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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Well for those who want to try a Kiloton there is this [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/TributeSeries/basses/Kiloton/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars...loton/index.asp[/url]
  2. I've recently started using a BC335 for giggs and recording. It does a fine job and is really easy to love [attachment=247307:Nanyo1.jpg] [
  3. Great basses these..I have fond memories of my black one
  4. Pinball

    EBS fuzzmo

    I've been looking for a decent fuzz and bought one of these last week and love it. An amazing bargain and superb build quality. A very usable pedal. Search over!
  5. Verging on the multi-effects but what do you reckon? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/306766-ehx-battalion-pre-amp-and-di/page__fromsearch__1
  6. I do like electro-harmonix stuff and was looking at the Deluxe Big Muff and found this.. My first impression is nice tone and useful features. What do you think? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6gzq_EwlzI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Q6gzq_EwlzI[/url]
  7. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1495476912' post='3304059'] Zoom in on the front of the neck photo it still says "Tribute Series" but again the seller hasn't bothered to mention it! I would be interested to know the difference between the US basses and the Tributes, I have a Tribute M2000 bass and I am struggling to find anything I like about it, I assume given their good reputations the US bass is entirely different? [/quote] Tributes and USA basses are pretty close but having had both I can usually tell the difference. It is a feel thing to do with the finish and neck I think although I have had one superb Tribute L2000 that really shone. I have to say that I don't really get the M series as it seems to me that they have taken the outstanding and distinctive L series and made it more like several other basses with thew M's. I prefer the L's and SB's. I would like to try a Kiloton...may even buy a new one one day.
  8. The stamp on the back of the headstock should look like a cirlcle of writing and has has the word Indonesia missing. It would also have a production number. The stamp on the front is missing the USA or Tribute reference. If the seller has three of them as he says in the add he should know.
  9. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1495311478' post='3302952'] Put a set of flats on it? [/quote] I agree and another thing to try would be to knock of a bit off the controls of the bass amnd see if it mellows it. Alternatively these Kiloton's. G&L necks are great they look cool to me... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMr9Yx78O_w"]https://www.youtube....h?v=AMr9Yx78O_w[/url]
  10. Interesting question, I have changed my main a lot as I'm always looking to improve-I should maybe practice more instead I have only been playing bass seriously for about 5+ years. The ones I have hung on to are my SR5 fretless and G&L SB2. Stingrays seem a constant feature
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1495240144' post='3302448'] I think it would depend on my needs, but if starting out and wanting a pedal for extra sounds I`d prob go chorus or flanger, whereas now it would be a preamp/DI pedal with drive on it (which is in fact my only pedal). [/quote] I like your thinking, a nice BB Xotic or if you want a few stomp options a Sandsamp VT Deluxe.
  12. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1494240397' post='3294176'] No idea about the pickups, I'm afraid. They didn't sound exaggeratedly HiFi to me, more like a good modern active but plenty of thump where you need it. [/quote] I tried a few a few a couple of years back 2xTM's a Panther and Umbo. I loved the build quality and sound of the Panther and Umbo. I also liked the sound from the TM's when playing them at home but they didn't work for me live. They both had Delano's. I much prefer the Sandberg and Haussel?? pups. I then moved to 5 strings, Stingrays and G&L's but remember Sandbergs being excellent basses
  13. [quote name='AScars' timestamp='1494510612' post='3296623'] Thanks for the advice. I'll see if I can track down one of those Burns cases Pinball mentioned. Is it that one I have included in that picture there? Thanks. [/quote] Yep that's the one I was thinking of, nice cases but mark quite easily. Bisons are great so it is well worth you getting sorted out. A head turner of a bass too IMHO.
  14. Pinball

    G&L Kiloton

    Hmm that sounds pretty good value compared to the opposition and for what you get. Not that I have the money.....at the moment....one day
  15. Hi, Burns make very nice silver cases...but I had a burns 12 string guitar and in practice I found the larger cases a total pain to lug around, fit in vehicles etc.....just saying.
  16. Awsome basses...I have been hanging on to mine for a few years now even though I play 5's GLWTS
  17. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1493192895' post='3286294'] Thought Beth Ditto awful ( a third rate Joplin wana bee), The Faro Island thing utter pants, Robert Cray merely ok, Jain from France rather good and LP (laura Pergolizzi) very good, oh, and the Amazons, the less said the better! [/quote] I didn't see all of it but would like to hear more of LP as she's both stylish and talented. The low point was the woman with the Drum and Beth Ditto just proved that a big band doen't necesarily make a big impact.
  18. I just bought a lovely Bongo bass of Jez, easy and pleasant to deal with. many thanks
  19. Pinball


    What about starting a Bongo thread? There seem to be lots more to choose from these days and I'd like to see whats out there?
  20. Nice, I used to have pone of those in that Blue Pearl colour. It looks great under the lights. Have a bump
  21. Pinball


    Thanks for the soundclip, a whole bunch of cool tones there. That's encouraging as I'm getting this H/S next week: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/303106-sold-musicman-bongo-5hs/page__fromsearch__1
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