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Everything posted by paulpirie8

  1. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1408224860' post='2528276'] Up for a Fuzzroscious BDPG? [/quote] PM'd
  2. I'm looking to sell my Ampeg SVT 3-Pro. It's one of the older models which was made in the US not one of the newer Korean-made ones. I bought it in June 2012 from a member on here, Gary (grunge666), who had it from new. He's a proper gentleman so I'm sure he would be able to tell you more about it if you asked him nicely. Here's the spec from the Ampeg website: [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/pro/svt3pro/"]http://www.ampeg.com...ts/pro/svt3pro/[/url] It's a great head and I've had no problems with it whatsoever. I'm only selling it as I'm looking to downsize to the PF800. If i could afford it, I'd have them both. Comes with all of the original paperwork but I don't have the original box it came in so I can include the flight case, that it's been kept in, in the sale. It's a 2U Spider Engineering flight case (shown in the pictures). I can remove the stickers if you like. The price (including shipping to mainland UK) will be: £500 with flight case, £460 without. Either way it will be packed properly and sent via courier. Obviously if anyone up this way (Montrose, Scotland) is interested, they are welcome to come and try it out and the price of postage will be deducted. I can also get quotes for shipping elsewhere in the world if there's interest. Not looking for any trades unless you have a PF800 in which case we can work something out. I can take more detailed pictures on request if there's anything else you want a better look at. Any more questions, just PM me. Cheers, Paul [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0069_zpscd14dee9.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0071_zpsb634c2c3.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0072_zps552a35dc.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0073_zps59233208.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0074_zps8e7c5210.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. I would also be interested in a Boss LS-2 or a good octave pedal (not OC-2 as I already have one) if anyone is wondering about trades. Cheers, Paul
  4. If you eventually decide to split this up, I'd be interested in the Trex octavius. Cheers, Paul
  5. Price has been dropped to £95 after realising that GAK are selling them new at £130. Cheers, Paul
  6. I'm putting my Zoom B3 up for sale. It has a lot of great, usable features if you wanted to add it to your pedal board but I've mostly just been using it as a practice tool to practice through headphones. Has an XLR out so can also be a handy tool to have in a gigging situation, although I've never needed it. Here's a link to more information on the website: [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b3"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b3[/url] I've attached a pretty poor pic but hopefully it should show that the condition is perfect as it has never left the house. It has velcro on the bottom but I can replace it with the original rubber feet if you like. I still have the original box with the manuals, software, power supply etc. Price is [s]£110[/s] £95 posted to mainland UK. [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/ZoomB3_zpsc51f7722.jpg.html"][/url] Cheers, Paul
  7. And replied. Paul
  8. Bump for added pic.
  9. Tried to add photos but I couldn't upload them so if you PM me your email address, I can send you some. Cheers, Paul
  10. Hi, I'm looking to move my Sansamp VT Bass MKII on to a new home. It's a good bit of kit to have but I just can't justify having it sitting around the house doing nothing. Here's a good demo of it in action if you don't already know what it does: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKxMaWSKuU[/media] Condition is perfect cosmetically as it hasn't been out of the house much. It has velcro on it but I still have the original rubber feet so I can remove it and replace the feet, if desired. Comes with original tin it came in. I'm looking for £110 posted in the UK (I can get a quote for shipping elsewhere) and, as always, I'm open to pedal-related trade offers with cash either way. [url="http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/paulpirie08/media/VTBass_zps92bdd973.jpg.html"][/url] Cheers, Paul
  11. The official count was 18 mins. Was just a bit slow to updating the ad.
  12. This is on hold pending the usual.
  13. [color=#ff0000]SOLD[/color] I'm looking to sell my Darkglass Vintage Microtubes. I bought it at the same time as I bought my Sansamp VT and I prefer the Sansamp's controls so I'm gonna move this on. I'm sure most people will know the score with these but for those who don't, here's a good demo video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOyCfyI4xPA[/media] Great sounding pedal which can give a variety of overdriven sounds. I bought the pedal in February this year and it has lived in my pedal board ever since so it's in great condition and already has heavy duty velcro fitted. It will come with all original packaging including the little rubber feet (they have never been fitted, I just put velcro straight on) and if the buyer wishes, I can remove the velcro before sending it out. I haven't got any photos currently but I'll be heading to our rehearsal space tonight so I can get some if necessary. Price will be 150 GBP + 5 GBP for postage (if needed) Cheers, Paul
  14. I use fuzz, yeah. I sometimes use a bit of compression too but I'm not really a fan of chorus so I'm maybe not the best person to ask. Of course, as you mentioned, it's all subjective anyway. But with my current set-up, I've been using my compression at the start, then all my preamp/dirty stuff, then fuzz, then octave/delays etc. I don't really have any rules when it comes to pedal order, though. Just because I've got my current fuzz before my current octave doesn't mean I'll always have them that way. Some fuzzes sound better before some octaves and vice versa. Paul
  15. No problem. I used to have to replace my velcro every few months or so but I was using the velcro that came with the pedalboard which was pretty poor quality and I was constantly taking my pedals off and rearranging them so that wouldn't have helped. I've since starting using the heavy duty stuff on the advice of someone on here (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Velcro-Heavy-Duty-Stick-Black-VEL60243/dp/B001DYWT74/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3MUTG4W87OFKY&coliid=I1HTXWWOL5R9RP). I've been using it for about 6 months and it's still just as solid as the day I put it on. But then most of those pedals haven't moved from the board since then. Time will tell I suppose. Paul
  16. White spirit works wonders for me. Paul
  17. It's the only one I've used but yeah, the Zoom B3 sounds like it could be what you're after. There are a few preamp simulators built in (Sansamp, Xotic BB, MXR M80 etc.) as well as some amp simulators which are all fairly decent. It has a good DI which means it's handy for using live although I've only used it live once. I normally just it for quiet practice as it has a headphone out and it's pretty small compared to a few similar units. Paul
  18. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1392977231' post='2374772'] you have a pm bud [/quote] Make that two! Paul
  19. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1392387890' post='2368054'] I replaced a normal one with a programmable and haven't noticed any difference [/quote] I went the other way, Programmable to Normal BDDI and never noticed any difference in sound either. Good bit of kit, for sure. I actually tried the Behringer BDI 21 as well which is a really good clone. It has a plastic enclosure which isn't really ideal for durability but at about 30 quid you can't expect too much. I never much liked the sound of the MXR DI from the demos I watched so I've never been inclined to give it a go. Paul
  20. I've got a zoom b3 which is pretty ideal for home practice. There are loads of different sounds on it as well as a metronome/drum machine if you're that way inclined. You can also use it for gigging as well so it's fairly useful to have. They're about £135 new, I believe. Paul
  21. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1391774799' post='2361117'] Still a work in progress, but aren't they all... Out of shot: Diago Power Station, GigMan. To be added: MarkBass Super Synth, Sonuus Wahoo, a few others... [/quote] I'm liking the look of that. Just need to get it on a board now! Also, by the looks of it, you have the coiled cable joining up the input and output of your "B" loop. Is that acting as a clean blend for the pedals in Loop "A"? If so, I'm pretty sure you don't need to actually run a cable between them - if you leave them both empty, it does the same job. Unless of course I'm seeing it wrong, in which case carry on! Paul
  22. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1391179981' post='2354236'] The location of the socket for expression is only relevant to where it wold fit on the PCB and nothing to do with its relation to the input of output. Shep [/quote] If Shep just answered your question then I definitely picked you up wrong and could have saved myself a lot of typing! Haha! Paul
  23. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1391177324' post='2354185'] That's great thanks Paul. I'm just little concerned about the Enigma/Bass Wah relationship. The Enigma has an 'expression out' line on the same side as the input. Does this automatically mean you put the wah before it? When I tried that, there was no sound at all coming from the output... [/quote] No problem. I'm not quite sure what it is you're trying to do, though. If you're trying to use the Crying Bass as an expression pedal (which I'm not sure is possible, you would have to check and see if it's compatible), you would need to take the Crying Bass out of your main signal chain and connect the rest of your inputs and outputs as normal, then plug the output of the Crying Bass into the "Expression Pedal" input on your Enigma. If you're not trying to use an expression pedal at all and are just a bit confused about it all, then you wouldn't use the Expresion Pedal input on your Enigma at all. Just plug into the Input as normal. In this case, no it won't matter where the Crying Bass goes in your chain. You might want to put it first so that it sits on the right hand side of your board and is easiest to access with your foot but other than that just have fun with it. As above, part of the fun is playing around with you signal chain. There you are, clear as mud I'm sure. Paul
  24. Welcome to the forum, Stu! Paul
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