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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Provided you don't wear your bass high it shouldn't be a problem...although the drummer may complain I guess
  2. I had a couple of 5'ers like this for a while...fond memories. Nice basses.
  3. I have just ha dthe steel ruler out. The nut width is 43mm, distance beween the two E's is 37mm Replied. Apologies for the delay
  4. New solo album Butterflies and Spiders incoming, I never thought it would happen


    Sleeve bck.jpg

  5. Hi Loise, I love the look of your Sterling but don't really need another bass and don't have the reddies. Are you interested in any trades by any chance. I have some nice 6 string electrics and maybe a 5'er for trade?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinball


      I have an Ibanez ATK 805, that replaced my Ray as it was nice and light asnd a craking bass. I also have a lighweight fretless ray but I rate that very highly as know I would struggle to get another as nice.

      I just  recorded a solo album so don't have much money to throw at anything right now...twas a speculative message

      Note: I'm a Stingray man at heart but find them a tad heavy and unweildy



    3. Rich


      Hi peeps. Might I suggest conducting this conversation via private messages, rather than these (completely public) status updates? :lol: 

    4. Louise


      Oops, sorry!


  6. It sounds great to me. Volume on 75%, favouring the front pup, with flats you get my favourite tone. I have a solo album coming out in a couple of weeks featuring my SB2. If this hasn't sold I'll put up a link. GLWTS
  7. Agreed, so easy to dial in. I wouldn't change anything on mine
  8. SB2 = My favourite bass. Mine wears flats and sounds amazing. I love the colour of this one.
  9. Good tell her she needs to follow them, there is an album coming out soon and before that my acoustic album. I played some of the "Badgers" songs and felt I needed to put them in context as they specialize in dark songs and feelbad music. heehee In answer to your question yes I enjoyed the Festival a lot. I should have stayed the night though instead of driving.
  10. Hi, yes thats right I remember. Nica and her friend's were lovely, their support was much appreciated. I was there again on the Sunday in another coffee shop jamming with my buddy Rich too. I got some really positive feedback I was also at the Snatch it Back gig too standing at the back. I know the band and Ken Pustelnik. Is a genuine guy and a good pal. I jammed with him once and that was some experience. I have never played with anyone like him. He just stared straight at me like a machine, "the terminator" of the drumkit. I saw you there but didn't know who was who, you were right at the front wern't you?
  11. Hi, I'll be about on both Saturday and Sunday as I'm doing a bit of busking in the coffee shops. Playing acoustic guitar rather than bass this time. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/Eddie-Mole-musiciansongwriter-378649102327932/
  12. It was trying a deluxe 4 H that gave me the confidence to buy the V Standard. Fender clearly believed in the Dimension, when you see how they spread though the range so quickly. I'd love a deluxe V H for using live but couldn't justify a 2nd unless I sold my other basses. The active £1000+ market is really tough and overcrowded, with many established names e.g. MM's, Sandbergs, Warwick, G&L etc.
  13. Well I used it at band practise tonight and the bass got the thumbs up. Nice and easy to dial in and comfy too. Thats the ultimate test passed.
  14. You hit the nail on the head there. I know from experience that putting material up there on it's own is a waste of time becuase no one other than your close cirlcle, will find it and it will just sit there. My expectations are realistic. The recordings and physical CD's are really there to as promo's in order to see how it goes. Gigging and selling albums + Bandcamp will do for my promotion purposes. The other thing I can do is to ensure that web pages are up to date and in good order. You have to drive yourself down this musical highway! OMG I feel a song coming on
  15. Thanks, it sounds like "Bandcamp" and selling when out "Gigging" are the best ways to go.
  16. Yep that's representative.I play finger style and with a pick. Usually I favour the neck pickup but like all the sounds on this. All usable sounds, with a bit of growl. Great fun
  17. Just relauching this post in case anyone has any updates on thoughts. My Bands album is still in production but I have this and also a solo album. It seems that the cost of producing CD's and covers is now quite low as a package but I still need to put them up for sale on line some how.
  18. Cool I'd be interested to hear what others think as there is hardly any info on them out there.. I'm going to try it with my band. I've used a Stringray and ATK recently so this is a totally different beast. I don't expect it to be a replacement but it will be interesting non the less. Note: I turned up with a fretless 5er one week and got dirty looks all night long heehee I reckon Fender should have brought out the passive version first to see how the traditionlists found it...
  19. It's feels good to me. It ergonomics seem to suit a higher head position than my Stingray when standing. Nice and confortable
  20. Yes the Squires seem really good for the money. I saw a headliner called Ironvolt recently at the Exchange in Bristol and their bassist was using one. It sounded great I wanted to try a passive bass, which is what I like to record with. The other that I fancied was a G&L Kiloton 5 but I have never seen one of these within my budget. I'm impressed with the Dimension. Lots to like such as the neck, light weight sensible truss adjustment (not that I have needed to use it) and cool voice. There is nothing that I dislike so far.
  21. I played a Dimension 4 a while back and liked it so decided to look for a black or red 5'er and have been looking for one in my budget for at least 6 months! I got there in the end though. I mainly use active 5 strings but the Dimension Standard V HH is passive, with a cool voice of it's own. It is strong, yet musical and distinct from Jazzers and Precisions. I love it, as it just talks to me and wants to be played! I'm still in the honeymoon period as you can tell but I'm pretty blown away to be honest. It handles really well for a five stringer too. It is such a shame that these aren't more common. Does anyone else play one of these and if so is it working for you? Note: Mine is like this.
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