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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1342443183' post='1734961'] Lovely looking bass. [/quote] Thanks, It sounds good as well. It has quite a unique *"ringing growl" sound. It has a brass nut and I (accidentally) added to that by putting on slinky Ernie Balls. It is totally different to the bottomless sound of my TRB 1005. I think by good luck I have two very complementary and different bass guitars. Someone on the Dean forum posted 2001 prices and RRP was $1450, 3x the standard Edge bass. I have been watching out for others but haven't seen one come up with a set neck as yet. Also I have played one of the new Dean Edges. They are totally different beasts, competent enough but built to a tighter budget. Dean Forum links here: http://www.deanguitars.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1463037#1463037 http://www.deanguitars.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1463037#1463037
  2. Bump, May be still available. Have offered a deal to someone else but they haven't come back so if they don't soon this could be yours!
  3. Hi, I'd nip over tot eh Kramer forum, give them all the details you have and ask them for info and likely value. I had the lead guitar equivalent a couple of years back. I bought it because it had a Floyd Rose trem to play with but I didn't like the pickups or the FR and sold it. I was very impressed by the build quality and it had a great action. Is it through neck construction?
  4. Added some pics as promised-I normally get there eventually Thanks for the answers!
  5. Bumped as Photos added. Adam, I'm not sure of the postage but have bought a couple of guitars since christmas that have been sent at under £20 so we may have a deal (under discussion) Korean made, which I think is good.
  6. It's a classic I think, bolt on neck, nice tactile NS shaped body. Amber/black fittings with a lovely grain. I just tried taking photos but they didn't come out well with flash. It is just like this one except with an 18v BTC preamp upgrade-will run as normal on 9V I believe. It is used but not much as it has the odd little mark on the back of the body but I don't think it will show on a photo, front is perfect and grain is great. It looks like this: [url="http://www.bandm.co.uk/productSummary.aspx?GUID=3149436f-a420-4044-b92a-5facfce9d934"]http://www.bandm.co....2a-5facfce9d934[/url] I'll take some pictures in the day light tomorrow and post them An awful lot of bass for the money IMHO
  7. No interest? I was really pleased to snag this 6 months ago as I looked for a ncie one for ages. Final bump before I pack it up for a while!
  8. I think they did a great job with the looks of the guitar. The body shape and bridge in particular looks great.
  9. Hi, I'm just curious about what this is like to play. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/dingwall-combustion-5-string-bass/106445148 Anyone into against the fan fret system? Any playing experiences?
  10. Luckily I'm sorted as I have the three pedals I plan on using and the board already. I would like to power them from the mains and have been in touch with "digidave" who I bought an adapter from a while back. It looks like the Digitech Synth Wah and Harke Bass Attack will daisy chain. That means I need to sort out an adapter for the MXR Blowtorch distortion. Thats 18v so I'm waiting for a reply on that. They don't do an adapter but I don't see why I can't use two 9v daisy chain inputs somehow. I'll let you know how I ressolve it. I can always run this off a seperate adapter if need be there is plenty of space on the board. Crude but functional is fine by me but I do need to get them set up. At the moment I don't use them much because I'm too lazy and just plug into the amp. Note to self: must find my camera!
  11. ATK is a great looking bass but not really what I was looking for. Also I'm not sure about Ibanez necks from the new ones I played. After playing the BB425x at the weekend I quite fancy a passive. From my limited playing experiences I'd prefer a 5 string Spector, Schecter or Yamaha BB. so bump.
  12. Just putting out feelers in case someone out there fancied moving from 5 to 4 strings!. I have a beautiful Amberburst Spector 4 with BTC 18v upgrade for trade. Amberburst is in good condition, front virtually unmarked and a couple of small bumps on the back of the body but all varnish and paint is there. Great sound with loads of headroom. I love the guitar/sound but prefer 5 strings. Also i may be getting a 2nd Spector/translucent red Legend so am happy to trade one or maybe both for a 5 stringer of similar value. I'd prefer a Spector, Schecter or Yamaha BB. PM me if your interested. No pictures as no camera at the moment. Ed
  13. Thanks for that, I'll check em out.
  14. OK thanks for the advice everyone.I'm very much amateur so its all useful Re: Truckstops comment "It's ok if you don't like a pedal. If you buy something and it doesn't quite do what you want it to do, move it on!". I kind of found that out already as its all about learning for me so both pedal and guitar choice is constantly evolving. It's amazing how often what I think I need turns out not to be what I actually want I didn't get on with the boss distortion but am now happy with my Bass Attack, Synth Wah and Blow torcth
  15. I'm pretty new to Bass so when I went to PMT in Bristol to check out the possibilities the sales gur steered be away from the the expensive mols to a squire copy. He said "before you try anything els try this as you are goin to have to spend an awful lot more money to get something that will compare to it" and it was a cmfortable nice sounding bass. Mentally I still do it every time I play a new bass. Great value and a good quality experience.
  16. Thanks, some useful stuff in there. Re: Spelling I'm a lost cause but at least I used the same spelling twice even if its wrong, I may remember board for a while now though. Re: Classical music, I tried to like it but it doen't have that "thud" that I like-other than the 1812 which is OK. ED
  17. Hi, I'm hoping to get some pointers and ideas as the best way to go. I currently have three pedals (MXR blowtorch, Harke VXL Bass Attack and Digitech envelope filter) and want to set up an unpowered Gater "Bone" bourd to stop them kicking around the floor. My thinking follows: 1. Velcro doesn't seem to stick to the rubber underside of my pedals and some aren't flat in any case so am I best to rip of the rubber (I don't like vandalizing my pedals). Any other suggestions?? 2. I plan to fix a 2 point 3 pin mains plug socket to the side of the "bone" so that I can plug in the 9 and 18v adapters that I need for the pedals. Then I can daisy chain the 9v as necesary-sound OK? 3. I plan to run the pedals in series-is that the best way? Any opinions or advice on the above would be greatly appreciated as I'd like it all up and running as soon as possible. Also any recommendations of a vital pedal that I should have, compression maybe?
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