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Everything posted by P-T-P

  1. Could always use a pick which would allow you to mute with your right hand.
  2. First let me say that I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the people who are in the "Pro-introduction" camp - many of whom are also in the "Pro discussion of prices in for sale threads" camp - and I've enjoyed meeting every one of you. Have come close to deals with some others from these two camps too and I think all of you are thouroughly decent chaps. Having said that, I just don't get why these two issues (which tend to go hand in hand), grate you all so much. The For Sale section is of benefit to the whole of the community of users here, not just because we get to sell gear, but also because there's a whole bunch of gear that becomes available for us to buy. As soon as you put a restriction on the selling of gear, no matter how well intentioned, you are going to restrict the amount of gear that is available. Can anyone think of a single case where an item being advertised for sale on here at what most consider a grossly inflated price has actually sold at that price? And if you can think of one, were you the person who bought it? If not, why are you bothered? The buyer, whoever they were, was clearly happy to pay the price. There's plenty of threads on here and resources all over the internet which give an idae of prices and a simple search on Google will reveal the best new prices for most pieces of kit. If someone is not bothered about checking those kind of things out for themselves, why should anyone feel the need to be the guardian of their wallet? I've bought plenty of gear on here and tried to buy plenty of gear on here. On most I've made an offer and if it's accepted great, if not that's fine too. Where someone's valuation of their gear is way out of line with what mine is, I simply wish them luck and move on. Same the other way round where my valuation is higher than theirs. What benefit is there, to anyone, of getting involved, especially if you're not interested in buying the item yourself? It is utterly futile and only serves to get people wound up, yourselves included. Don't like the price? Ignore it. Simple. If you can't help but express an opinion, do it via PM, do it politely and be prepared to be told to mind your own business. Otherwise we might as well draw up an Official Basschat Book of Second Hand Gear Prices, publish it monthly and disallow any ads selling outside the prescribed parameters of the book. Ridiculous? Maybe, but essentially that's what's being advocated. Control. Forcing people to post elsewhere before selling does nothing to help ascertain their credibility, all it does is possibly deter them from joining. That's possibly one less member of the community to bring their insight/experience, one less member to buy whatever you are selling and one less person whose gear won't be up for sale to us all. Yes, lots of people have been part of the community for a long time, but wouldn't the community better be served by you using your time to post a new fingering for a scale or mode or tips you've picked up down the years on settiing up at different venues (which gives me an idea for a thread) or a whole host of other nuggets from your bass playing experience imstead of fretting over who's selling what and for how much? Ultimately, the decision should lie with whoever put in the time and effort to build this place from the ashes of Bassworld. Whatever they decide or have decided to do, should be the end of these issues. Let's get on with being community of bass players whose shared experiences enrich all of our lives and stop worrying about policing things which there is no need to police. For what it's worth, I first came to Bassworld via the For Sale section. If I'd had to introduce myself, I wouldn't have bothered joining, I feel sure I'm not the only one.
  3. Yes, choosing songs is always a long, drawn out process. What's amazing is that we've been successful on the back of playing mainly pop, some soul and an occasoinal rock classic, but for some reason, people still come in and say something like, "I heard "Aces High" on the radio the other night, we should do that one."
  4. Actually the more I think about the whole not learning songs thing the more I realise just how unbelievably disrespectful it is.
  5. God where to start... lol [b]Irritants[/b] Guitarist who brings two of exactly the same (not particularly light) amp to every gig and runs both in tandem (i.e. same settings on both, both in use at all times). Utterly pointless beyond ultra-extreme redundancy (get a POD for f***s sake, or use the singer's amp, if needs be, it's just one gig). Oh yeah, and then he's a bugger for skiving loading and someone else will end up carrying them. Singer who hasn't learned words properly to half the songs we do I've recently realised (verses repeated all over the place). Guitarist who can't always be arsed to check his set-up is on quietly and/or starts pulling leads out because something's not working without turning amp off or lowering volume at least. Singer, who has hands free nearly all evening and need only step a couple of metres to get to the mixing desk and is therefore person in best position to make any changes, complaing that his in ear mix - which only he can hear remember - isn't how he wants it! [b]Constant Annoyances[/b] Pick a couple of tunes to learn, make a rehearsal date. Learn all bass parts, get lyrics (e-mail to singer), prepare chord sheet as a guide, maybe get the tabs and check they're correct (e-mail to guitarist). Listen to songs so many times you know them inside out. Turn up to rehearse. Singer needs to download lyrics of the internet again and is only vaguely familiar with the melody of the song. Guitarist has never heard the song before, "Have you got a copy with you?" Proceeds to play along with it 15 seconds into the intro trying to work out chords. Inevitably gets chords right but not quite. Disputes chord sheet already prepared as doesn't fit with melody singer is singing in places. Defeated. [b]Murderous Rage Enducing[/b] Me: I want to check your mic Them: One, t... bit more upper mid or worse Me: I want to check your mic Them: One, t... it sounds sh*t Anyone suddenly deciding to care about something (usually PA related) after having taken no interest in it's use whatsoever for the previous 50 gigs and then barking instructions at me (or sometimes even making polite suggestions can be enough if the suggestion is particularly stupid). This is frequently compunded by them then asking me "Which is the 'x' knob/fader/button." [b]Warm Fuzzy Feelings[/b] For our drummer who is always a pleasure to play with; will have learned his parts when time comes for him to join rehearsals (he won't come to the chord haggling sessions anymore, don't blame him either); always does more than his share of loading and setting up and nearly always gets the drinks in as he's usually set-up first.
  6. Bought a J-Retro from Matthew and it was a great deal, received the J-Retro very well packed and very quickly.
  7. Steve bought my Tone Factor 442. Paid quickly and was a pleasure to deal with. Would happily do so again.
  8. www.basspartsresource.com is a good place to get Fender (and other) replacement pick-ups. Have bought from there before, uick delivery and nice price. Didn't pay customs either which was a bonus, but obviously no guarantee on that front. If you're dropping in replacements on a MIM jazz, it's worth checking the distance between the centres on the mounting screwholes for both pick-ups. The US Fenders have a slightly larger bridge pick-up and most replacement pick-ups follow that convention. Until recently, the MIM pick-ups were both the same size and a set of Bartolinis I got to put in a MIM Jazz V required some reshaping of the routing, not major work or anything, but I had to sand away a significant mm or two of the polyester laqcuer to be able to fit them. Probably wise to check measurements on any of the cheaper basses before dropping cash on pick-ups that won't fit. While you're at it, it's probably worthwhile spending an extra £20 or so on some decent audio taper pots so you can get the most from those pick-ups.
  9. bump On sale for as long as rockinbassman's CMD102P is available
  10. Yeah, as others have said. TRB5IIF was Japan made the TRB1005F is Korean made. The QC of the Korean ones is excellent though, I've had both a TRB1005 and TRB1006 and there was nothing at all I could fault about them, think Lakland Skyline quality. I believe all the electronics gubbins and hardware are essentially the same. It was presumably a strategic move on Yamaha's part to enable them to offer a higher wood spec (quilted maple top) at a lower price. For the extra £150 you get a crafter in Japan sticker instead of a crafted in Korea sticker. Pete
  11. Thanks for the info Frank. It's an option I'm considering so good to know it works the way I imagined it would work.
  12. And even more specifically, anyone ever tried a pair of them together but stacked vertically?
  13. This is such a personal issue it's hard for anyone to give accurate advice beyond their own experiences. For me, I found any number of things contribute to left hand comfort, not simply neck dimensions. The way the bass sits on a strap, the amount of neck dive (if any), the amount of friction between your strap and shirt and so on. After a good three years of trying to find the perfect 4 string jazz and continually coming up with the same cramping problem, I've pretty much given up on them. I have particularly small hands so had always assumed the narrower nut and string spacing ona jazz would naturally make it ideal for me. Every jazz I had though gave me problems, moreso when using on a strap than when sat down. It's only through much trial and error that I've realised that the jazz bass neck dimensions, when I wear the bass on a strap, cause my left hand to grip the neck too much which wasn't so much of an issue when seated because my right arm would act as an anchor leaving left hand free to just fret notes rather than hold the neck. I also don't get along to great with necks that are super wide - TRB6 - or those that have a particularly pronounced shoulder to them (this kinda shape \___/ though of course a bit more rounded) - TRB6, Status 4. The best 4 string neck I've ever played was a Status MusicMan replacement job, which felt just great. Looking back, I also got on much better with P-Bass necks than I did with jazz basses. I find Lakland 5 string necks feel just right too, and Fender 5s ain't bad, though I dislike the bridge spacing on the latter. I think it's a bit like cavity backed irons in golf compared to the traditional blade type irons. The traditional ones have a sweet spot about the size of a match head, the cavity backed ones have one about the size of a 5p piece and are more forgiving to swings with a natural fade/draw as a result. The wider necks probably have a larger "sweet spot" where your thumb can sit comfortably whereas on a narrower neck, you're more confined and as a result need to keep your left hand technique that much more in check to avoid getting into a position that is uncomfortable. Don't know if that helps at all, but it could be you have similar tastes to me which I've come to discern as being fairly wide at the nut, with a gently sloping curve to the profile without being particularly deep.
  14. Some sound clips of the bass with different pick-up combinations. Recorded dry into my comps sound card with the bass sporting a brand new set of Elites .045 gauge stainless steel strings and set-up for live rather than recording (hence the odd bit of rattle!). [attachment=7954:5502_bri...ack_coil.mp3] - Bridge pick-up solo with rear coil selected [attachment=7956:5502_bri...mbucking.mp3] - Bridge pick-up solo in humbucking mode [attachment=7955:5502_bri...ont_coil.mp3] - Bridge pick-up solo with front coil selected [attachment=7957:5502_neck_pup.mp3] - Neck pick-up solo [attachment=7953:5502_bot...ear_coil.mp3] - Both pick-ups, bridge with rear coil selected [attachment=7952:5502_bot...mbucking.mp3] - Both pick-ups, bridge pick-up in humbucking mode [attachment=7951:5502_bot...ont_coil.mp3] - Both pick-ups, bridge with front coil selected
  15. Setting aside the fact the guy was a dick for his attitude, what I'd like to know is, what was his reference point for tuning? Or does he think that he has perfect (non-relative) pitch? If he was getting his reference from someone else, who probably used tuner, then he's an even bigger dick. On the other hand, being able to tune by ear is a a useful skill to try and develop if you can 'cause if there's an acoustic piano on stage that's gonna be used it's probably wise to tune to that.
  16. Okay I have 2 possible trade offers on the table for this and one promising but not quite there part-ex deal. Anyone else interested? Open to offers of all kind, cash always welcome but part-ex or trades also welcome. I'm doing the home studio thing at the moment too so could go for some monitors, condenser mic (for vocals) outboard effects possibly.
  17. LOL Jay Remember her? In fact, as I walked out the door with her didn't you promise to buy her back when the time came for me to sell? Or is that wishful thinking on my part
  18. Wow, that's a great deal. Making me think even more about swapping my little combo and going back to seperates. This plus either of the two sets of cabs out there would be awesome. Utter overkill for my needs but tempting nonetheless. Anyone thinking about buying this, Al's a top bloke.
  19. Pics of the bass, the headstock pic shows the doink on the headstock. I could not photograph the surface scratches on the back, they only show up when held to the light at the correct angle. As you can see, the bass is v. pretty and in excellent condition. [attachment=7682:lakland_5502_01.jpg][attachment=7683:lakland_5502_02.jpg][attachment=7684:lakland_5 502_03.jpg]
  20. I've had this bass for a couple of months now and even though it has an incredibly low action and I find it very comfortable to play - moreso even than my DJ5 which I adored from day 1 - it's just not working out for me tonally. My DJ5 has massive low-end thump whereas the 55-02 has a lot more cut to it which I daresay is what a lot of people look for, but it's not particularly my thing. I know I should perhaps consider swapping out the pick-ups and/or electronics, but I'm not much of one for modding, especially as you never get the money spent back ifyou decide to sell so I'm looking to move this on either by way of sale or trade. It's typical Lakland 55-02 spec so has their fantastic tight low B and string through or topload bridge. Bartolini MM/J pick-up configuration and 3 band pre-amp with switchable mid frequency centre, pick-up pan control and push/pull active/passive volume pot. Finish is a lush sunburst over a quilted maple top. Fingerboard is rosewood on a graphite reinforced maple neck, hipshot ultralite tuners finish out the spec. Action is supremely low and it is the best Lakland neck I've had my hands on (and they're all pretty good). There's a couple of marks on the back, but only superficial and they may even polish out, but the front is pretty much spotless. Think there might be a small ding on the headstock (isn't there always?). Will sort some pics out today (now added, see below). Looking for £750. Ideally would just like to turn it into a DJ5. Would also consider taking a JO5 or 55-01 in part-ex against it. Alternatively, P or J basses (especially with maple necks) also considered as part-ex fodder with an outside shot that I'd take a 6 string bass of some kind. PM me if interested or call or txt me on 07515 929935 or e-mail to pete at peteward dot co dot uk
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