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Everything posted by P-T-P

  1. [quote name='crez5150' post='653125' date='Nov 12 2009, 10:00 PM']Whats your budget...... ? I'd say spend around £300 on a used Motu 828 MK2 and that will see all your needs through[/quote] +1 [quote name='Musicman20' post='653173' date='Nov 12 2009, 10:44 PM']Hmm....maybe I should do some saving first instead of buying and then having to upgrade. Basically, whats the best way to record to a Mac, under £500, with everything included?[/quote] As above. I have one of these. under £300 on eBay, works a treat and plenty of inputs to allow you to record rest of band all in one hit. Alternatively, could look at one of the later POD Live and x3 models as they come with USB audio interface which can easily get you going. The POD Toneport and POD Studio interfaces are okay too, but they are limiting in that you can only hear what you're putting into them through the built in output (i.e. can't redirect through another interface or onboard speakers).
  2. Ideally you need some kind of audio interface rather than using the onboard mic input. You can get simple jack to USB type ones for around £30 or so. More sophisticated ones for £70-£100 moving on to multi-track (2+ inputs, usually with a mic pre-amp(s) of some kind) from £100 and up. Depends whether you plan to record more than one track at a time and what you have to spend. Some reasonable headphones and/or monitor speakers are probably a must as well because the onboard speakers of a laptop or PC monitor won't do your music any justice.
  3. I use a MOTU 828 Mkii Firewire Interface. Has 2 mic inputs (XLR/Jack combi) plus an additional 8 jack inputs for a total of 10 analogue inputs. Also has 2 x SPDIF and ADAT I/O which means you can add something like the MOTU 8Pre on top to get a total of 20 inputs (10 with mic input). It also has loads of analogue outs as well so can either use them to through-put the sound (if you were recording live for instance) or configure them in pairs to get 4 seperate monitor mixes etc. I'm far from experienced in these things but it's very easy to get to grips with. You can pick them up on second hand on eBay for about £250 to £300. Careful however as there is also some USB versions knocking about and the new price on those is/was only about £300-£350 so make sure you pay accordingly. Love mine though, dead easy and has enough to record loads of tracks in one hit, especially if your iMac is one of the more recent ones with lots of oomph under the bonnet.
  4. 1996 Warwick Corvette Proline V [attachment=38284:warwick_01.jpg][attachment=38285:warwick_02.jpg][attachment=38286:warwick_03.jpg] [attachment=38291:warwick_04.jpg][attachment=38292:warwick_05.jpg][attachment=38289:warwick_06.jpg] [attachment=38290:warwick_07.jpg] This one's a beauty and the most comfortable Warwick 5 string I've ever played. Really beautiful tone that cuts through amazingly in the mix and has a huge tonal sweep, making it extremely versatile. Body wood is flamed maple with burgundy oil finish which has been regularly waxed and has a lovely shine to it. Neck is also flamed maple which, IMHO, is significantly better than the current spec for this bass which features the ovangkol neck. It is slim and fast and lovely and is capped with a beautifully grained wenge fingerboard. The nut is the brass, just-a-nut type which basically means you can individually adjust the height of the strings at the nut as well as at the bridge. The bass comes with a Bass Centre hard shell case. Really want to sell this to help fund another purchase so now willing to let it go for £525 posted which is an absolute steal. PM me or drop a line to pete at peteward dot co dot uk
  5. Had to accompany my missus to see Tom Jones a few weeks back. Given that he comes across on TV as being a bit up himself and a lot of the time he seems to be singing squarely on the beat (something that bothers me a fair bit), I wasn't really anticipating much. How wrong I was. Singing was top notch, much more soulful than a lot of the recordings and the whole stage act was very much tongue-in-cheek, not taking himself seriously at all. The band were terrific too and I was surprised at how many of the songs I knew. Only slightly weird part was realising that about half the songs he played were actually cover versions and I was kinda waiting for the break for bingo lol
  6. [quote name='Golchen' post='650470' date='Nov 10 2009, 11:13 AM']Is good bass playing on recordings just for bass playing listeners?[/quote] Depends on what you mean by good. If you mean flashy, fretboard gynastics or some of the more exotic techniques and tones then possibly. But any bassline that works for the tune, whether it be tastefully sparce or tastefully complex, isn't just for the bass playing audience. It may only be the bass players who can pnpoint the who, how, what, when, where and why of it all and appreciate the efforts of the player and the note/tone/technical choices they've made; but other listeners will get it in a more general sense, even if they don't know why. It's when the bass gets involved in a way it shouldn't that it becomes about playing for other bass players. The irony is that for me at least - and I suspect a fair few other bass players out there - that's probably the least impressive thing you can do. In other words, I think good bass playing stands out by not necessarily standing out.
  7. [quote name='Rich' post='638996' date='Oct 28 2009, 12:39 PM']Yes, and having played it at OG's place I love love love your DJ5 too. Absolutely gorgeous.[/quote] LOL Well I may yet be able to make it to the S. Wales Bash and if I can I'll bring it with me and if you're gonna be there, you can remake acquaintances with it.
  8. As these live vids go, this is definitely a good one and Adam almost always has great tone. If you've not seen them in person though I recommend it as the DVDs can't really reproduce the experience of being there. If you think the Vertigo stage/lights was great, the 360 one will blow you away. Saw them three times this summer and while sound at Wembley was crap where I was, Sheffield and Cardiff were incredible.
  9. [quote name='NJE' post='630084' date='Oct 19 2009, 09:36 AM']Fundamentally they are good basses, well put together good electonics but I couldn't get on with the neck at all, I much prefered the Joe Osbourne (probably has the same neck ha ha) it felt better to me and more comfortable, but that is just personal preference.[/quote] They are the same neck, though the overall design means that they will sit on your strap/thigh differently and it's all about comfort at the end of the day. I'm in the opposite group to you as I prefer the 55's and the necks do feel very different, even though they're not.
  10. Personally, I'm a big fan of the 55-01 basses. I think they are possibly the best value for money basses out there, especially on the second hand market. I've owned several in the past few years as my gig back-up bass and I don't think you can go wrong with them really. I only end up selling when I'm tempted by more exotic fruits and need to raise some cash. I actually prefer the 55-01 to the 55-02 as I find the bridge p-up on the -02 to be neither great jazz or great mman, though having said that, I'm basing my opinion on the older Bartolini equipped ones, maybe the newer Lakland p-ups have resolved that issue. I think the 55 series basses are a great 4-to-5 transition instrument too as you have the wide spacing at the bridge which will feel familiar and a neck which isn't dauntingly wide at the nut and the design of the bass is such that you don't really notice the 35" scale length. Go play one (or lots if you have the opportunity) and if it feels good to you, go for it as they're a quality bit of kit.
  11. Is the cab the 4 or 8 ohm version?
  12. Think Whitney may have had a little Colombian marching powder before her performance. Last week Robbie Williams looked like he was on speed. Say what you like about the X-Factor, but the riders are clearly top notch lol
  13. Maybe a strange question, but has this got built-in on the back or removable casters?
  14. I've come to the conclusion that GAS should really be used as an excuse for bass purchases and bought myself a Warwick Corvette ProLine V lol I now have oodles of snappy tone, just have to change basses to get it! Would still love to go for some sexy Aguilar DB112 cabs in white, but the reality is, the more practical solution would be to go with the MB 1x12 combo and NYC cab. Chaning amps is a pain though compared to buying/selling your bass.
  15. Love in-ears but still rely on having an amp present for the physical feeling of the sound of a bass, if that makes sense. If you're concerned about not being loud enough and don't have a soundman, simple answer is to err on the loud side and your bandmates will soon let you know. I tend to play the first tune or two without in-ears so I know levels are working as they should and then pop them in for the rest of the set. If it's a two set (or more) night, I usually take them out either for or during the last number so I have an idea of whether any level adjustment needs to be made before the next set (usually because of excited guitarists).
  16. I've got two of the cross bar sections from lighting stand set like this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3m-Goalpost-DJ-Lighting-Stand-Disco-STANDS-NEW-Light_W0QQitemZ370214083073QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConsumerElectronics_EquipmentStands_SM?hash=item56327a9a01&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3m-Goalpost-DJ-Light...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] They fit onto a pair of standard 38mm light stands. Free to a good home. Collection from Chepstow/Newport.
  17. Nice. Is that natural finish (and the pic isjust a bit dark) or the caramel finish? Also is it a factory lined fretless or just been de-fretted?
  18. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='612858' date='Sep 30 2009, 11:43 AM']Hi Pete, MB heads do sound great with Aggie GSs or DBs. I can also recommend the Genz Benz 212 neo cab - 600 watts, 4 ohms , very light and has castors but it's quite big and bulky. Lovely sound. I'm really chuffed with my current rig - Aguilar AG500 + 2 GS112's. Just a tad mid scooped but an easy tweak on the EQ. Having 2 channels - one with valve like distortion is a bonus.[/quote] Interesting, not least because you were using Bergantino cabs at one point weren't you? Those are the elephant in the room I'm trying not to think about as I know they're gonna sound great but they are well pricey.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='612839' date='Sep 30 2009, 11:17 AM']Out of your list the only choice I rate is the 2 x Aguilar DB112's with an LMII. If you're coming from an MB combo this has got to tick all the boxes.[/quote] That's definitely the way I'm leaning, though there's appeal to simply adding another cab rather than go for wholesale change and also appeal in the 1x12 combo and cab option from a portability point of view. But the Aguilars tick all the boxes tonally and look amazing too.
  20. Currently using a MarkBass CMD102P 2x10" Combo. Been using it for about 18 months or so now. When I got it the intention was to add a traveler 1x15 (the new shape) but having gigged it, never really felt the need, especially with PA support on tap. Still wanted a kinda mini-stack job all this time though, just for cool factor. Fast forward to now, really have bad GAS/stack envy and have about £800 or so cash plus the value of my MB combo (£700ish) I could spend but don't really want to spend more than about £500 cash if I can 'cause I know it's all down to GAS rather than need. I play in a function/wedding band. MB combo does most of what we do well, but perhaps lacks a little bit of attack/focus for one or two of the funkier numbers. I don't want to lose the low end oomph and warmth as that sits really well in the mix but would like to hear a more pronounced snappy tone when I move over the bridge pick-up. All that being said, not really been concerned by it at all for most of the past 18 months (or 3 years which is when I first started with MarkBass) and may just be trying to justify GAS. Anyway, where I'm at is I'm liking the idea of... 2 x Aguilar DB112 cabs but no idea what head to go for, will an LMII do the job here? or 2 x Markbass 121H cabs or NY121 cabs and MB head or 1 x MB CMD121P Combo + 1 x NY121 Cab or 2 x TC Electronic Cabs but not sure I can afford the head to go with them or 1 x MB Traveler 151 cab (or other cab from MB) that stacks with my existing combo and be done with it Open to other options such as 2x12 cabs etc. but like the size and weight (sub 20kg) of my combo so would prefer to keep close to that unless there are wheels involved as I have two geriatrics in my band which means me and singer get to carry/load pretty much everything.
  21. Great amp which I've gigged lots with. In great used condition. Weighs under 20kg and is a one handed lift. Copes with most pub/club gigging situations without even breaking sweat. It's this one [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=3&vedi=39"]http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua...t=3&vedi=39[/url] but with the LMII amp section rather than the LMIII. I've picked up (or at least I'm about to) a pair of Aguilar DB cabs so would like to move this if possible. Would really like small, lightweight head in the 500w kinda range - usual suspects apply I guess... MarkBass LMII/III/F1 etc. TecAmp Puma 500 Aguilar AG500/AG500SC TC RH450 Ashdown LG1000 maybe Any others? Bass trades may be possible depending on how I do selling other gear I have. What have you got to offer? SOLD Pending payment
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