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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1334171445' post='1612081'] In that case, check out GrooveMonkee's Electronic midi drum pack: [url="http://www.groovemonkee.com/en/products?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=4&category_id=1"]http://www.groovemon...4&category_id=1[/url]. They all work in EZdrummer and other drum packages too. Do a bit of googling for a discount code too. The current one (from their April newsletter) is gm10 for 10% off. For my tracks I use either the standard pop/rock drum kit that comes with EZdrummer or the Classic kit (a ~£50 expansion or the Funkmasters expansion, again ~£50). EZdrummer sometimes comes in a bundle with one of the expansions for not much more than EZdrummer itself. DV247.com have a shop in Clifton too so you can pop in and chat to the guys in there and if they haven't got one in stock, they can order one in. [/quote] Sorted, new 2nd hand mac and EZDrummer +the elecronic pack. It took me 3 nights to manage to down load it and figure out how to start it but I'm there now. Now I need to use it!
  2. New track up, keep the advice coming as I'm getting to where I want to be. http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1
  3. lol there you go, Yep can do anytime. That's within walking distance but then again everywhere is in Nailsea "Its a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it"
  4. Hi there from Nailsea. nice one. my bassplaying has not left the house yet
  5. Hi M8. from Nailsea Nr bristol. Not too far away
  6. I'm planning to follow Mornats advice and try EZdrummer but first I need to get a newer mac. The operating system on my current one won't support the new version of Garage band so first newer mac and then EZ drummer. At the moment I load in drum tracks off my JM4 looper and mess around with them (see my Soundcloud link). The looper is my most used bit of kit. There are some awsome tracks on there but I want electronic/house beats and haven't got the time to make them.
  7. Cool thanks, I'm recording solo directly into a mac so its not really an issue for me. I am using a Rolant Tric-capture USB as the interface. This suits me fine as I can plug my mic and jacks and its a nice simple to use pit of kit. I'm also finding that Garageband has everything I need at the moment. I already have several tunes on Soundcloud and my recording skills are improving.
  8. I only got my first Bass, a Peavy Zephyr a few months ago and am already on my 3rd. Do I miss or regret selling? No because the basses I have now are better but I do remember it fondly. It did the job well for a budget bass guitar and was good enough for me to do some recording.
  9. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1333740617' post='1606041'] A word of caution from the other side. If you are selling, and it is being collected, DO NOT accept Paypal, insist on cash. Reason is, they take your goods, then complain to Paypal that there is a problem (or even that they have not got them), Paypal stop the payment from your account and you are going to get your goods back how? Steve [/quote] Also Paypal/ebay charges are now more substantial than the were so need to be factored into your selling price. I always try gumtree/preloved first just in case there is someone around the corner that wants to buy your item.
  10. [quote name='JayPH' timestamp='1333672175' post='1605247'] Cheers Pinball. I've had a couple of bad experiences on Ebay buying other things. I don't like buying expensive items on Ebay but this site just seems legit. Hope your Spector turns up as you expect. I do already have a decent usa jazz special but I'll have a bit of money coming my way and have decided to get some company for my J. I've gone from being certain that I wanted a Fender P-bass but now I'm wanting a Musicman Stingray and a Sandberg haha. I've decided to go to pmt in manchester and try each of them and then try summore in Dawsons so I know what I want. I like the security of buying new but it's like buying a new car. As soon as you leave the shop your bass has lost about 40% of its value. It's a great buzz though. I can see why people have lots of guitars now [/quote] The Spector turned up yestarday, condition is exactly as described. It is really well set up, with a maxed out EMG BTB 18v system so sounds great. It is something I was unlikely to find locally. The great thing about buying on line is the amazing choice. PMT in Bristol is great, the guys there are really helpful. I must admit I never bought a guitar from them despite lots of visits but have bought lots of other things.
  11. Thanks M8, I'm enjoying myself and experimenting with styles and I'm still working on getting a broad spectrum of my stuff on line. I would re-record the first few if I had time but I have more to do. I'm starting work on something with no lead guitars and synthed voice but I may well get bored before O finish as I like the feel of holding real guitars. Re raucous vocals, Hmm I dunno about that as I never tried, other than on the track burning ghosts at your suggestion. I wasn't happy with the "screamer" version but the one up there is more aggressive and better than the original so thanks for that advice. To be honest I don't think I could be a screamer. It just wouldn't suit my voice. Maybe if I get an angry enough song that needs it ?? RE: Treble content, I think your right. It allows for more contrasts in the songs.
  12. Fun thats the magic word! I'm sure that overuse of gadgets can be as distructive as creative but its all about having fun.
  13. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1333982393' post='1609112'] Cool, your voice reminds me of Lou Reed. Sorry if that offends you, but that's what sprang to mind upon the first listen. [/quote] Wow, a great complement thanks. LR's no skylark but he's makes awsome music. Cutting edge stuff lyrically in the same way as Neil Young. I don't consider myself a singer I'm forced into it to promote my songs. Comments like that help my coinfidence. I have never sung live except after too many beers at parties . That must have sounded horrible!
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1333976897' post='1608995'] I find new effects do make me play differently, so yeah I suppose they're usually worth trying in my experience. Different basses (or amps) don't change my playing so much, although flatwounds do, but I consider flats to be an effect. [/quote] Hmm that's valid. When making music, pedals (effects), strings and different instruments effect how I feel and play at the time. When I use the computer software it is normally to change the sounds afterwards so that doesn't inspire me in the same way. Does that make sense?
  15. A couple of new songs here, feed back appreciated. [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url]
  16. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1333957161' post='1608601'] That has a slightly "Who" ish feel to it till the bassballs kicks in. Waiting for my Dr q to turn up, but yes I am an equipment junkie too. My need to try stuff out is limited by my wallets capacity to provide the stuff to try! [/quote] Yep the expense is a problem but my limitation is my "goldfish memory", I can't even remember my own songs without the words in front of me so if I have too much equipment it just confuses me. I do love to discover a new sound though. I can see the envelope filter (I think thats what you would call it) inspiring a few more tunes yet. In fact I'm starting to write songs with my bass rather than my lead which is a big change for me! Ooh thanks for the complement (Who fan here <)
  17. Hi, I bought myself a Hartke VXL pedal and guitar case at the weekend. The seller also had a EH Bassballs, which I (being new to bass) knew nothing about. He showed me a demo and I was impressed and it was cheap so I bought it. As I was driving away I was already asking myself why and thinking "fools and money are easily parted". The good news is since getting it home I have been having great fun with it and already used it on one of my songs on SoundCloud-see House of Correction here: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url] I'm now thinking of the saying about gift horses! New sounds inspire me to be creative. Are others the same or do you tend to stick with the same gear?
  18. The Bass sounds great, very tight playing. I can't comment on the mix too much as I'm listening on a laptop
  19. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1333641925' post='1604716'] "Please send your track, along with your sort code and account number to [email protected] and we will take it from there." [/quote] No Thanks M8, I keep thinking it has to cost in some way its just figuring out the angle.
  20. haahaa[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1333617168' post='1604192'] a "pre-launch" playlist. nice to be played on a radio station that doesn't broadcast yet. [/quote] Haahaa, well I guess everyone has to start somewhere, even radio stations have to start. I can't find anything about it anywhere! I may send something, not yet though, even if I miss out on a number 1
  21. [quote name='JayPH' timestamp='1333580486' post='1603975'] Cheers fellas. I think i'll wait for somthing more local for my first purchase so I can try before I buy but there are some very tempting offers at the moment. I thought Fender Basses held their value more but I guess people just haven't got the cash to spare. [/quote] I think that is very wise for a first purchase. I have bought several guitars and bass on ebay. One was a rip off as the seller mentioned there were some scratches on the back but didn't mention they were through to the wood. I have also had my best purchase off ebay so you take your money and takes your chance. I'm waiting for a Spector Legend Custom to arrive at the moment so fingers grossed! There are always so many things about descriptions that are subjective e.g. playing action, good for its age etc. If its your first instrument you don't want a duffer. Ordering new is no guarentee either but if its from a reputable dealer at least you can return it if faulty.
  22. [i]Hi I recieved the following.[b] Please take care in case it it virused or something[/b] the whole mail is long so I have included an extracts.....[/i] [size=4]I'm an AnR at SRL Networks in London sourcing tracks for our pre-launch playlist on one of our radio stations. I was wondering if you would like to send us one of your tracks so we can play and promote it for a month. [b]DON'T WORRY IT'S ALL FREE[/b]. Submit your track by visiting the station website at [url="http://www.skunkradiolive.com/"]www.skunkradiolive.com[/url] and clicking the "SEND US YOUR TRACK" link at the bottom of any page. Also, to be notified when the station officially launches please follow us on twitter @skunkradiolive or facebook/skunkradiolive, there are links at the Bottom-Right of every page. I look forward to hearing from you. [i]It goes on.............[/i][/size] [font=Arial][size=6]SRL NETWORKS[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=6]ARTIST INVITATION[/size][/font] [size=4][font=Arial]Dear Upcoming/Independent/Unsigned Artist,[/font] [font=Arial]Getting your music out there has never been easier. [/font][b][font=Arial]SRL Networks is particularly designed to be popular amongst AnRs, Record Labels, Music Publishers and Top industry professionals all over the world searching for new talent.[/font][/b][font=Arial] Your music will also be heard by music lovers all over the world. [/font] [b][font=Arial]Your Website/Link/Itunes Store is also promoted[/font][/b][font=Arial] so you could receive more traffic to your work and even sell more records. We also have a number of Artist Promotion tools on our sites so please do check them out as well [/font] [i][font=Arial]What is the catch or is it genuine? Opinions please? Potential problems? Anyone heard of this or had dealings?[/font][/i][/size]
  23. Bish bosh bash sorted! Ashdown Mag EVO II and Peavey Black Widow 15" cab being sold 5 mins drive from my work. Amp has a few knocks but everything works fine, cab has even more knocks and needs a deep clean-no way I will be allowed to put it in the house as it is. It is covered with years of beer soaked dirt but I got them both under under my "couple of hundred" budget. Lets hope there isn't some unknown problem lurking! If only my whole life was that simple! Thanks again.
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