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Everything posted by Icarus_147

  1. Never played one, but I love the sound of the J basses. If you can get your hands on one of the Japanese non-export models, I'd say go for one of those. They look amazing, especially the red ones.
  2. Looking at getting a pedalboard and a bass Crybaby. Also I'd never turn my nose up at a Thunderbird. Not sure if I want that or to start saving for a Ric though. Or maybe a new DSLR. So many decisions. D:
  3. Honestly? The looks. I love the way it plays and how it feels, and the weight is just perfect, but I think it looks stunning. Short scale, skinny neck, easy access to every fret. It's just awesome. <3
  4. I sent a friend in Holland a parcel, and bought him something from eBay. Not sure how the seller was sending it, but neither parcel has arrived yet. I'm guessing they're behind because of the bank Holiday or something?
  5. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1334175894' post='1612207'] Me on stage, with the band (we're nowhere near as Indie as we look in this photo, honest). Liam [/quote] Is it bad if I looked at that and thought "Cool, but which one are you?" >.>
  6. Lol'd heartily. Best one yet.
  7. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1334131872' post='1611184'] I'm already in the process of doing so. Can't bear to look at them, now. [/quote] If you're stuck for getting them sold and just want rid of them, I'd be willing to adopt one.
  8. [quote name='paulwillson' timestamp='1333972569' post='1608878'] everything about that house is suspicious he has 2 fridges one which hasnt been used ever, but he likes to keep it in the middle of the kitchen to "air" he is also the kind of guy to dig a massive (seemily pointless, but berhaps its for the bodies) hole in the garden and then take a big swig of his aldi beer and pat him self on the back for all his hard work. The hot tap has only just been fixed in the last month or two as before he thought it was too expensive so he broke the tap. i could go on, but he is one strange cat. [/quote] Well, I'm not one to judge, but he does [i]sound [/i]like a serial killer.
  9. Did the guy who designed this fall asleep and miss his deadline or something? I looks like it's waiting for some more bits...
  10. Very sad news. RIP Mr Marshall, and thank you for spending the last 50 years making rock music the coolest thing on the planet. Back when I was buying my amp, I had a choice between getting my Laney half stack, or an old [url="http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/amplifiers/jim-marshall-2195-lead-bass-100w-amp-head-da1520"]Lead and Bass head[/url] for the same price. In the end time and money ran out, seeing as I'd need to buy a cab too, but I wish I'd been able to get it.
  11. I use my pickup selector on my V as a killswitch, and recently played an entire song wondering why I couldn't hear anything. I just presumed it was the DI box I was using, seeing as it was the venue's. Sound guy came up on stage, we spent a good couple of minutes trying to figure it out. Looked down at the bass as I was unplugging it to check the cable and... yeah... Well done genius. >.< Luckily there were only a couple of people milling around so not many people saw.
  12. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1333408907' post='1601441'] So long as you realise that after you've spent all that cash doing it up, it'll still be worth £75........ [/quote] Haha, yeah, I don't plan on selling it on. To be quite honest I don't plan on selling any of my basses on. It could be that I'm just a hoarder, but, I like to think if it as building a collection. >.>
  13. So, for anyone who saw, I recently bought a bass which, when shipped, turned out to not be a bass at all. Well! I got a refund and then bought the guitar I was supposed to get. It arrived today and is actually nicer than I was expecting it to be. It cost £75 with shipping. It's a Jaxville, which is some type of supermarket brand or something. It's in pretty good nick, the only evidence of a previous owner was that it was a bit dusty in places and has very slight scuff on the top horn. In it's present state it actually isn't that bad. It's worth £75, but I was expecting [i]much[/i] worse. Not a huge fan of the fat neck, but I'm starting to get used to it. The plan is, basically, to keep it for the body alone. I plan on changing just about everything else. I'm thinking about putting some passive EMGs in it, getting a Jazz neck with a satin black finish around back and an ebony fretboard, changing the machine heads out for black ones and installing a Hipshot Extender, and I'm toying with the idea of fitting a Warwick bridge, purely because I like how they look. I'm also thinking about putting a mirrored pickguard on there, but I'm not sure yet. Keen to try out some Rotosounds too. I'm expecting someone who actually knows what they're talking about to come along and tell me how awful those ideas are. But please, if I'm making any glaring mistakes, do tell me. >.> It's second from the left, for anyone not sure. I've also ran out of space to put things. It's currently sitting on top of my pile of gigbags in the corner there. I should point out that I had a spare black knob lying about, so I stuck that on there just because I could. The stock ones are actually pretty heavy duty things!
  14. [b]Westfield P copy[/b] [b]in Transparent Turquoise[/b] My first ever bass. Just awful. Pretty though. Bought when I was 14 and sat in a gig bag in the corner of my room for six months before being sold on. [b]Ibanez GSR-190 in Transparent Red[/b] My "first" bass. Actually plays really nicely. The sound isn't bad, but I might swap the pickups one day. I'm slowly adding more and more stickers to it. I plan on getting a couple of Nyan Cat stickers and putting the cat at the first fret, then running the rainbow all the way down the neck. It has two black knobs and one chrome, and one black machine head, the other three are chrome. I'm thinking about swapping the bridge out for a black one and mix and matching black and chrome saddles. It's currently sporting some pretty orange DR Neons, but the coating is wearing off pretty badly now, and they suddenly went horribly dull, so they might get switched out soon. [b]Epiphone Korina '58 V Reissue[/b] My workhorse. Beautiful, easy and fun to play, great sounds. All stock, and I plan to keep it that way. Only thing I don't like is the neck dive, but, I don't really mind it. The rest of the guitar makes it worth it. [b]Tanglewood Evolution Acoustic [/b] Bought on my 18th birthday just because. I love how it looks, and it plays and sounds pretty goddamn nice. It's bigger than me, which can be a bit awkward sometimes mind. [color=#ff0000][b]NEW: [/b][/color][b][color=#000000]Jaxville Series II Demon Custom Bass[/color][/b] (or something) Anticipating delivery tomorrow. Supermarket brand bass that I'm basically buying for the body. Planning on changing everything else. Other than that I think I've probably settled on getting a T-40 as my next decent acquisition. Not much of a history so far, but I intend to amass a collection that will make gods weep. >.>
  15. So jealous. I'd love one with the blade pickups, in white or natural, like yours. They're just beautiful guitars.
  16. I really like Thunderbirds, but goddamn there are just too many pretty ones to choose from. This new silver one looks great, and, personally I thought the Silverburst was beautiful too. Just like the Silverburst Explorer bass. And then there's the Goth, and the Nikki Sixx, and the Natural Oil Pro, and... you get the idea. I'm not complaining mind. Edit: Oh, and of course the Arctic and Alpine Whites.
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1333175075' post='1598338'] Just because it's light?? [/quote] Oh, no, I didn't really make it clear. The sound higher up the neck actually wasn't all that pleasant. I'm willing to guess it wasn't just the amp, because I was running through a GK. For the majority of my band stuff, that wouldn't matter, otherwise I'd still probably be considering it were it not for anything else, but I'd certainly want to shop around first. The weight is ridiculous though. I'm not very good at estimating weights, but, I can safely say it's the lightest bass I've ever picked up. I'm pathetic, and it still felt like there was just nothing there. I'm not saying I'd rather have an anchor slung over shoulder, but I like to fell like I've got something substantial in my hands (that's what she said). If I got the chance to try it out [i]properly[/i] (i.e. with the band) I might realise that the weight isn't really that much of a problem, but given my experience with it so far it just doesn't feel right. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1333178797' post='1598361'] Just as an intermediary step between Squier and Fender Custom Shop, maybe see if you can have a play on a MIM Fender Blacktop Jazz. [/quote] They had one of those in the store actually, it did look quite nice. I'm off on Monday, so I might head back and try out some other stuff. That said I have just bought a bass that I'm gonna be modding so I might just sink all of what I would have spent on something else into that and make it as good as I can. I am awful at decisions. ._.
  18. Update! So it wasn't as good as I hoped. Frets were a bit sharp, but that could be dealt with. Sound was a bit dubious around the higher notes too. And it was far, far too light. Like, could have picked it up with one finger light. It was actually a weird sensation picking it up for the first time. That said, the sound wasn't awful, it did have a lot of bottom end, and now that I've seen it in the flesh I think it's even prettier. I'll just have to ask Fender Custom Shop nicely to make me one that isn't built out of polystyrene when I'm rich. I (sadly) won't be investing in this though. ):
  19. I'd say go for it. But then I didn't realise that people still get offended by it. I didn't really realise people still cared that much about the queen, to be quite honest. I should probably watch the news more. ._.
  20. This is probably a long shot, but is anyone aware of what string Epiphones come with as stock? I really like the ones on my V but I have absolutely no idea what they are. >.>
  21. That's excellent! Must have been quite a nice surprise!
  22. Wow. Some of these places look ridiculously small. Frighteningly so, considering the size of my Flying V. Not much compared to some of these, but I did recently play a gig where the drums were where the table used to be in a booth. The venue assumed everyone would be turning up with combos. Alas, we're rockstars, and turned up with two half stacks. And mine isn't one of these fancy-schmancy compact things either. Our lead guitarist does have a combo though, so that saved a little space, but... nothing noteworthy. I played the vast majority of that gig with my heel up against my cab and 20 foot of cable wrapped around my feet.
  23. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1332928325' post='1594893'] Sounds like you've already made up your mind [/quote] Well, I suppose I have. I was mostly just checking to see if there were any kind of widespread horror stories or outpourings of praise for Squier signatures. If nothing else it's confirmed what I believed beforehand, same as every other Squier branch, some are good, some are bad.
  24. Seems to be the usual case with Squiers, some good stories, some bad. I'm emailing Sounds Live, hopefully I should be able to try one out on Friday. =D
  25. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1332915514' post='1594705'] [/quote] Hilarity ensues. But seriously, that is a very pretty bass you have there.
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