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Everything posted by P-T-P

  1. For me it's a case of remembering which songs I learned via chords for and which I have learned via Nashville chords/natural osmosis because if I decide to go for a wander away from what I normally play on the former, I know what that important note that's fast approcahing is, but with the latter I either need to think about it (Nashville) or possibly have no clue at all because for maybe a nano-second I've not been toe-ing the line of chords/melody and now don't know which finger should be where!
  2. Well, Thomann have their own brand mics which have 16 channels and I think you can use up to 5 at a time. They're a good price too (about £60 IIRC) and aside from the lack of squelch on their IEMs, I'm well impressed with the sound quality, much better than the db Technologies units I was originally using, so I'm sure the mics will be of a pretty decent standard. You get 30 day, no quibble return on them as well.
  3. Hi Si, Yeah, that's gonna be a bit of a problem for ya, though the freePORT mics can be switched between 4 frequencies though I just don't get way all these companies can't just bung a load of frequencies on these things, it surely can't be that much more expensive. Afraid all my mics are sold now too. Pete
  4. Damn indeed. This ad's been up for over a week too!
  5. Nik, You should look up mikeh in the Wanted ads. He has a 55-01 deluxe and wants to upgrade to a DJ4/5. Could be a match made in heaven! Pete
  6. Now that's a thing of beauty.
  7. Just to back up Nik's point above, I had this bass before him and sold it only because I have another DJ5 which I prefer (colour, maple board, bart pre-amp fitted) and felt that having the two was preventing me exploring a wider tonal palette so I sold it to Nik in order to fund some exploring. I don't regret selling it, but by the same token, I am trying to get the bass back of him! It is a superb bit of kit and (having not tried a Roscoe Beck 5) is the most tonally varied passive bass I've ever played. Whoever ends up with this is gonna love it. And Nik is a top bloke to deal with too.
  8. Glorious bass and if you'd take a fretless Ray in part-ex I'd probably have it back from you!
  9. P-T-P

    Birdys Feedback

    Ace guy to deal with. Very friendly and the deal was excellent, bass I ended up with was way better than he'd led me to believe, which was a pleasant bonus. He wanted to take four pickguard screws out of the bass I was giving him to replace the missing ones on the one I was getting. How mad (in the best of ways) is that?
  10. [quote name='mikeh' post='116423' date='Jan 8 2008, 06:41 PM']OMG Im in turmoil!!! [/quote] Better than being in olive oil 'cause that Popeye's got a heck of a temper!
  11. P-T-P

    P-T-P's Feedback

    There are no Burger Kings or McDonalds anywhere near me, I have to find a way to get my fix!
  12. bump for new pics - eBay bound soon
  13. eBayed [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330202661812"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=330202661812[/url]
  14. Also, aren't the DPLE's ordered through an associated music store, so presumably someone's turning a bit of profit there too so if Lakland will deal direct with us, perhaps it might not cost quite as much and presumably the import tax needs only to be on the cost price not the full retail price.
  15. I'd be interested, depending on price and what can be agreed in terms of specification. If it's just going to be a standard DJ5 in a custom colour with a J-Retro fitted then there doesn't seem much point, there needs to be something else unique about the spcification - maple board with black blocks or P/J or J/MM pickup configuration for example.
  16. Bump for the weekend. Had some interest in both basses but not yet close to a deal. I'm happy to take PayPal if you'll cover the fees (and have a verified account). I'm also happy to meet half way and complete any deal for a little fuel money. Don't be shy, these are two very different but each is great at what they do and the proce on the 'Ray is a pretty good one when you consider most sellers look for over the £750 mark for a SH one. All trades considered, could probably find a use for a decent home studio mixer with hard drive and CD burner. Don't really need any FX but could be interested in some MarkBass gear, combo or seperates. Also whatever basses of interest you might have to offer.
  17. I've owned a couple of these beasts in the past few years and can safely say that those suggesting SH prices around the £700-£800 mark aren't far off 'cause that's about what I paid for mine and what I was able to sell them for too. That having been said, it does always bug me a bit when I see these kinda feeding frenzies about pricing, no matter how well intentioned those pointing out the issue may be. My thoughts are that unless you're intending to buy it at the price you think it's worth, best leave alone or at worst make your point in private to the seller. At the end of the day market forces will prevail irrespective of the discussion, if someone is happy to pay the asking price then what's the problem for the rest of us and if no one is prepared to pay, the bass is still the seller's and again, what's the problem for the rest of us? All that having a public debate does is put the seller at the disadvantage of having their integrity publicly called into question. No offence meant to anyone, it's just my opinion.
  18. I bought these new a month or so ago and they are a really fantastic mic but we use in-ear monitoring and the IEMs aren't happy about the presence of the mics and the need to hear is more important than the convenience of these mics so the mics have to go. They have done three gigs and are in virtually as new condition, complete with box, instructions etc. Each mic and receiver set can be switched to one of four frequencies in the UHF 863-865MHz band (i.e. UK legal frequencies) and you can use up to four mics at a time (the fifth one we had with the intention of using as a spare for lead singer if his battery went down so that particular set is unused as such). The mics are sturdy little things and battery change is a doddle. They're quite pokey too and replacing metres of cable with wireless meant we suddenly had a bunch more gain coming into the PA which gave a nice wad of extra headroom. We were very pleased with the sound quality (matched up well against the SM58 and Beyers we had been using) and are a bit gutted that the experiment hasn't worked out in respect of the IEMs. Still our loss could be your gain. Each set contains the mic, receiver, UK power supply and mic stand clip. They sell at about £150 new in the UK (a little less at Thomann, but those come with Euro power supply) and I'm asking £70 plus P&P per set. PM me e-mail me on pete at peteward dot co dot uk or call me on 07851 671773. I have one set left though technically that is sold, however the buyer was from Poland and sent payment via a PayPal account not in his name with an unconfirmed delivery address and via an e-mail address that bounced.
  19. I've decided to sell a couple of basses which aren't really getting a look-in from me to see if I can turn them into someting I'll get more enjoyment from. The first is a Musicman Stingray with Status Graphite unlined fretless neck. The second is a Fender Japan 62 RI Jazz which is now sold pending the usual. [attachment=4716:001.jpg] [attachment=4717:002.jpg] [attachment=4718:003.jpg] [attachment=4719:004.jpg] [attachment=4720:005.jpg] [attachment=4721:006.jpg] The Stignray has been tastefully modified. Originally it was a 3-band EQ model and along with the unbelievably great Status neck it also features a Seymour Duncan Basslines pick-up and SD 3 band EQ. The controls are therefore push-pull volume (coil tap), mid cut/boost and then stacked bass/treble cut/boost. The jack input is now on the control plate however the original side-mounted jack socket/plate is still on the bass so you could easily switch back to standard MMan set-up if you'd prefer. The finish is, as you can see, just beautiful, though there are a few dings here and there. The neck is perfect, I can't begin to say how good it is... low action, solid as a rock, great feel in your hands etc. and the whole package sings like a bird at the dusty end and snarls like a beast at the bottom end. It's currently sporting a brand new set of Thomastik flatwounds and has had a set-up done. I just have no use for it other than home playing as there's no place for it in current band set-up other than for a song or two here and there and I don't want to carry three basses to a gig so I'd like to get as much as possible of the £600 I have invested in it turned into something more useful. The jazz is sold I'm looking for trade/part-ex deals on these ideally (cash either way depending on what you've got). Ideally looking for Lakland JO5, DJ5, 55-01/02 or possibly JO4, DJ4 BG or DD. Could go for a Stingray 5 or possibly 4, nice US jazz or precision (preferably maple board on these though). Maybe a Warwick, any other interesting offers. Failing that, I suppose cash is always good so offers around £600 for the Ray. PM me or e-mail to pete at peteward dot co dot uk or call me on 07851 671773.
  20. Just a thought, but don't parcel2go.com offer a "Ship To" address in the US? They then bring it over here for you. FWIW I've had a couple of basses come via USPS and without problems.
  21. Yeah, just checked it out and the max length for a USPS Global Express delivery is 46" and my DJ5 is about 45" long so could possibly be done with some creative packing. USPS info here [url="http://pe.usps.com/text/Imm/fh_014.htm#ep3576772"]http://pe.usps.com/text/Imm/fh_014.htm#ep3576772[/url]
  22. I think USPS have changed the T&Cs for shipping to the UK recently when it comes to the size of package you can send and as a result, a bass comes in at an inch or two too big. I was talking with Bass Central about a bass a few months back and that's what they told me and it did check out at the time. There literally is only an inch or so in it, so I dare say it is getawayable with if the sender is unaware or aware but willing to try.
  23. P-T-P

    Green Paint

    How green are we talking? Candy Apple Green... Sage Green Metallic (a standard Fender MIM colour and previously available on US models, there's a MIM P on eBay at the mo)... Surf Green... Foam Green... Sherwood Green Metallic... Teal Green Metallic... Emerald Green... Personally I'm not a lover of green guitars but quite fancy the idea of a green flip/flop paint job. Saw a car once that had one which had an orangey-yellow as the flip colour.
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