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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. [quote name='Voodoosnake' timestamp='1359290378' post='1952473'] When you begin to think what other people do is anywhere near your business your going to hit trouble pretty quickly. Im going now as im bored! [/quote] I think you'll find when that we're not allowed to debate an idea we all might be in trouble?
  2. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1359225993' post='1951940'] I'd appreciate access to this absolutely correct weird craziness meter you have, it would help settle a few arguments. Different people do different things, if you start writing off entire groups of people for minor idiosyncrasies, then I think you'll find yourself quite lonely. My advice is to gradate "weird craziness" and act accordingly, here's a couple of examples to get you going: Example: A man refers to his bass guitar by a female name. Action: No action required. Example: A man murders a passing transient, peels his skin, wears it like a suit, and runs around screaming about garlic. Action: Inform the police, hide any garlic you have on your person. [/quote] Ok I'll let you in on my weird crazy meter... Your reply is pretty weird! So maybe you are crazy. And what is a passing transient?
  3. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1359223043' post='1951890'] So really it's just a form of sentimentality, obviously I know my basses don't ACTUALLY have independent personalities, but projecting emotions and personalities onto things that don't necessarily have them is hardly the exclusive realm of the psychopath. Ever have a teddy bear? A pet? Ever get slightly misty eyed when moving out of a house you've lived in for a while? If not then fine, you're just not a sentimental person, but hat doesn't make those of us who are weird or crazy. [/quote] Someone on the Sales Forum just bought an envelope pedal, and posted "I'll take good care of her!"... Her? A stomp box? This is not sentimentality... This [i]is[/i] weird craziness...!
  4. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1359205742' post='1951519'] Is it me or is there a lot of meanness on BC this yr? Since the start of the year there has been a few 'Most hateful threads (quotes, songs etc). Criticising people for Youtube vids, other critical threads. Now this, criticising for terminology and use of words..f*** me this is sad. I'm sure BC not always been this bad! [/quote] Basschat is great and I would not do anything to be offensive or disrespectful to the members here. Sorry if the original post came over that way - to be clear, it's not intended to be mean or hateful at all, its difficult to get the appropriate tone in emails/forums, when it would be obvious if we were talking face to face that this is a tongue in cheek question, along the lines of "Why do people eat margarine? its disgusting?!" (which is true by the way...)
  5. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1359212743' post='1951658'] +1. OP, if this is all you have on your mind, consider yourself very lucky. [/quote] I have to find a new burrow to live in as a fox has trashed it and nicked my carrots... Anyway, no offence intended in my lighthearted original post, i'm surprised to see it's kicked off a maelstrom of terrible fury! It doesn't 'matter to me' as such, and I'm not 'worrying about it', but we can talk about any old rubbish can't we?! I do genuinely find the term 'she' for a bass quite annoying but I'm not going to petition the government for a ruling just yet... I'm not sure I can justify my squirming much beyond I think it sounds daft and it gets on my wick, although I think it does possibly have an element of sexist language about it? This is a question rather than an admonishment, so don't attack me please!
  6. You know the sort of the thing.. "I've had her for ten years now but I've got my eye on a new bass so she's got to go, a lovely neck with great fat sound, she's a real players bass"... etc. Yuk. When people refer to their basses / cars / boats etc as 'she' it makes me squirm. If I wanted to refer to inanimate things as 'she' (or 'he') I'd move to France, Italy or Spain where they do it properly. So can you stop it please, or I'm leaving the country.
  7. I've got a Barber Tone Press which has a dry/wet blend knob for parallel compression. Onilab review here > [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/barber.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.c...ws/barber.shtml[/url] It was bought for my guitar but I use it interchangeably between bass and guitar. I use it pretty sparingly but I do like what it does. You can't vary the attack or the ratio so the blend knob is useful for tweaking the sound. I usually have it at 50%, with a small touch of compression. I have been considering an MXR M87 as i would like the ability to control all the parameters and get visual feedback on how much compression is going on.
  8. one of the best musician autobiographies i've read, very good indeed imho
  9. sold some TI Flats to seni, fast payment and easy comms. cheers ted
  10. [b]Boss Micro BR[/b] Boxed, mint, carry case, inc manual + 1GB SD storage card. Very popular tiny 4 track digital studio with hundreds of built in drum patterns. Use it to sketch song/bassline ideas, practice to metronome or drum patterns etc etc. I just bought this recently but I'm not using it so I want to move it on. Its basically unused so - [b]£[s]80[/s] £70 posted![/b] [attachment=129245:20130306_150242.jpg][attachment=129246:20130306_150348.jpg][attachment=129247:20130306_150544.jpg]
  11. this thread inspired me to try to learn this bassline. don't have any icognito, great playing on this track. i've had to slow it down by 50% to make any progress...
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1358452859' post='1939587'] I can imagine someone sitting sanding picks then selling them on at a 1p profit :-D [/quote] that made me laugh
  13. Best picks I've found are George Dennis Sharp Picks - both because they have a patterned grip surface and I personally like sharp picks much better than rounded. They are getting hard to find though... I always order them in from canada via ebay, you have to buy in 10s but they work out about 40p each. 0.88mm is a good weight if you like a bit of twang http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-Dennis-Guitar-Picks-Sharp-0-88mm-/260940463717?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_210&hash=item3cc1437e65 but I'm liking heavier too so I've just ordered 1.30mm http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-Dennis-Guitar-Picks-Sharp-1-30mm-Pack-of-10-Picks-/251094654424?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_210&hash=item3a76685dd8 I agree with the point re. the better your technique the less it slips. You need to get your grip correct!
  14. bought a boss micro br from mike. mint condition, well packaged and smooth transaction all round. cheers
  15. Everyone likes different music of course, but appreciating that great/memorable/emotional music can be made from simple/basic means is not difficult I'd really like to hear him talk about how he created his basslines, not from a technical standpoint but from an emotional/ideas point of view. The interesting thing about listening to any artist talking about their work is getting in their head a bit, to appreciate why they do A and not B or C...
  16. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1358368335' post='1938056'] This post will no doubt piss people off, but I gather Peter Hook is doing a masterclass at the Bass Guitar Show. A masterclass? He seems a very average player who happened to be in A successful band. Am I missing something? [/quote] maybe you are missing a pair of ears?
  17. you can order them from this site if you want http://www.guitar-emporium.co.uk the nice chap that runs it sorts out all the customs etc. i'm pretty sure they can get any bass on fender japan, most of them are on the site.
  18. a very nice bass so it probably deserves better quality pictures adding into the listing.
  19. Nathan Davis - IF Particularly this track [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLub-Uribhg[/media]
  20. Mike purchased my Fender Geddy Lee Jazz. excellent communications, speedy payment, all round good deal. thanks ted
  21. i might be in there in the next couple of days, i'll take a look.
  22. [quote name='Fuzzbass2000' timestamp='1358018498' post='1932013'] Anyone know who's got one in stock within striking distance of Wimbledon? [/quote] have you tried guitarguitar in epsom?
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