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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. £499 BIN for a SR with big singles? sounds like a score! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR4XXV-Premium-Limited-Edition-4-string-Active-Bass-Quick-Release-Strap-/172828364600?hash=item283d5f8f38:g:PisAAOSw9ENZmVNV
  2. I enjoy it for what it is...he's just expressing himself appropriately for the style of music in a live performance. I think the tone is great but I wouldn't buy an album of the stuff. Note: I'll be bridging the gap between guitar and bass myself a bit in the next week as I'm getting a used Fender Pawn Shop Bass VI this week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet but love bartione sounds.. It won't sound like that though
  3. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1503180148' post='3356322'] I got my ATK305 in a trade, and I don't like the colour (so the idea was always to strip it down and repaint it), but the sound and playability is great. I love the look of the BTBs, but sadly they are way too big for me, get lost between the strings. [/quote] I haven't tried many Ibby basses outside the SR series but you seem to get what you get what you pay for. The SR Prestiges instruments have been hitting the right spot for years but the Premiums are now of a similar quality. I tried an ATK 200 way back and wasn't that impressed. That particular one seemed heavy, clumbersome and underpowered compared to the SR's. The ATK 8005 I have now is a different beast. It is lighter, with a fatter more rounded, more payable neck profile and pronounced growl....the band really love it. The same story with a BTB as a few years back. Way back I tried a 400 and found it a bit OK but unrefined and uninspiring...I would never have looked at another but I really like a local Bristol band called the Funkinsteins. Baz the bass player, plays a higher end BTB to good effect, As a result I tried an 1805 and then simply had to have it. The higher end Ibbys are a step up and have developed into superb instruments. All good news for buyers I think.
  4. I have a very rough one that is similar...looks right They are easily worth £200 in terms of sound but don't ofton make it
  5. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1503171005' post='3356247'] I'm intrigued as to why MK1 Barts have such a bad reputation - this isn't the first place I've seen people say that they're not much good. In my SR700 they seem OK - I admit I've not spent much time with the bass yet, but initial impressions through a GK MB500 into two Mark Bass 12s were good. Does anybody know anybody who has swapped out the Barts for Nordy big singles? I'm tempted to do so if [a] I manage to sell my Yamaha and [b] the general concensus is that it's worth the effort [/quote] I agree the barts are good. Thats why other makes like Cort use them and you get a lot for your money. I think that they are a victim of their own success as people want to move on to try and improve their sound. The custom barts and eq in the Prestige basses are fantastic. Trends may have moved on but that doesn't detract from barts IMHO.
  6. Thanks very much all, that all sounds good. Ijust blew my money (again) on something else but will be on the lookout soon.
  7. At last some Ibanez love, thanks for starting the thread Woodinblack The first bass that I felt made me feel that I was hitting the spot was an awesome SR3005e. I bought it and eventually sold it on here but always remember it as being a fantastic bass. From memory I sold it because that I kept fiddling with the adjustible mids in an OCD type way and was moving towards a slightly wider string spacing. Just recently I got an ATK 805 which I am besotted with and have recently added one of these. The eveness of the gorgous tones both across and up and down the fret board mean't that I had eyes for no other : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2osFbwuOyEE I'm still on honeymoon!
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1503094327' post='3355747'] Bear in mind a TM4 doesn't sound much like a Stingray due to the MM pickup being quite a bit close to the bridge. But the answer should be play both and get the one that sounds and feels best! You can play the 'Ray in store, was your friend's Sandberg a TM4 so you can compare? [/quote] Spot on, I tried to get on with a TM4 twice in the past and failed. I loved the tone when I tried them and when practicing at home but I was happy with in my band and ended playing a Stingray. I don't think I'm that picky as I now play either a SR5, Ibanez ATK or BTB or my old Bass Collection but not a TM4. Like someone else said TM4's were lovely but always to polite for me.
  9. I'm thinking I should really have a back up for my GB Streamliner 600, which I have owned from new a long with a Genz Benz NX 212T cab. Any suggestions? Something 2nd hand, compact. Cab details [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]600 W[/size][/font][/center] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]42-18K Hz [/size][/font][/center] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]101 db [/size][/font][/center] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]4 ohm[/size][/font][/center] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]4 K Hz[/size][/font][/center] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font] Note: I bought my current kit after getting advice on here and have never regretted it so some pointers would be much appreciated.
  10. Well no contact from the potential buyer so I back up there.
  11. Traded pedals + some, thanks very Much Gaz. Trade with confidence!
  12. Change of plan, the amber one is now on hold and the green one still here
  13. [quote name='joe_geezer' timestamp='1502822296' post='3353794'] I'll take the green one if it's still going? [/quote] You have a message
  14. Trades? Looking for a new toy, Fender V1 or MIJ Mustang, something interesting short scale, Barefaced compact or nice 400-600W head? [attachment=251454:Gu2.jpg] [attachment=251455:P1000265.JPG]
  15. Trades? Looking for a new toy, Fender V1 or MIJ Mustang, something interesting short scale, Barefaced compact or nice 400-600W head?
  16. [quote name='jassbass' timestamp='1502692158' post='3352822'] Any trades? Thanks [/quote] Yes, I'm always interested but I need to be picky as I'm lucky enough to have what I need already. I just love trying basses and gear.
  17. [quote name='Hanry' timestamp='1502656941' post='3352760'] Could you tell me what the string spacing is at the nut and at the bridge, please? Also - what is the finish of the neck, please? And finally - can they do a passable P-sound by any chance? [/quote] Lets see, The neck is gloss finish, Seems like a shallow "C" section at the thin end changing to a shallow D as it gets fatter. They are renowned for being good players String spacing looks like 19mm at the bridge, 38mm to the outside of the strings. Neck width at the nut is 46mm "Can they do a passable P sound?" Hmm it isn't that type of pass.There is plenty of bass tone on tap thanks to the active EQ and good electronics. Jazz tone yes and agressive warricky tones yes. My band really liked it when I subbed it for my Stingray so it has plenty under the tank but not what I think of as a P bass tone. Any trial welcome
  18. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1502650344' post='3352709'] How much do they weigh? Thanks [/quote] Just tried to weight the green one on the kitchen scales and around 8 1/2 ib They both feel about the same weight
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