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Everything posted by P-T-P

  1. Bit late to the party on this but Thomann's own brand IEMs are fantastic. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_iem_100_863_mhz.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_iem_100_863_mhz.htm[/url] Me and the singer in my band both use them, though ours are an older model than these. Using Shure SLC-3 phones with them, excellent.
  2. Thanks for all the replies. Lakland's tech guy sent me a wiring diagram which showed that it should connect to the same tab on the volume pot as the red pick-up wire. Interestingly, though it also worked if connected to the middle tab of the volume pot. Which got me thinking about how little I really know about this kinda thing so anyone care to give me a layman's explanation of how the signal flows to the jack via both pots and the capacitor. Does the tone pot and capacitor, in effect, bleed off the treble, 'cause to me there's no obvious throughput of the signal?
  3. Just changing the pickguard on my Lakland Duck Dunn and the wire which connects the tone pot to the volume pot has come loose. What do I need to solder it to? Pic below... [attachment=12184:IMG_0132.JPG] Any help, much appreciated.
  4. [quote name='OldG' post='247484' date='Jul 25 2008, 07:13 AM']''Supports the current range of Line 6 FBV footcontrollers including Line 6 FBV Express and FBV Shortboard.'' Can you confirm this - there should be an 'FBV pedal' socket (not just pedal)... If so, I'm very interested.[/quote] I can confirm that it doesn't support the FBV pedals, it needs the older type switches. Didn't notice that was in the (copied and pasted) description. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='247508' date='Jul 25 2008, 08:38 AM']I've got the guitar and bass pods...they're great tools. If it hasn't been answered already, the guitar version is good for bass...it has a nice tube emulator and can give bass some nice dirt and other effects, but I prefer the Bass POD for bass. Either will take a signal from anything you can plug into it via a jack-plug. I love my twins. P[/quote] They are a great tool for sure. Pete
  5. [quote name='Bassy' post='245878' date='Jul 23 2008, 10:11 AM']Just had a look at your link, looks like it's only rosewood and maple on fretboards now. I think the pau ferro has become harder to find over the last few years and therefore too expensive for Fender to use.[/quote] From paragraph two of the linked page, which is the current model of the one you're selling... "... maple or [b]pau ferro [/b]rolled-edge fingerboard...." But then the specs say Rosewood or Maple. Someone in the Fender Web Dept. did some copying and pasting without paying attention lol
  6. They still do Pau Ferro [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0194660720"]http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0194660720[/url] on these. Think they've stopped using it on the American Standard V and the Mex V
  7. Would trade or part-ex for... [b]Basses[/b] Fender Japan or US P or J Bass Geddy Lee Jazz Lakland DJ5, DJ4, JO4, DD or BG StingRay 5 Sandberg P or J 5/4 (possibly) Warwick Streamer Stage I or II (4 or 5) Other Warwicks (possibly) Others (possibly) [b]Ampage [/b](possibly) MarkBass LMII MarkBass 1 x 15 cab Bergantino Cab(s) [b]Guitary Things[/b] £100 to £250 range Electro-Acoustic Mandolin Telecasters [b]Recording Gear[/b] Line 6 POD XT Live or XT Pro (guitar ideally but bass possibly) Behringer V-Amp Pro with footswitch (again, guitar ideally) Audio Interface with min 8 mic pre's and ADAT out or firewire connection (MOTU 8 pre perhaps) Drum Mics Condenser Mics Reference Speakers
  8. Close up of the body as requested. [attachment=10879:jo5.jpg]
  9. We once had to learn Green Day's "Good Riddance" for a wedding. Think the bride was thinking of the chorus "... I hope you have the time of your life" and didn't actually know the name of the song or what it's actually all about!
  10. Have you checked your PMs? I sent you one a couple of days ago.
  11. [quote name='sgt-pluck' post='235252' date='Jul 8 2008, 08:33 PM']As an aside - here is a picture of Warren Ellis playing what looks like a miniture T-bird. Thank you for your time! Pluck[/quote] That's a 4 string Mandobird isn't it?
  12. [quote name='mcgraham' post='235823' date='Jul 9 2008, 04:03 PM']Man, GAS is getting the better of me here! Quite tempted... you say this is the 2nd version, how many iterations have there been since/in total? Mark[/quote] In a nutshell... POD POD 2.0 (the one I'm selling) POD XT POD X3 The XT and X3 versions also act as a USB audio interface and currently sell for two to three times this much. [quote name='BassManKev' post='235831' date='Jul 9 2008, 04:11 PM']does it work with bass????[/quote] Yes and no. There's no specific bass stuff on here - which is why they make the Bass POD - but you can use it for silent practice, as a DI and for the FX. Can also use the modelling too I suppose if it takes your fancy.
  13. Fair play to Kev for posting a response. I can see from the eBay listing that it was a fair description of the bass which was given in it. While I thought it was a bit cheeky of him to list the bass [i]here[/i] with a huge mark-up, at the end of the day it was his to sell how he saw fit and he hasn't misled anyone as to it's condition etc. so I don't think he's done anything wrong.
  14. [quote name='thebeat' post='235590' date='Jul 9 2008, 11:30 AM']Hi again...nice to see this for sale thread is generating plenty of interest What i would like to know is this: Who put the transfer on? was it the original seller Mike? or the guy he bought it from? Or was it Kev Hide, who i bought the bass from? [b]It most certainly wasn't me[/b] To be honest i also though the transfer was a bit suss when i received the bass. [b]So come on guys, who put the transfer on?[/b] I've contacted kevmanbass/bassmankev or whatever his name is and asked for his side of the story. I'm gonna make one more price drop on this bass as i really want to buy a Jack Casady, so I'll sell this wonderful bass with a colourful and mysterious history for the price of a Jack Casady which from Thomann £422...plus post. As someone pointed out the parts on the bass is worth the asking price alone, the allparts neck alone retails for £214 from Allparts UK, the rest of the hardware is also high quality. This is my final price drop....I'll use the fecking thing as a canoe paddle if it doesn't sell at his price [/quote] At £422 that's a fab price. If I had cash, or if you were in a trading mood, I'd be trying to do a deal.
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='235559' date='Jul 9 2008, 10:51 AM']Allparts necks have proper Fender logos - official, like, as they are licenced replacements for damaged bits.. Never seen one with the custom shop transfer though..[/quote] You sure about that Si? Always seen them for sale without any logos. They are licensed though.
  16. FWIW I PM'd the current seller (Alistair) and brought him up to speed on things. In doing so, I think he is 100% genuine and bought the bass in good faith believing it to be as he describes it in the original listing. He seems like a decent bloke and fair play to him for acknowledging the history and lowering his asking price by £100 within an hour or so of the bass being listed. Hopefully, as others have said, the bass can be bought and sold on its merits. I dare say that if it was broken up for parts it'd be worth £500 so I don't think any potential buyer is getting ripped off at the current asking price.
  17. [quote name='thebeat' post='235422' date='Jul 9 2008, 12:30 AM']I bought it on ebay so can't confirm it's pedigree but i think you may be right in assuming that the neck is an Allparts neck...it does have the Custom Shop logo but i did wonder myself...aren't the Allparts necks endorsed by Fender?[/quote] Any chance the eBay seller was in Bristol? If so, it's almost certainly the same bass as was sold on here back in January and controversially re-listed (then withdrawn) from here a couple of months ago. It's an amazing looking bass and one I'd have snapped up back in January had I the cash at the time as would many others but - and for your sake I hope I'm wrong in saying this - you might have unwittingly walked into a maelstrom with this. Good luck with the sale though, hope I haven't spoiled it for you by mentioning this. I don't normally approve of commenting on prices in for sale threads but I do think the listing is, unfortunately inaccurate. Though I appreciate you're an innocent party as such.
  18. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='235415' date='Jul 9 2008, 12:21 AM']ive seen this bass on here before! caused quite a stir if i remember rightly!! hmmmmmm good luck with the sale mate[/quote] Yup, and if I recall correctly, the body is the only bit that's actually Fender, the neck is an Allparts one and it originally sold on here for under £400. Hopefully we're both confused and the similarities are coincidence. Perhaps the seller could confirm it is 100% custom shop (well the body and neck anyway).
  19. Bump Have the opportunity for a DJ5 if I can raise the cash in a hurry so this is definitely for sale. £700 ono with the J-Retro, £600 ono with original passive controls installed. Possibly accept some kind of part-ex deal that sees £300 to £400 coming my way. Jap P or J bass for example, Ibanez 6 String perhaps...
  20. Nope, full retail version and they have sold loads of them.
  21. I just bought a copy of Logic Studio Pro 8 from here and [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ApplePro-Logic-Studio-8-Pro-Retail-Brand-New-Sealed_W0QQitemZ180258255852QQihZ008QQcategoryZ189QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ApplePro-Logic-Studi...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I was a bit concerned that it would be too good to be true. I needn't have been. Received a fully boxed product that works a treat. Complete with massive manuals, all the Jam Packs and everything else that you would get if you paid £300+ from Apple. Can't fault it really.
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