the E string is tough and tends to come with an inconsistent note, glitching and a little loss of presence. Reproducing all the elements of a tone that low can be quite tough. If you bear in mind as well that your bass cab is unlikely to reproduce the fundamental of a Drop C if you we're playing it normally, expecting an Octaver to do anything even near as good a job is a no no. Some digital octavers will track much better lower down, but even they will loose definition and tracking much lower than a typical open E string. So, your understanding of an Octaver is correct, but using one to play much lower than the register of the bass is problematic. [/quote] but the OP's not intending tracking lower than a 5th fret A on the E string, he's playing an 8th fret C, so the octaver will play the required octave below no problem? i thought this might work pretty well for the problem seeing as its only one song.
  21. what are the dimensions of the LPT? you might be in luck if they match something more likely to be available - like a rega. the hinges are unlikely to fit but you may well get a lid you can lift on and off.
  22. I suppose the Michell UniCover does a job but It doesn't hinge up and only covers the platter and arm. And its £55!! You could just flip the felt mat over when you need to play a record, or give it a little hoover off every now and again? Have you got a carbon fibre brush? They are an essential for giving the vinyl a quick de-dust before playing and very cheap. I've also got a little 'stylus cleaning' carbon fibre brush which does the trick. Got to have a few gadgets
  23. There are already hundreds of acoustic drum loops bundled with logic accessible through the loop browser. These are apple loops (they have a little blue icon) - i.e. fixed drum patterns that you drop into an [i]audio[/i] track. because they are apple loops they will adjust to any tempo (within reason). Also in the loop browser are similar drum loops but with a green icon, which means [i]midi[/i] loops, so if you drag and drop these onto an empty midi track (or just drop them into the bottom of the arrangement window) then it will create a drum instrument (usually the EXS24 sampler) and also the midi part which triggers the drums. You can carry on dragging and dropping midi loops into the instrument track for more patterns OR you can create your own patterns with a keyboard or by drawing in the midi notes. This is (possibly) pretty much going to give you everything you need to a decent level. If you want to get even more sophisticated then you can go the 3rd party route - for example Native Instruments Abbey Road drums, which come in 50s, 60s, 70s kits and much more. About £90 per kit. The quality is amazing and they also come with midi files for ultra realistic patterns. So it really depends on what you want. But I wouldn't go looking for 3rd party stuff until you explore what's on offer in Logic as it has so much already.
  24. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye James Jamerson bassline on the title track is something else, and the whole LP is a work of art.
  25. i put locktite 243 (med strength) on mine as i couldn't find any 221 (low strength) locally. its about £4. the extra strength seems not to matter as i needed to undo one the other day and it was fine.
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