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Everything posted by kdphysio

  1. Another pinkie user here........as a 6 string player for many years, i'm just used to using it (apologies to all you purists).
  2. Welcome my Polish friend. You have done a far better job at introducing yourself on here, than i would do on the Polish version of [i]Basschat[/i]! I'm sure you'll get the information you require on here, there are many very knowledgable bassists around these parts (me not included! )
  3. [quote name='D-L-B' post='172451' date='Apr 8 2008, 05:35 PM']......I'm not about to start posting rubbish.[/quote] How [b]very[/b] dare you!! All post on here are of the utmost intellect, & about well thought out subjects, [b]surely[/b]??!!
  4. [quote name='Pkomor' post='170607' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:04 AM']hmm its tempting!...although I tried a stingray the other day and I wasn't bowled over!....hmmmf, decisions![/quote] ??!!.....tempted to spend £700, but not bowled over with the item.....??!!............this chap has too much money i think!!
  5. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='170266' date='Apr 5 2008, 02:35 PM'].....Gotoh seems to be as good as the Badass if not better......[/quote] glad you asked this pete, i was wondering the same thing......so it's a gotoh 201 going onto my jazz once it's arrived (cheaper & IMO looks better!). (will also try it out on my PB, but that sounds great already).
  6. It's an average price for one in canada, i think (taking into account exchange rate etc). i thought of buying an SR5 from a canada a while ago, but after enquiring re shipping/duty etc, it wouldn't have really saved me anything.
  7. [quote name='Rusty Shackleford' post='169095' date='Apr 3 2008, 01:42 PM']Can be fixed easily by a small piece of paper underneath string[/quote] ....can be fixed much easier with some lighter fluid, matches,......... and stand well back!!!
  8. [quote name='budget bassist' post='169379' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:50 PM']it looks sweet![/quote] NO.......it looks a bit too gay for me! not that i'm a homophobe, or have anything against gays......................(thought i'd better add that before the thread deteriorated! )
  9. What a piece of S**T!!
  10. All sounds great guys...............more pics please, for those of us not in attendance!
  11. Yeah, like the others, only one doesn't do it for me is [i]Rule of Four[/i].....sounds like the drummer's hammering away on some dustbins!! But can hear Arctics, Strokes, and Fratellis influences.......good stuff. Enjoy the gig. Good luck.
  12. Looking like a G&L L-2000.
  13. kdphysio


    [size=3][b]FUNKY[/b][/size] Very professional sound for a 'bedroom' recording. and the black & white photo montage was very cool. ....great work!
  14. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='165960' date='Mar 29 2008, 05:07 PM']Hmm. Turns out they are MIM and the review on Harmony Central doesn't bode well... [i]"...in active mode, the bass sounds cold and modern, regardless what you dial in. In passive mode the bass sounds woodier and warmer, but still too flat and boring. This is no match at all for a regular precision or jazzbass." [/i][/quote] ..................that's a bit of a turn-off (but a great GAS-extinguisher! ), because that is one sexy precision.
  15. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='165027' date='Mar 28 2008, 08:03 AM']If I had a guitar, Hmmmmnnnnn .............................. Hold on! I just remembered I got loads A few extras not on that old pic now, American strat, cheapo thru neck, tele copy. Ultimate playability goes to the Fly, But what I hanker after is relic strats.[/quote] WOW, nice toys!!................................... ........................................................................i mean in the blue bucket by the TV!!!
  16. Nice sound...............and good to see the band having a laugh (via the blog).
  17. Now that's short-notice! I think i would have s**t myself like your mate, & ended up in the bog aswell!!! Good on ya.
  18. My best 'so far', is my MusicMan Sterling 4H, mainly for versatility of sound with the 3-band Eq, but also for its looks/weight/size. But saying that, i've loved all the basses i've owned at some point.
  19. [quote name='pockethammer' post='165608' date='Mar 28 2008, 10:15 PM']Just curious........ what are you calling it?[/quote] .....................[i]my new bass that i made[/i] ????
  20. I'll pass on that thanks........looks like a charred bit of wood to me!
  21. Yep, another very impressed BCer here. Can't wait to read/watch the 'birth' of the next one!
  22. i've never really considered 'building' my own bass, but with all these current build-diary threads, it's giving me a strange, tingling GASsy feeling!
  23. Yep, another telecaster fan......i love 'em. (also like fender basses though).
  24. the 80's for me is this eclectic mix!!- Cliff Williams - AC/DC Ian Hill - Judas Priest John Taylor - Duran Mark King - Lev 42 Tony James - Clash/Generation X Paul Simonon - Clash Duff Mckagen - Guns'n Roses Lee Rocker - Stay Cats Nikki Sixx - Motley Crue Sting - The Police ................................................What a bunch!!! :wacko:
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