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Adam Clayton is probably more famous for knowing Bono and bumping uglies with Naomi Campbell than he is for being a bass player, does that count?
Gloria by U2 has a bass solo in it. Not all that flash but there all the same. New Year's Day and Two Hearts Beat as One are also "bass songs"
I'm pretty certain there were no javascript errors or posting problems before the new skin went up. I read in another thread that the board script was updated recently too so it could be the problem came about after that. I first noticed the errpr on 10th July and I'm on here near enough every day.
Yep, me too.
Might want to check this out [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2819"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2819[/url] One other user hasposted in the "Site Issues" about the javascriot error and another user has posted about probs with the text editor.
When you're having the problem on two different machines in three different browsers, chances are it's an issue with the page(s), not the browsers. Almost certainly not the Java platform as it's a Javascript error, not Java, but anyway my Java on both machines is fully up to date. There's nothing wrong with my IE installation, this is a recently occuring problem which more than likely somehow ties in with either an update of the forum script or the installation of the new skin.. In fact, thinking about it, if the option is there to sue an alternate skin in preferences I may just try that out and see what happens, will report back. It could also be the case the ISP are using some kind of proxy and haven't yet got a revised javascript code or something silly like that.
I used to run a pair of Transporter 15s and then changed to the and XL 15 paired with an XL 410. I thought the transporters were excellent but the XLs were far better (either as a stack or individually) to my ears, however I found them a pain in the ass to lg around, especially when you have to get them up a few flights of stairs as I sometimes have to. That, for me, is what made me let them go, just too damned heavy. If every gig was a straightforward load in I'd go with the XLs, but think the transporters do a fine job and come with the added benefit of beings substantially more portable and therefore preferrable. Dood is right though, they have epic tone.
[quote name='baretas' post='30248' date='Jul 11 2007, 01:09 PM']Try to uninstall Firefox and then install it again (using the version). I'm also using Firefox and no problems at all.[/quote] Thing is, it's a cross browser problem, not simply Firefox related.
Due to an annoying insurance company who took an age to process my claim, I had to buy a replacement mixer for one that was damaged. Even more annoyingly, the insurance company then insisted on supplying a replacement rather than paying for the one I'd bought. Two months on from the incident, I have just had delivered a brand new Behringer PMP5000 powered mixer which, although I'm considering using it to run monitor mixes, is really surplus to requirements. We've used a PMH5000 for the past two years until some trogg knocked over a PA stack and took the mixer with it. We now are using a PMP5000 which is exactly the same but 1200w instead of 800w. I know Behringer get a bad rap on some things, but I have to say that these mixers are fantastic for a gigging band. Loads of inputs, usable built in FX, two monitor sends, low pass filter. Light and plenty of poke we run everything but the drums through ours, occasionally add a little kick drum in though, and our FOH sound is fantastic. It's very easy to use and quick to set up. They are RRP at £422 but cheapest you can get them is £359 plus P&P. This is a brand new, still in the box (though I can unpack it to check it all works if you would like) mixer that will do a great job for any band playing pubs and clubs. Full spec is here [url="http://www.behringer.com/PMP5000/index.cfm?lang=eng"]http://www.behringer.com/PMP5000/index.cfm?lang=eng[/url] Will someone give me £320 posted for it? Would consider trades/part-ex for any of the following... Nice 5 string fretless Decent 6 string Possibly a nice P-Bass
Okay, and to add to the confusion, Opera 9.21 displays the text editor the way IE7 and Firefox do and as a result, I get the same problem!
Okay, Firefox made no difference!
Updated to Firefox just to see if it made a difference, but sadly not. Am trying Firefox once it has installed.
I am using IE7 on Windows XP Pro both in the office and at home. On every page of the site, the status bar always displays a "Done, but with errors" message. The message reads... [i]Line: 2 Char: 1083 Error: Object required Code: 0 URL: [/i][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2770"][i]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2770[/i][/url] The URL changes according to the page but the rest of the message remains the same. Additionally, and possibly because of the above, when I was making the post [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2770"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2770[/url] I used some basic formatting, bolding the title of each item I have for sale and the asking price. Look closely and you will notice the title of the first item is not bolded and neither is the price of the final item. This is because, when I tried them in bold, everything after and including the bolded text was omitted from the final output. Strange as the other bolded text does not seem to be a problem. I have tried to rectify this in Firefox and in Opera 8.5. In Firefox I get the same problem as in IE7, but in Opera it works fine, though in Opera the text editor displays differently than in the other two. If I highlight and click bold in IE or Firefox, the text changes to bold there and then in the text editor, whereas in Opera the same action simply adds the more usual message board [b] tags around the text. The problem is the same both in the office and at home. I have tried clearing my cache and turning off pop-up blockers but to no avail.
I always bring two basses to a paying gig and the PA is used for FOH sound so if my amp fails it's not the end of the world. Lots of good ideas on other people's posts. My tips would be: 1. Bring one more spare 9v battery than you might actually need. It's rare, but sometimes one will be a dud and if you've not got that extra spare, you are screwed. 2. Spare strap buttons and screws. If you gig enough you or someone in your band will need one at some point. 3. Half a dozen cocktail sticks for emergency filling of the hole that a strap button screw has been ripped out of. Pack e'm in, snap 'em off and then fit the button back on. 4. Superglue - In a water blister-related emergency, a very thin coat of superglue smeared over the top of the burst blister can restore feeling to your fingertip and protect it from further damage. 5. Clear nail varnish or nail hardener - a little dab of this can prevent the height adjutment screws on your bridge saddle from working loose but will easily break when you need to make an adjustment 6. A drum key - don't tell them you've got it, but one day your drummer will be glad you have it. 7. A collection of various sizes of spare picks - same as number 6 but for guitarists (though if he is a twat, you could instead just carry the phone number of the guitarist you'd rather have in the band and use the lack of picks as a gross misconduct, sackable offense!)
£500 can buy a heck of a lot of bass these days. If you are okay with buying second hand, even more so. If you look long and hard enough you'll probably find a second hand Fender Made in USA P-Bass or J-Bass for £500 and they are so popular and often copied (either cheaply or very expensively) for good reason - you can use them in pretty much any situation. You can get a Lakland 44-01 or 55-01 second hand for around £400 and I personally think that is the best bang for bucks buy in that price bracket. If you are looking at buying new, a Yamaha TRB1004 will cost just over £500 and would be an exceptionally nice bass to play, as are most of the Yamaha basses. Ibanez also make some great basses under £500 and I think there's a lot to be said for the Cort GB range of basses too. Personally I don't think the Made in Mexico Fenders are a good new buy. I've only ever owned one MIM Fender that I liked, the others weren't that well made. You'll get a far better bass if you can find a Made in Japan Fender and you can get one of those new for under £500. Warwick's RockBass line are excellent value for money but may not suit all situations as readily as some others I've mentioned. Remember, if you buy new, when it comes time to sell, you can expect to only get about 60% of what you paid for it so be sure that any new bass is one you really are going to stick with. If not, second hand is almost always the way to go as you will get a lot more bass for your money and if you look after it well, when it comes time to sell you will get most, if not all of your money back. As others have said, get out there and try some basses, find what you like and what you don't like. Most bass players are pretty down to earth too so don't be afraid to ask for in person advice, I'd bet most will chat away quite happily.
[quote name='Rich' post='27374' date='Jul 5 2007, 11:59 AM']After playing PTP's gorgeous Lakky Skyline DJ5 I'd really rather like, errm, a Lakky Skyline DJ5 ;-) Pref. with the active bits like Pete's. It's got that Marcus tone absolutely nailed. Yum.[/quote] Hook, line and sinker eh Rich? It is an utter babe of a bass. I've never been much of a one for slap playing but since I bought that bass I find I'm tempted to give it a good thumping every time I pick it up. I also find myself just picking up my bass at home a heck of a lot more now. The passive one is rapidly growing on me lately though as I'm recording some guide tracks for the band's next demo and I'm using that rather than the one you played which is actioned up for live playing where a little buzz here and there doesn't hurt. The passive controls are astonishingly versatile. As this is a GAS thread, I should say that I'm GASsing for either an F-Bass or a custom DJ5-a-like with pretty birdseye board, PJ pups and a cool vintage colour. If I find an F-Bass in the right price range, the passive DJ5 might come onto the market yet Rich.
Don't post your bass via Parcelforce/RoyalMail
P-T-P replied to OldGit's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='OldGit' post='27319' date='Jul 5 2007, 09:32 AM']The bass wasn't sent by Parcel Force after all .. It was sent Royal Mail Special Delivery Next Day "for valuable items" The plot thickens ... especially as the guidance for packing guitars referred to in the rejection letter is on the Parcel Force website and not on the Royal Mail Special Delivery Next Day Wrapping Guidance web page (or, indeed, anywhere on paper in a Post Office or on the Royal Mail website itself...[/quote] But by my reckoning, a bass would be too large to send using this service which has a size restriction of 610mm x 460mm x 460mm. All the more confusing since a couple of weeks ago I sent a bass case using this service while yesterday I sent another bass case and was denied this service. According to the woman who served me there have been no recent changes in the size restrictions. -
Not really bass related I know, but I figure someone here will likely be able to answer the question for me. Currently my band uses a powered mixer for FOH (everything apart from kit) and we send the signals from the 5 mics to a Shure Auxpander (a rack 8x8 matrix mixer) using the inserts and the bass and guitar signals to the Auxpander from the mixers two monitor out AUX sends. The inserts use standard 1/4" TRS stereo jacks while the monitor sends are 1/4" mono jacks with the jack plug half inserted on the Auxpander insert. The Auxpander then routes the mic signals through compressor/gate/enhancer and multi-fx unit before sending back to the main mix desk and it also creates 4 individual mixes for out in-ear monitors. As a result of an insurance claim (and the annoying delay in processing the claim) we now have two mixing desks. As these are identical and both have on-board effects and as one of these is substantially smaller and lighter than the 12 unit rack which houses the Auxpander, gate, compressor etc. we'd like to just run the two mixers side by side. This would give us a more streamlined set-up, give us redundancy should FOH unit pack up, give us opportunity to run wedges/side fills (both are powered mixers) as guitarist is hating IEM set-up. What I don't know is can I hook the two up using the Insert points and preferrably using just cables or am I going to need to split the signal somehow? The I/O is wired Tip -> Signal Output Ring -> Signal Return If it can't be done simply by hooking the two mixers together, what will I need to get it to work, ideally in a single unit rack space?!
Yeah, getting on fine. It's not exactly plug and play, but that's okay as I wasn't expecting it to be. Spent a few days messing about with it in a sorta semi-blind fashion, just to see what happens and see what button did what. Read the manual in the meantime and kinda makes sense really. Only slight hitch with it I found is that switching patches mid song doesn't really work because of the ever so slight but there all the same delay which is a bit of a shame but it's not what I got it for in the first place so no big loss. The whole create a patch thing is a bit annoying coming from individual pedals, but you'd need to buy (and carry) a couple of dozen pedals to get the same array of sounds under your feet so the patch thing is worth living with IMHO. In the end you've only got to program the patches once and then you're all set, whereas with pedals you have to remember your settings and so on. I'm a very happy camper thanks.
Bought Si's BOSS GT6-B earlier this week. Top man who serves a delicious mug of tea (was it Lady Grey, distinct citrusy tang?) and the coffee he and Rich were imbibing smelled preety choice too! Don't let him let you play his Shuker 5 string though as it could pose serious problems for the longterm health of your bank balance!
Black Columbus P-Bass Kay Neck Thru Natural Columbus P/J P-Bass Hohner Jack Hohner B2a Squier Jazz Fender Sonic Blue P-Bass MIJ RI Aria Neck-Thru 4 string not sure of model Fender Cream 70's Jazz MIA** Lag Custom 4 Walnut** Status Eclipse 5 Walnut Warwick Streamer Standard 4 Honey Violin Warwick Streamer Stage I Natural Fender Deluxe Active Jazz 4 MIM Lakland 55-01 Deluxe Cherry Sunburst Lakland 55-01 Inca Silver Fretless Fender Standard Jazz V MIM Sage Green Metallic Fender Deluxe Jazz V Inca Silver MIA Squier Q Series P-Bass Black Tobias Toby Pro 6 Natural Rockbass Streamer Standard Blue Fender P-Bass Foam Green (fake) No-Name LP Type Bass Short Scale Black Musicman Stingray 4 Natural Lakland Joe Osborn 5 Candy Apple Red Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat** Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Fender P-Bass Shell Pink MIJ** Fender Jazz 75 RI MIA Gold Fender Jazz Deluxe QMT Vintage Cherry Sunburst Steinberger Spirit B25a Status SmartBass 4 Walnut Lakland 55-02 Natural Lakland 55-01 Inca Silver Yamaha TRB 1006 Natural Fender Standard Jazz Sunburst De-Fretted MIM Fender Aerodybne Jazz Gunmetal Blue Fender Jazz 75 RI Candy Apple Red Yamaha TRB 1005 TDR Reggie Hamilton Jazz Sunburst MIM Lakland Daryl Jones 5 Pearl White* Fender Standard Jazz V Sunburst MIM Fender Highway 1 Jazz Sunburst MIA Cort Curbow 5 String Blue Lakland Joe Osborn 4 Candy Apple Red Lakland Daryl Jones 5 Lake Placid Blue* *Current Basses **Wish I still had
Best is ever so subjective, so for me I'd go for something like YYZ. However when questions like this come up I often think about the most recognizable basslines. The parts that your average non-muso would know a song from instantly without necessarily realising it is the bass playing it. For that I'd go with, in no particular order... New Year's Day With or Without You You can't Hurry Love Another One Bites the Dust Town Called Malice Good Times The Chain (though most people would probably just say "The Grand Prix music!")
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='22283' date='Jun 23 2007, 10:50 AM']A bit like these... [/quote] What a lovely pair! Further to what others have said about actives... I find my passive DJ requires a bit of work to get it sitting just right in the mix, while the active one is pretty much plug and play, plus, of course, you have the advantage of boost/cut should you need to change on the fly. owever, the passive bass seems to respond much better to playing dynamics, eve though it is essentially the same bass.
Personally I used to bring one of each (I never do a paid for gig without a back-up, even though I've never needed one), now I bring a pair of DJ5s, one with Bartolini pre-amp and one passive. The passive one does a reasonable facsimile of a P-Bass. Truthfully though, so long as you have a good quality instrument, you can't really go wrong with either the P-Bass or J-Bass in a covers environment, though a P-Bass might need a lot more careful EQ-ing to get the right tone for some tunes. If I was pressed to choose, I'd go with the passive DJ5 as it has, without doubt, the most musical passive controls I've ever encountered.