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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Hi, I bought myself a Hartke VXL pedal and guitar case at the weekend. The seller also had a EH Bassballs, which I (being new to bass) knew nothing about. He showed me a demo and I was impressed and it was cheap so I bought it. As I was driving away I was already asking myself why and thinking "fools and money are easily parted". The good news is since getting it home I have been having great fun with it and already used it on one of my songs on SoundCloud-see House of Correction here: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url] I'm now thinking of the saying about gift horses! New sounds inspire me to be creative. Are others the same or do you tend to stick with the same gear?
  2. The Bass sounds great, very tight playing. I can't comment on the mix too much as I'm listening on a laptop
  3. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1333641925' post='1604716'] "Please send your track, along with your sort code and account number to [email protected] and we will take it from there." [/quote] No Thanks M8, I keep thinking it has to cost in some way its just figuring out the angle.
  4. haahaa[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1333617168' post='1604192'] a "pre-launch" playlist. nice to be played on a radio station that doesn't broadcast yet. [/quote] Haahaa, well I guess everyone has to start somewhere, even radio stations have to start. I can't find anything about it anywhere! I may send something, not yet though, even if I miss out on a number 1
  5. [quote name='JayPH' timestamp='1333580486' post='1603975'] Cheers fellas. I think i'll wait for somthing more local for my first purchase so I can try before I buy but there are some very tempting offers at the moment. I thought Fender Basses held their value more but I guess people just haven't got the cash to spare. [/quote] I think that is very wise for a first purchase. I have bought several guitars and bass on ebay. One was a rip off as the seller mentioned there were some scratches on the back but didn't mention they were through to the wood. I have also had my best purchase off ebay so you take your money and takes your chance. I'm waiting for a Spector Legend Custom to arrive at the moment so fingers grossed! There are always so many things about descriptions that are subjective e.g. playing action, good for its age etc. If its your first instrument you don't want a duffer. Ordering new is no guarentee either but if its from a reputable dealer at least you can return it if faulty.
  6. [i]Hi I recieved the following.[b] Please take care in case it it virused or something[/b] the whole mail is long so I have included an extracts.....[/i] [size=4]I'm an AnR at SRL Networks in London sourcing tracks for our pre-launch playlist on one of our radio stations. I was wondering if you would like to send us one of your tracks so we can play and promote it for a month. [b]DON'T WORRY IT'S ALL FREE[/b]. Submit your track by visiting the station website at [url="http://www.skunkradiolive.com/"]www.skunkradiolive.com[/url] and clicking the "SEND US YOUR TRACK" link at the bottom of any page. Also, to be notified when the station officially launches please follow us on twitter @skunkradiolive or facebook/skunkradiolive, there are links at the Bottom-Right of every page. I look forward to hearing from you. [i]It goes on.............[/i][/size] [font=Arial][size=6]SRL NETWORKS[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=6]ARTIST INVITATION[/size][/font] [size=4][font=Arial]Dear Upcoming/Independent/Unsigned Artist,[/font] [font=Arial]Getting your music out there has never been easier. [/font][b][font=Arial]SRL Networks is particularly designed to be popular amongst AnRs, Record Labels, Music Publishers and Top industry professionals all over the world searching for new talent.[/font][/b][font=Arial] Your music will also be heard by music lovers all over the world. [/font] [b][font=Arial]Your Website/Link/Itunes Store is also promoted[/font][/b][font=Arial] so you could receive more traffic to your work and even sell more records. We also have a number of Artist Promotion tools on our sites so please do check them out as well [/font] [i][font=Arial]What is the catch or is it genuine? Opinions please? Potential problems? Anyone heard of this or had dealings?[/font][/i][/size]
  7. Bish bosh bash sorted! Ashdown Mag EVO II and Peavey Black Widow 15" cab being sold 5 mins drive from my work. Amp has a few knocks but everything works fine, cab has even more knocks and needs a deep clean-no way I will be allowed to put it in the house as it is. It is covered with years of beer soaked dirt but I got them both under under my "couple of hundred" budget. Lets hope there isn't some unknown problem lurking! If only my whole life was that simple! Thanks again.
  8. Well as it happens, I have just found a mag 300 with a Peavey black widow cab 15" in my budget range so I'm off for a look in a few minutes.
  9. What about a 1x15 cab, are they heavier or just taller?
  10. Thanks all, that helps a lot. I now have a direction to follow. I tell you what it's a complicated business starting from scratch in a hurry. So many choices in recording equipment, basses number and type of strings, amplifier and speaker cabs. It's fun though and the advice on hear is invaluable.
  11. Hi, I'm really confused as to what to buy.I am set up for some home recording, have a couple of nice bass guitars but don't have a bass amp. Should I just buy a small amp say 30W combo and not worry about playing live for the moment? Should I buy a larger combo that is fit for small gigs or practicing? Should I buy and head and cab that could do everything? There is loads of 2nd hand stuff out there what should I buy? I was in the same boat with my guitar and bought a Peavey 80w combo and am happy with that. I can move it around and it sounds great. I have to lug whatever I buy through the house so don't want anything I can't shift (dodgey shoulders). At the moment I'm thinking cheap and small and buy something bigger and am hoping to pick something up locally in Bristol. I only have a couple of hundred to spend so what to buy? Any advice would be much appreciated
  12. Hi, I'm recording at the moment and from my limited experience would like to plug Schecter Custom 4, which I bought cheap and has a good clear sound with active EMG hz's. I think these are great value as there are a few Custom or Stiletto's around. Ignore the cheaper models. I also liked a yamaha BB and a squire P bass I played recently. The owner pointed me to the P bass as the best good value guitar he had and I couldn't disagree. On another thread the Ibanez SR's were getting praise. I just scored a Spector Legend 4 Custom unseen so will be include my thoughts on that soon.
  13. Hmm this is interesting because I'm new to playing Bass and have just sold a couple of guitars so am looking to upgrade my bass. In the mean time I have bought a Schecter Custom 4 off ebay to record with and am impressed. I'm a Schecter guitar fan anyway and own several Schecter lead guitars but I really like this little bass so am wondering what on earth I'm going to upgrade to? It's light and nice to play, well made with active EMG hz pups. I will get another because I can but I'm pretty happy with this. Maybe an SR would suit me just to try and add to the tonal ranges
  14. Sorry to hear that, Goot luck with your sale. That LTD is sick
  15. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1332930884' post='1594951'] Checkout Girl. You've added more balls to the guitar sounds, nice. FWIW I'd try this: put the drums up as high as you dare. then add bass till it sounds like a balanced rhythm section. then add guitars. then vocals, and if you can't get the vocals high enough to hear properly, try: guitars that happen at the same time as vox - pan them to the sides away from the vox (which should be central), also scoop their EQ at 3kHz by -3dB and hump the vox at 3kHz by +3dB. IMO rhythm guitars don't need to be high in the mix at all. I know they sound big when you first put them in but that temptation has to be resisted. [/quote] Thinks I'll keep a copy of this and give you advice a try. I have a couple of others I need to get on SC first.
  16. Hi there, for infomation I updated the tracks and added another after getting some other feedback. I'm much happier wiht them now. More feedback always welcome. [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url] Cheers
  17. I remember seeing a recorded Cream concert at the pictures in the 70's. I remember it being good and Ginger Baker being awesome. He seemed to have a ciggy hanging from his lip the whole time-not sure what he was smoking though. I wonder if the film is still around?
  18. [quote name='garethfriend' timestamp='1332699318' post='1591828'] nice work, bass sounds immense [/quote] +1
  19. Thanks for the feeback, I'm glad you liked COG. The vocals is a problem as I never sing unless in the bath or drunk at a party. I think the solution there may be to get someone else to sing em. Thanks for the book tip also I need every tip I can get at the moment as I'm finding recording slow and frustrating. Every day and in every way I will get better and better!
  20. Fist attempt, many more songs in the production line, thanks! [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url]
  21. My account here, I'm really trying to develop my songwriting but in order to record I'm having to learn how to use software (garage band), re-learn the guitar (re-started 4 months ago after 25 yrs) and have owned a bass for about 3 weeks. Best not to mention the singing [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url] Feedback welcome as so far my wife is the only person who has heard me playing.
  22. Indeed, why bother unless it turned into a suitcase so you could put your luggage in it.
  23. Thanks, pic 3 has many of my favourite things in. A Guitar, a pinball backglass, Doug Watson art and a hot lady. The pin machine is based on the film Barb Wire starring Pam Anderson at the peak of her abilities. A rubbish film but worth watching for obvious reasons.
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