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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I'm off there this weekend. Anyone else going? I went last year and loved it (although in theory I'm way to old).
  2. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1343261971' post='1748106'] You can try my Rockbass Corvette when it arrives! If it's anything like Overwater's Chinese-made budget basses they'll be a gnat's bits away from a proper one. [/quote] Great I'd love to! will be in touch next week sometime.
  3. So many variations, I guess it always comes back to best to try em before you buy em. What is coming over is that they all sound quality machines.
  4. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1343180349' post='1746704'] I don't know about other Warwick basses but I heard a friend of mine playing his thumb bass recently. It has two Jazz pickups very close to the bridge so gets a very burpy Jaco Pastorious sound. It is probably a more Jazz and funk orientated tone which is a bit like marmite - you either love it or hate it. He usually plays a USA Precision which is an all rounder and the 'in your face' Thumb bass sound wasn't really appropriate for a lot of the covers his band played that night. Here's an example [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7spc7CHbT_Q&feature=related[/media] [/quote] That one eill do nicely though, as yoou say maybe not for all covers but I don't do covers so would suit me fine. If anyone has a spare one please get in touch-am not proud!
  5. Nice bass, if I hadn't already got a 1005 I would be sniffing around this at thei price, good luck
  6. Thanks all, lots of info there. I was well impressed with the Warwick Official links. It was great to see the exctional images of one of the basses and the sound comparisons are great. My ear finds the LX and Streamer Stage ll particularly nice.
  7. As a relatively new player I haven'y played many basses and am wondering what Warwick's actually sound like-especially those Jazz PUP's. Also what sound differences are there between the various models. Can anyone point me to a site somewhere with comparative samples? Alternatively a place near Bristol that keeps a shock of them maybe??? Any help would be appreciated. Ed
  8. Hi your 2nd link doesn't work for me.
  9. I like the way it has carrying handles built into the body, more things should be designed like that!
  10. Yeah maybe I should go to the pub to celebrate with the money I saved (also drown my embarrassment)
  11. OK some progress to report. By using the "passive" guitar input on my Mag anp, rather than the active and fiddling around with setting I'm much happier. I guess I just need to be more prepared to experiment and far more aware of the differences between the basses. Sorted. Thanks
  12. Hmm I'll need to look into this and experiment a bit-I'll see how fiddling around with amp settings works first but it's more than just turning up the volume but you never know by altering the EQ etc. as well I may get there. Also I'm not ruling out the Bass Attack as it is a really subtle pedal, probably my favourite pedal in fact. Alternatively 18v as I want to keep the growl and add some teeth if you know what I mean and more head room should do that. No idea how I'll find out if the pre-amp will run on 18v other than try it as I can hardly find any info on the guitar-maybe someone on the Dean Forum can help with that, Easy things first! Thanks
  13. Thanks, I like the sound as she has character-definatel;y a rock chick so it wouldn't be right to make her sound masculinej. I have a Hartke Bass Attack pedal pedal, that should do it. Cheers
  14. Hi, I have a Dean bass with EMG-CS PUP's (details below), I love to play it and like the sound, which is a nice metalic growl but it just seems a bit quiet. I also own a thunderous TRB 1005 so I'm not looking to mimic that. I just want to make it more usable for rock. I was wondering if uprating the preamp was the best way forward. Specifications (assuming it is original) are here. [url="http://www.deanguitars.com/content/imagelib/basses/edgeimprov/2.htm"]http://www.deanguitars.com/content/imagelib/basses/edgeimprov/2.htm[/url] Maybe I am being too picky and should accept it as it is?? What do you think? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  15. Never played for the last 25 years and I'm loosing my hair, cast iron proof that your onto something!
  16. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1342614185' post='1737862'] I love Spectors. Been considering string one of mine as BEAD too. [/quote] Having the two side by side I just noticed that the later later Legend 4's are 34 inch scale and the 2004-2006 Legend 4 jazzer has 35 inch scale, which may make a slight difference. There are so many things to consider with basses as there seem loads of variations in string spacing scales etc.
  17. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1342614185' post='1737862'] I love Spectors. Been considering string one of mine as BEAD too. [/quote] As I'm still learning, I think switching between 5 and 4 strings is good as it encourages me to think about what I play and to use different parts of the neck.
  18. I'm feeling happy so thought I would share my joy! I took up guitar after a 25 year gap late last year. My son was out of work and I was telling him that he would be fine as he was a nice guy and very employable and that he should use his talents. Afterwards i got to thinking I should use my talents and record that song I wrote back in 1980 so I sold a pinball machine and got some guitars and gear. I started recording and bought a bass earlier this year to record with, as I don't have a musical circle of friends to call on. At the moment I'm enjoying playing bass more than guitar. I have been learning thanks to this forum and experimenting at home but about a month ago I was demotovated and playing was becoming a chore. At that time I had a very nice Schecter Stilleto Custom and Spector Legend 4 and was messing around with pedals trying to find the sound I wanted. Nothing was quite hitting the spot but things can change and since then.... 1. I traded my Schecter for a Dean 5 stringer. This got my enthusiasn going again and opened up more song writing possibilities with bass. 2. After deciding I could handle 5 strings I splashed out on a Yamaha TRB 1005 which sounds thunderously good 3. I settled on 3 pedals and have set up a pedal board that means I can access them easily without any hassle [i]Note: As a result I recently decided to sell my Legend 4 (still for sale) which I wasn;t using much as I liked having a "B" string[/i] This got me back playing with enthusiasm but wait, there is more 4. This week I swapped a lead guitar with a Basschatter for a 2nd Spector Legend 4 Bass. [i]Why ( you nutter) when you are already trying to sell your 1st you may ask?????[/i] [i]Well it was different as it had P/J pups and it came with a case. My justifacation was that it was a chance to try the new PUP arrangement and get a case for free, which I needed. This guitar is set up with BEAD tuning and so far it is hitting the spot. I love the soft/low sounds with just a hint of a growl[/i]. [i]BEAD Tuning? I wish I had tried it with my 1st Spector but being new to bass it just didn't occur to me. Others may miss the high string but as I'm doing my own stuff and I tend to play low, it's not an issue. Now have another Bass that I may well hang onto (I do like a nice Spector).[/i] 5. I have a vocalist who has contacted me and wants to come and do some recording, important as a lark I am not! I am really liking my gear at the moment and I'm feeling very motovated and positive so wanted to share! Thanks for all the advice I have recieced over recent months to get me to this point, in all cases it has been excellent! Also my son? Well starts his new job at the end of the month.
  19. Sounds from the tone of your mail that you were happy with the way things were going to get another guitarist that fits in with the rest of you.
  20. [quote name='Adam.M' timestamp='1342306491' post='1733172'] Hey, I'm very interested, how much extra would shipping be? £285 all in cover it? if so I'll have it, after seeing pictures of course. Cheers, Adam [/quote] Hi Adam, I have just been pricing couriers and £285 will be fine. You happy with the pictures? If you want higher rez send your email and I'll send them. if you don't want it not problem but let me know please!
  21. Pinball

    I love my BB414

    [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1334504319' post='1616919'] Are they the same pickups on the 414 as the 424 ? Love, love, love my 424X (vintage white). Nothing Fender does, sounds as good for me. There's a punch and clarity with the 424's that I have not heard from any Fender as yet, and yes, that P pickup is a beat !!. Also plays as nicely as most USA Fenders too. [/quote] Congratulation on a nice guitar, I payed a 425x in a shop at the weekend. Both myself and the shop owner loved it. Great sound and player. If I had the cash I may have bought it then and there.
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