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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1490732644' post='3267553'] Stephen mentioned that - shame that the mag's they've given him for the bash will be the previous edition. [/quote] I have disagree I'm in that one Can someone save me a copy as I would like another. Note: humbly mentioned as it's a small piece and I'm not the best player...just pushy!
  2. [quote name='mikeswals' timestamp='1490587870' post='3266110'] Yup they sound very different, I've had a few of both. The SR5HH was smoother, can have more of a scoopy tone. The L2500 has way higher output and is all attack and sustain. [/quote] Thanks that's the sort of thing that I need to know. Am I correct in thinking that you can still get a good aggressive ray tone from the HH? From youtube etc. I can hear nice rounded and boomy tones but need that classic ray zing too
  3. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1490654294' post='3266857'] I'm still planning on coming down. Although I need to remove the Bass Collection SB320 from the for-sale bit (it's sold so won't be bringing it!) [/quote] well lets see if we can lift share...I can bring a Bass Collection if there is any interest in addition to the two already there any preferences in between a G&L L1500, L1505 and Bass Collection SB335?
  4. Bump with video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXPhW7z2UJ0
  5. I use my BB as a stomp in place of distortion pedal...before filters etc I should add that If I use my VT Deluxe I either use it "stand alone" or at the end of the bedal chain
  6. Hi, I love SR5's and L1505's so can compare those but what about the 2 pickup versions? What are the merrits of each? Why should someone buy one over the other?
  7. Wow I hope this place is big enough...it looks like there is a lot going on. Someone needs to change the list of stuff that I'm bringing (no 0 in the list). I have sold the G&L Tribute and Thunderbird so I'll bring something else instead
  8. [quote name='Treb' timestamp='1490124330' post='3262431'] I've never handled a SUB or a a Ray34. I do have a EBMM Sterling and if you want that oiled neck feel then there's only one choice. Nothing compares to that neck feel IMO. BTW new Stingrays can be found at nice prices though. Esse Music in Italy has a few left, starting at €1690. That emerald green sparkle is to die for! [/quote] I agree with this, I had a Stirlingray35 and an EB SR5 at the same time. I couldn't really hear much difference but there was something that I liked better with the neck of the USA one. I manages to get a 2nd hand US neck for the Sterlingray35 and from then on was as happy with that as the USA one. There is a slight difference. I would go 2nd hand USA or get myself a Status neck.
  9. Fast payment and an easy deal in a Precision bass...Thanks Stuart!
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1489668581' post='3258786'] maybe its ironic and they are actually fairly happy and tolerant badgers [/quote] [attachment=240755:search.jpg] Better?
  11. I know that the the other bass he was playing at Bizarre is a Bass Collection but whats this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IAfm2S9EEY&list=RDZOorzyuoB2o&index=6
  12. [quote name='Lysdexia' timestamp='1489602113' post='3258327'] I loved it - not least the subliminal political rallying call to the hoi polloi for the final showdown with the army of robot angry badgers the guy is building in his bunker. Brave! [/quote] Thanks again for the positives...I may use that as an anoymous quote...I think I know what it means
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1489520201' post='3257655'] Great sound. I really liked this video. Blue [/quote] Thanks Blue, we're really happy with it The difficvulty with doing everything ourselves or with free help is that it's really difficult to keep things moving. The track was written about my buddy Jason and recorded with the video in mind. This video was supposed to be ready for last September/October and at times I was worried that it was never going to get there so excuse me for being really excited to see an end result.
  14. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1489508781' post='3257539'] None of you LOOK particularly angry.... [/quote] My standard answer to that is "we aren't badgers either".
  15. I played a 5 stringer a couple of weeks back and was really impressed.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1489490251' post='3257318'] Enjoyed that a lot. Is there a CD or Vinyl? [/quote] Naah nothing like that, we haven't got around to merchandise yet...no management and no time. If your doing everything yourselves and have day jobs it is a lot of work, It is really promotional so will be going digital. Note: We get quite a bit of rock radio play but never get around to claiming for that either. Time the final frontier! Thanks for the positives
  17. Hi, I hope that this is the right place to share this-if not please shout. Almost everything was done in house. The soundtrack was all recorded by our band, with the exception of mastering. The song is about one of my buddies and set as his workshop. The video done by badger buddies, including some filming from a BC member.. I'm really pleased with the result so hope you enjoy it. [url="https://youtu.be/OXPhW7z2UJ0"]https://youtu.be/OXPhW7z2UJ0[/url]
  18. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1489315029' post='3255891'] The Sire basses have a passive mode. Just leave the actives switched out and you've got a passive 5 string Jazz. [/quote] I have a few that work well like that myself...including a G&L L1505 and an amazing sounding Bass Collection Nanyo with humbuckers. I didn't know they did one like this until I picked it up BIN of ebay Pic below [attachment=240296:Nanyo1.jpg]
  19. It's interesting as I played a precision from the new Fender Pro range a week or two back and was impressed. There isn't much else that jumps out
  20. What would people recommend and why? Added note: The reason I ask is that I played one of the new Fender Pro series P5's a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was really nice and couldn't think of many other passive 5's. I would be interested to hear what others are playing.
  21. It would be great to see you there, Free entry [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/1310852522341747/"]https://www.facebook...10852522341747/[/url] [attachment=240285:Blue Lagoon 2(1).jpg]
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