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Billy Dowdall

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About Billy Dowdall

  • Birthday 29/12/1992

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Total Watts

  1. Bought Kevs darkglass b7k, great guy to deal with and it the pedal was perfectly as described!
  2. Awesome pedal! Is there any difference between the finland and the usa models? Also how much do you rekon postage will be? I've recently sold my old bass to buy a darkglass pedal, and this looks perfect : ) Are there any major scratches on it anywhere? It looks pretty new!
  3. Has this pedal gone yet? I need it! : )
  4. I've played the et-414 a lot and it's a very heavy bass! The same kind of neck profile as a proper fender jazz bass but the stock pickups in it are pretty good! lovely tone out of it and would definitely recommend it for metal. I'm personally not a fan of the looks at all, it looks too much like a guitar and If I'm buying a bass, its gota look like a bass lol I could only comment on that particular model but the ltd-esp basses are perfect if you don't mind a heavy bass and play most of your stuff with a plectrum I bought a bass and recently surprised myself and bought an ibanez, Take a look at the sr series. I got the sr605 and it comes loaded with bartolinni pick ups! They're f'ckin brill pick ups
  5. Is this gone? Would you consider me paying for postage and a bit of a donation ? Just i'm in blackpool and won't be in london till september, and would quite like a rack tuner before I go on tour : )
  6. I'm pretty interested, recently had a go on one of these and it sounds preeetttttyyy tasty. Would you consider a trade for a Traben Array Limited 5 string? It's in pretty good condition, 1 or 2 knocks but I've kept pretty good care of her! The only problem might be that I'm in Blackpool! Still have the box and would happily send it via courier.
  7. I've got one (array limited 5 string) and they're built pretty well, the pups aren't amazing but you can replace em. The only reason I'm looking to sell mine is so i can finance a shiny new fender lol I would go for it if you can cope with the looks!
  8. The satin models look amazing but the low price tag for some reason is putting me off! I'm a bit scared of ordering it incase I just get a nice looking, but mostly sh*tly built and not as nice sounding fender!! p.s. thanks for all the help guys! : )
  9. Yer I know what you mean. Ever since playing a fender I've wanted one and was set on a Mexican one but the 200 quid saving has really made me think as to the difference between them you know
  10. on paper it's perfect for the style of music I player but I just hate the look of it! I might grow to love it though.... I'm really considering the modern player though. It's £200 odd cheaper and very similar specs to the MIM one!
  11. Hey everybody! I'm in a bit of a dilemma, It's about time I treat myself to a new bass and I thought i was 100% going to go for a 5 string fender standard jazz bass MIM but i've just seen one of those Modern player jazz bass's and they do a 5 string version for about £200 cheaper and it SEEMS to have everything going for it. They look fantastic, has humbucker pickups that seem like they're of decent quality, not a bad construction (looks like it wouldn't feel cheap or anything but that are made in china so you can never be to sure). I would usually get on a train to manchester and go try it out buy i can't find anywhere with it in stock! So my question is, weighing up the price difference of the basses, which bass would you buy? Also feel free to throw any other basses into the mix I might not have thought of! I have about a £600 budget : ) Cheers guys!
  12. If I can sell my amp in time then I am all over this! Great deal here
  13. Haha If i ever get famous then it'll be because of this beast of an amp!! Can't thank you enough for the amp and all the help you gave me with it (and getting started with this forum!)
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