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When a pedal is stomped on, click sound through amp.
ChrisG replied to pendingrequests's topic in Effects
It might be a result of the last pedals in the chain being true bypass (assuming the Ezekiel is I've never encountered one but boutique stuff is usually true bypass and the Mooers are) so there isn't a buffer to stop you hearing the click as you engage the pedal. True bypass isn't the answer to everything. If the Chorus is a Boss one (which will have a buffer) try putting it last and see if that solves it. There are other variables but it might. I used to have a Boss DD-6 last and never had the issue at all. I now have a Boss LS-2 lying around for this eventuality. If I set up with a true bypass pedal last I will stick them in a loop through the LS-2 (which should remove the click because you are engaging the Boss switch and the other one is already on) or just put the LS-2 in line after the pedals. As always with such advice I provide the usual YMMV disclaimer... -
**NOW SOLD** - '89 NT Warwick Thumb Custom 5 string w/t LEDs
ChrisG replied to phil625sxc's topic in Basses For Sale
I've had EMGs on both guitars (a USA Jackson with the 'classic' 81/85 set) and on bass. I quite liked them on the guitar either for clean or heavy distortion. You could use them for mid distortion (blues/classic rock) but there are far better choices. I also had them on my Warwick Thumb 5. They were the stock pickups from 1986. I liked the middle three strings (E,A,D) but found the B and the G sounded a bit weak. I read somewhere that this is likely because the EMG Js that were fitted were designed for four string basses in that era (the EMG J 5 set is a recent invention) and the magnets are a bit short so they don't cover either end as well. Or maybe they were tired after 26 years of service. Either way I'm in the process of getting them replaced with Delano JMVC 5s and a Glockenklang pre-amp. My own opinion is that EMGs don't lack character they just have a character of their own. However they seem to polarise opinion (certainly among guitarists) because of the music they are used for and the players they are associated with.
It's absolutely fantastic - I must learn how to play it. Warwick tell me it's one of the earliest five strings they ever made. Not sure if that's just Thumbs or in general. I do know it's quite a weighty item. I'm currently looking at getting the couple of dings in the headstock fixed. I'm trying to decide whether or not to go with a complete refinish (possibly Ferrari Red or White again) or just repairs. Aged white is tought to match. Either way I'll get it done by a professional. The other issue I've found is that I don't find the 8T cab on my Genz Benz is very Low-B friendly so I'm looking at getting a bigger cab. I should have bought the 10T. Oh well, hindsight and all... Anyway back to the guitarist and his quest for audience-crushing tone...
Glad to be of assistance. I only know all this because I almost bought one but ended up buying a Thumb NT of the For Sale on here instead.
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1347974354' post='1807436'] It would still mean carrying around a speaker for no other reason that to be a "load" though... [/quote] Not according to the manual: [size=3] [/size] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"]The POWER SOAK offers the following modes:[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"]Normal operation - full power at 18 watts[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"]Power reduction to 5 watts[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"]Power reduction to 1 watt[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"]Mute (Speaker off) = 0 watts[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"] [/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][color="#6f6f6f"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][color="#6f6f6f"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][color="#6f6f6f"]Note that if you choose to mute the amp, you do [/color][/font][/color][/font][/color][/font][/size][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][size="1"][color="#6f6f6f"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][size="1"][color="#6f6f6f"][font="AGaramondPro-Regular"][size="1"][color="#6f6f6f"][size=3]not need to connect a speaker to the TubeMeister [/size][size=3]18’s SPEAKER output. Designed to enable silent [/size][size=3]recording, this option provides the full signal to the [/size][size=3]RED BOX output.[/size][/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/left]
This is from H&K's website on the Red Box in the Tubemeister: [i][size=3][font=Arial]The built-in RED BOX feeds preamp and true power amp tone straight to a stage or studio mixing console. It authentically emulates the sound of a 4 x 12" cab and delivers a balanced line signal to the Speaker Out for use in rehearsal rooms, on stage, and even to pipe that sweet tube-driven sound straight into the PA. In combination with the power soak’s silent recording option (Speaker Off), the RED BOX lets you lay down professional-quality tracks any time day or night. You can even feed the signal to in-ear monitors on stage without having to fuss with a cab or mic.[/font][/size][/i] [font=Arial][size=2][size=3]I[/size][size=3] believe you can switch the wattage on the Tubemeister 18 from 18w to 5w to 1w to speaker off - this means that the Red Box absorbs the load and you don't need a cab if the speaker is off. There is also a 36w version but it runs about £700.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][size=3](Edited to correct silly small font.)[/size][/size][/font]
It's a bold move but in my opinion it's probably the way things will go in the not too distant future. It won't be long now before you can't tell the difference between a modeller and a valve amp. With the Kemper we may already be there. I think the Axe FX has become pretty much the industry standard these days. But as you noted they ain't cheap. I read that Opeth (my only vaguely death metal reference point and probably too wimpy for you) were using the Boss unit (I think it was the GT-80 at the time) into a power amp and into their cabs. I read that they have now switched to the Axe FX as well. In terms of the 'consumer' units I've heard (as mentioned above) that the Vox Tonelab is meant to be good but never tried one myself. I do recall that they don't have the ability to edit/save sounds but the newer ones might. The valve is meant to help but personally I've always been a bit sceptical of some of the claims made about anything that uses valves in the pre-amp only. The Boss unit has the ability to save and edit sounds and recall them but some people dislike/despise the Boss overdrive and distortion sounds. I think they're okay. I think this is where I'm meant to put YMMV. The Hughes and Kettner Tubemeister amps also have the Red Box built in. They ar epretty small and light and have a pretty good high gain sound on the 18 and the 36. They are also all valve but may need an extra pedal for Death Metal. If it was me I'd probably look at the Boss GT.
Nice to see there will be a new dealer. I hope they have a decent range of stock to merit the day out. GuitarWorks in Reading used to have Warwick (they did need to stock a minimum amount of stuff which included amps and Framus guitars) but they (like so many) are now closed.
I don't even really gel with Warwicks, but this one sounds incredible!
ChrisG replied to Musicman20's topic in Bass Guitars
[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1344869746' post='1770364']can we see photos of your thumb? which one was it you got? [/quote] I've got the one Shockwave was selling a few weeks back. I don't have any new photos but there are quite a few on the sale thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183068-sold-warwick-thumb-nt5-1986-in-vintage-white/"]http://basschat.co.u...-vintage-white/[/url] I need to get a couple of dings in the headstock sorted otherwise it's in pretty amazing condition considering how old it is. -
I don't even really gel with Warwicks, but this one sounds incredible!
ChrisG replied to Musicman20's topic in Bass Guitars
I really like the one I just picked up on the for sale forum although it's an older NT rather than a bolt on. I did watch this video before I made my purchase. I should note that my technique is not nearly as good. I've got a price list for 2012 here - they are just over £2K for a thumb 5 bolt on (that doesn't include any optional extras of course...) -
Pretty much everything I could think of has been covered. Rough edges on the bridge are the first thing to check for. If that's okay then try swapping string brands but if it's heavy strings and a light pick then it's probably technique. I don't know for certain but would assume that those who learn with an acoustic tend to play harder because they need to generate volume and they would carry this over. Those who start with electrics just turn the volume up. I've broken a guitar string once in many years (it was a D'Addario - never used them again) but to be fair the strings probably needed replaced anyway. As a lefty playing right handed my right hand is my weaker hand so I don't seem to suffer from the breakage problem (I currently use 10 gauge Ernie Ball strings and a .71 or .96 pick). Nice to see other folks in Didcot
I was in Denmark St a few months back and at least wander through if I'm in the area. Generally I've tended to do okay in customer service terms but would agree it's not what it used to be. The niche they are trying to occupy appears to be old gear no-one else wants. I had a chat with one of the guys in Rockers and apparently Westside Distribution's shiny new shop (they sell whatever they distribute in the UK including Mesa/Boogie and Martin) has caused a lot of discontent in the street as they have taken staff from existing shops and the established shops have stopped stocking their brands. I guess it shows there is still a bit of life in the place. As for Wunjo's they have never had anything I've wanted. Maybe if they cleaned some of their stock it might help.
Given the price expectation I'll pass.
I'll drop him a mail.
These are really nice basses - I have number 6 of 10. Actually I believe it's number 6 of 7 4 strings with 8, 9 & 10 being 5 stringers. As for selling Warwick prices aren't great at the moment (certainly compared to new prices) but that should be taken in context of prices in general. As far as I can tell resale prices for most musical instruments (except for really rare stuff) are low at the moment. Look at the number of MusicMan Stingrays for sale at really low prices on the For Sale thread. I was holding out for a 'regular' Corvette $$ (or maybe a 5-string) but if he decides to sell I could well be interested depending on price and condition.
Another vote here for the 3" wide Levy's strap which I got for my bass as the Warwick uses strap locks so it needed a dedicated strap. It's easy to adjust and easy to fold up put in the front of the gig bag. I might try another brand/type in the future but I don't see any need to at the moment. I quite like the look of the Minotaur ones and the prices look pretty good. I'm frankly amazed that their advertising slogan isn't something like "Great straps, no bull". Then again it's been a long day...
Wrist issues are grim - I utterly destroyed my left wrist playing sport when I was 16. Had to have surgery and metal pins (only temporarily thankfully) so I have to be careful as to how much I play in any given session and take plenty of breaks. I have found that larger-necked guitars and basses seem to work better for me as I seem to put less pressure on the strings and thus through my wrist. Then again I'm 6'2" and have quite big hands. Seeking medical help is the best and possibly only advice you should follow from an internet forum. You could try taking a break from playing (I have in the past) and don't play if you get pain. I know the neck on my $$ 4-string is quite quick compared to some I have tried. I assume if you mention an SR505 it's a 5-string $$ which would be a big neck if my $$ 4 is anything to go by.
I went up on Saturday (yesterday) with my other half. We were there for most of the afternoon. I went along to see what it was like, to look at five strings and to see a lot of gear in one place. I didn't go last year. The noise was pretty grim in the main exhibit area - unbearably so at times. I would sign up for an anti-slap t-shirt. My other half did ask why I didn't play like that. As a new player I did wonder for half a moment if I was doing something wrong. Then I thought about it and I won't type my reply as I'm not sure it's for regular viewing. I must applaud the EBMM stand for their headphone approach although it was almost impossible to get at them (I'm looking at you the kid who wouldn't put the 6-string Bongo down - get a room or something). On the plus side I did get to try some five strings. The Spector stand were really helpful and I tried a far-eastern and Euro 5 strings. Was impressed by both. I tried a couple of 5-string Warwicks at Promenade Music (Streamer BO and a Corvette $$) who were also very really helpful but their stand was far too small and they had run out of Elixers by mid-afternoon. I also briefly picked up the Stealth Stingray 5 on the EBMM stand but wasn't able to get near the headphone amps. Said hello to Mark from Bass Direct (I got my bass and amp from him). He seemed to be busy making sure kids didn't ding the Dingwalls. Can't say I blame him. Someone else mentioned the purple sparkle fender on the Sims stand. That was my other half's pick. Not sure I had a 'best in show'. Anyway that was my experience. Overall I enjoyed it and I might go back next year but possibly not if it's just going to be the same set-up and exhibitors again.
I was a member of the EBMM forum several years ago (mainly on the guitar side) and they introduced a minimum posts for selling rule. I think it was 25 which was felt to be high enough to discourage those who might try to nonsense post to get their post count up. It did cut down the number of items for sale (and thus lowered the choice and put asking prices up) as those who went on purely to sell gear were put off. I should note that I have no idea what their current rules are. Personally I would always like to see a bass and meet the buyer before I part with cash. If this means a day or weekend trip to see another bit of the country that's fine and I always take distance (and possible cost of the trip) into account when I look at something. Amps and pedals I am happy to get delivered. I was meant to have an opinion here wasn't I? Actually Lozz has pretty much said it - use your common sense.
Thanks for the welcome bluejay - even the cut-price Warwicks are expensive enough and they are nice basses. The current price list for the German ones is scary in bass terms but not so bad when compared to something like a PRS guitar. Oddly enough I'm left-handed as well but I inherited a right-handed instrument and that's how I learnt. I tried a Corvette $$ 5-string in (the now departed) Guitarworks in Reading. I quite liked it. A lot of the tunes my brother writes use C and D and the low versions would be really useful. I'll try to learn the 4 first. Peaty - no, it is real although sometimes it's soot rather than proper snow. However if you are downwind of the power station on a cold morning you do get very fine ice crystals landing on you. Sometimes happens in the winter on the link road to the A34 as you go past. Thankfully I am towards other side of Didcot at home.