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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Thanks, At the moment I have and Mag 300 Evo with an old peavey 15" but I have agreed to buy a Hartke VX 410. I'll see how I get on with that and can always add/upgrade as I go on. I haven't even played bass live yet.
  2. New track up http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1
  3. I bought it a few weeks ago and now I'm passed the initial learning stage I'm finding it good. I have a Groovemonkee electronic pack tagged on. Loads of depth! No regrets!
  4. Result! First track using EZ drummer and also 1st written with my bass. Top of the list here-all feedback welcome. http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1
  5. Thanks for all the help. I love this site, so much experise and always someone with constructive comments.
  6. I'm confused, as a bass novice I always thought bass speakers were big e.g 12 or 15* and now I'm looking around trying to find something on a budget I keep coming across smaller sizes. To be honest I'm a bit lost in terms of what to buy. Two questions: 1. As someone playing rock and blues on a 4 stringer should I be sticking to larger speakers or are something like 10's worth considering? 2. Is the variations in speaker sizes a result of more 5 and 6 string basses being used or has it always been that way, Any advice greatly appreciated.
  7. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1335527324' post='1632620'] He was certainly pretty amazing live as were his band. [/quote] +1 on that. I saw him in the late 70's and the sound and standard of play was amazing. I saw lots of bands back then and Zappa ACDC and Alex Harvey stand out as exceptional in my memories.
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1335551201' post='1633156'] It may be a snap-to-grid problem. Check that this option's switched on. Or, if you're really struggling we'll go for that beer soon and I can walk you through using EZDrummer and GarageBand [/quote] Beer that's what is missing! Seriously it sounds like the "snap" or "Tempo" tick box previously mentioned. I'll check it out over the weekend. Every day and in every way I will get better and better (or should that be older and older?)
  9. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1335365865' post='1629958'] You, Sir, are also an inspiration. I'm not about to copy you, but am seriously thinking I'd like to do some rockier grooves [/quote] Wow, Thank you sir much appreciated. I have a lot of pressure at work at the moment so expect some slightly "unhinged" tracks on Soundcoud in the near future .
  10. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1335518911' post='1632411'] Sussed - create a 'software instrument' track and I think by default it loads up a piano. Over on the RHS there's a couple of Tabs, [attachment=106241:Screen Shot 2012-04-27 at 10.23.56.png] Click the 'edit' one, [attachment=106242:Screen Shot 2012-04-27 at 10.24.00.png] and select EZdrummer from the bottom part of the drop down list, You should then be able to drag and drop MIDI loops from the 'groove' menu in EZ Drummer - [attachment=106243:Screen Shot 2012-04-27 at 10.25.23.png]. Loop away! [/quote] Thanks for all of the above help, I have got that far so would appreciate it if you can stay with me, An example is that I have an 8x repetition of a 4 beat loop in a row, that is the repeated 3 or 4 times periodically during a song. At the moment I do the following: 1. lay 8 identical loops end to end and the timing is out so I end up messing around with them until they sound right. 2. I Join them into one track 3. I slice the track so the 8 are now 1 of the right length by now I'm bored and have to have a coffee break! 4. Then I copy it 4 times and try and place them in the right places throughout the track so I end up moving them back and forward until they sound right. By now I'm really cheezed off and have had enough! 5. I start a new track below with additional percussion loops below and go through similar processes till I get bits I'm happy with and either have extra tracks or move them up. Then I decide to change something or change the length of the track and have to mess around all over again. That means that I spend 3 or 4X the time on the percussion as I do on all the other tracks added together.....depressing I want to play bass and guitar! I guess I don't understand using loops so help with the following would be good. 1. If I import a loop and set it to loop how do (or can't) I stop it a specific point? 2. When setting up a percussion track can I get it to snap into place with the right timing somehow? 3. Is it possible to record what I actually hear (in terms of length and changes once I'm listening) when I listen to a drum sample or do I have to work from importing small loops/samples loops. What I have been doing up until now was, finding a nice drum track on my effects pedal, recording it directly and job done. All I need to do is cut it to length.
  11. Hi, I'm pretty new to recording and still leaning to use a mac and Garageband. I am having a blast but it strikes me that there must be quicker ways to get drum tracks in my songs. I started off by directly recording drum tracks from my looper. This was easy but is limiting what I can do so I recently got EZdrummer. I struggled for a while to get it to work with Garageband (mainly because I couldn't find it ). Now that I know where it is, I love the sounds and I can happily copy loops and insert them in Garageband. The problem is that the loops are short and my songs are long so I have to piece everything together and try and retain the beat at the same time. What I want to do is set EZdrummer playing and record for the length of the whole track real time in Garageband. That way I will have a basic drum track, or maybe 2 or 3 above one another that I can slice up and add to as I like. When I try this and play EZdrummer it doesn't record anything. All very annoying and time consuming! I'm hoping that someone here can give me some pointers. Total computer nerd here, (holds hands in the air!)
  12. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1335365601' post='1629950'] but I hadn't yet unlearned that 15s are for bass and 10s are for mids and highs.... [/quote] Hmm I get that and was making the mistake that I would get a better sound by mixing them. I guess that to get the purest sound I would be better with two identical cabs. The trouble is that now I need to decide if I go for 10's, 12's or 15's and I haven't got a signiture sound yet.....Hmmm I'm confused again! Flyfishers option of 2x 210's is starting to sound appealing but I already have 1 Peavey 1x15 Peavy BW so getting another is the cheap option while I plan ahead.
  13. Brilliant, the above posts cover what I need to know. Thanks for the guidance.
  14. Cool thanks, I have an old mystery peavy 15" cab that came with the amp and seems fine but am looking to add some 4x10 or 12". I have read the helpful thread explaining ohms but find the information on the various cab stats confusing. I don't want to buy something and then prompty damage it.
  15. I have an Mag 300 Evo 11 amp and the chance of some 2nd hand cabs but am confused over cabinet choice. Putting ohms asside because they seem fine (8 ohm). The output of the ashdown is 300watts but there are two jacks out. My guess is that this means it is 150w ber channel if both are used to a 200w or 250w cab would be fine. Am I right or heading for disaster? Advice would be much appreciated. Ed
  16. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1335299938' post='1629064'] Wish I liked the necks, cos they look and sound gorgeous..... [/quote] Me too, I loved the sound and quality when I tried one but just preferred the feel of the Spector Legend Custom. When I have more cash I'm going to watch out for one. Can't have too many basses
  17. My idea of a beautiful bass!
  18. I'm starting to love this thread and soundclooud. It is great to hear what others are doing. There is a lot of talent and originality on this group.
  19. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1335110351' post='1625858'] I liked [b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/huwfoster/living-in-the-future-2011"]Living in the future (2011 remaster)[/url][/b] If you'd like some guitar (acoustic or electric) on it let me know [/quote] I like also emotional stuff!
  20. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1334928889' post='1623621'] I've started to do a little project on the side, more atmospheric than my "normal" stuff. Where I'm primarily playing keyboard. What makes this particularly adventurous is that at the end of each day I work on a song it uploads to soundcloud almost automatically. So anyone watching will get to see the songs develop. Linky: [url="http://www.soundcloud.com/serenitydepths"]http://www.soundclou.../serenitydepths[/url] [/quote] Serene indeed. That's a great intro for something!
  21. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1335109072' post='1625837'] [b]HeeHaw song [/b]Lovely african drums thing going on here. Did I hear some slap-wise bass in there? [b]Burning Ghosts (TD)[/b] Liked the guitar solo. You continue to come up with good grooves [/quote] Thanks, I'm pretty happy with the progression but have hit the wall again as I'm learning to use some new software/EZ drummer. Slap bass? I guess it is half way there as I play finger style but can pluck slap style, I cant get the thumb slapping at all.
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