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Everything posted by paulpirie8

  1. Another bump for the BDPG as it's the last one to go. I'd be willing to take £85 posted for it. Paul
  2. Rat Tail is now gone as well. Last few days on these before I take them down and keep them. Paul
  3. MXR is officially sold and away off to its new owner. The rest are still available. To the top. Paul
  4. The MXR BOD is also on hold. The rest are still available. Paul
  5. Behringer is definitely sold as well. To the top. Paul
  6. Behringer PH9 is also sold pending payment. Paul
  7. The SFX has sold. Paul
  8. Bump to the top. A lot of interest so far but nothing sold as yet. Paul
  9. Bump for added pics! Paul
  10. It'll be £85 inc. postage. I'll update the ad tonight and add photos. Cheers, Paul
  11. I'm getting rid of a few pedals that are surplus to my requirements in the hope of funding something new. We have: [b]Fuzzrocious BDPG - £100 inc. postage to mainland UK.[/b] I bought this pedal from a member on here. It works great as a preamp and makes any other distortions you throw at it sound even better. I just keep it on all the time. I believe they are now discontinued. It's the stamped version originally bought from Joe's Pedals and you can see a photo of what it looks like here: [url="http://www.joespedals.com/acatalog/Broke_Dick_Peanut_Gallery.html"]http://www.joespedal...ut_Gallery.html[/url] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0286_zps46i4lpyu.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]Fuzzrocious Rat Tail (2nd Dist Mod) - £115 inc. postage to mainland UK[/b][/s][b]. SOLD.[/b] [s]Again, bought from a member on here but originally bought from Joe's pedals so it's the stamped version as well. This is a great distortion and actually much better than my ProCo Rat that I had, in my opinion. Sounds like it was made for bass. This version also has an extra distortion switch so you can have 2 separate levels of distortion.[/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0287_zpsvinrwbuc.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]SFX Loop Mixer - £80 inc. postage to mainland UK[/b][/s][b]. - SOLD!!![/b] [s]This is basically just a better quality version of the Boss LS-2. I was going to use it to add a clean blend but ended up not needing it.[/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0284_zpsc28iquaa.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - £85 inc. postage to mainland UK[/b][/s][b]. - SOLD[/b] [s]This is a great octave pedal and tonally probably my favourite that I've used. I'm only selling to make way for a COG one I'm gonna try out. Still a bit hesitant to be honest but if someone wants it then i'll probably just let it go.[/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0288_zpsbt0h1gbz.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]Boss LMB-3[/b][/s][b] - SOLD.[/b] [s]This is a great limiter/compressor and there's a great review here which will describe what it does better than I ever could: [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/bosslmb3.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.c.../bosslmb3.shtml[/url][/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0289_zpsngezrkjw.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]Boss GEB-7 (Graphic EQ)[/b][/s][b] - SOLD.[/b] [s]This one's fairly self-explanatory.[/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0290_zps1krkliyb.jpg.html"][/url] [s][b]Behringer PH9 - £10 inc. postage to mainland UK[/b][/s][b]. - SOLD[/b] [s]This is basically just a clone of the MXR Phase 90. Good at what it does but it's just a little too subtle for my liking.[/s] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0283_zpszdqswc2l.jpg.html"][/url] [b]Boss LS-2 (Defective) - £20 inc. postage to mainland UK[/b] I bought this before I bought the SFX. As soon as it arrived from the seller it was defective. One of the loops is a lot quieter than the other so I never even used it. It may well be an easy fix for someone who has more knowledge and patience than me. [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/IMAG0291_zpscrovxbsi.jpg.html"][/url] All pedals have velcro on the bottom which can be removed or kept on as per request. I only have the original boxes for the LMB-3 and MXR BOD but they will all be packaged securely before posting. Any questions, just ask. Cheers, Paul
  12. Oooh let me know if you end up selling this instead. Been on the lookout for one of these. Cheers, Paul
  13. Any news about a release date? Paul
  14. This is now sold. Cheers.
  15. This has now been traded. Cheers.
  16. Swapped some pedals with Stephen and it was a really easy transaction. Everything arrived well packed and in good time. All the best with the new pedal, Paul
  17. I've got a lot of gigs coming up so if this doesn't sell by the end of the week, I'll be holding onto it for a while to play those. Still here for now though. Paul
  18. Still here. Paul
  19. Cheers, JapanAxe. They are indeed great amps. Paul
  20. [quote name='andy67' timestamp='1408357913' post='2529237'] Would love this! Pity you aren't looking to upgrade to an SVT classic. best of luck andy [/quote] I love the tone of the full valve Ampegs and if I had my own roadies, i'd definitely have one. But I'm trying to go smaller and lighter for the sake of portability. Paul
  21. This has now been traded. Cheers.
  22. [quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1408107978' post='2527198'] This is a great amp, ordered for me direct from Ampeg by The Bass Centre in 2006. I had full set of JJ's put in it in 2011 when it was serviced. Never an ounce of bother with it and was sorry to see her go when Paul bought it. Buy with confidence, Paul's a great bloke. [/quote] Cheers for the kind words, Gary. Pics now added. Paul
  23. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1408215240' post='2528165'] Same here, then I sold them both again and bought an ms-60b, but do miss the ease of the zoom b3, so many features too, dr machine, sampler, DI. God im talking myself back into buying one again! [/quote] Cheers for the kind words, gents. Paul
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