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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I tried one of these and was so impressed. I almost bought it even though I didn't need it. Great basses for the money Have a bump.
  2. Hmm interesting. I use a pick some of the time and palm mute and tend to palm mute the low B . When playing finger style I use the low B as an anchor point for and and then play it with my thumb so I must use my fingers on the other strings as a rest. I think I palm mute when doing that although have never analysed it before. I used to simply play 5's like a 4 string and then bring in the low B when I needed it but as my playing has progressed I'm using the B more and more in a percussive way. As I'm self taught player playing his own music I guess my technique is a mess but hey it works for me I never thought about it before.
  3. Sorted thanks....I'm ashamed to say that it was a vibration problem of some kind. I'm still not sure what but maybe something to do with the edge of the speaker unit. It occurred to me that it was actually sounding worse when out of the cab so it may be something to do with vibration. I went back and tightened everything in the cab and put back the speaker taking care that it sitting right and wasn't touching any of the sides as it is a snug fit. It now sounds great-better than it has for ages so I maybe fixed more than one rattle Thanks all
  4. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1485046513' post='3220765'] Have you checked all the speaker mounting screws and rear connector panel are tight and airtight? [/quote] Good thinking but I checked that when I took it apart for a look. The wires to the speaker are long enough for me to take it our and place it on the floor and it is still sounding dodgy. It's like a torn cone but I can't see any evidence of that. Note: I haven't pushed it as I just use it at home but I bought it 2nd hand a couple of years ago
  5. Hi, It seems that the speaker of my Genz Benz Focus LT cab has gone. Although I can't see a problem it can't cope with the low B without distorting and rattling.. Can anyone tell me where to get a replacement or recommend an alternative Details are: Genz Benz Model: GEC 12200-08 8 ohms !2" I reckon its worth doing as its a nice light cab any assistance or advice is much appreciated
  6. Cool, I was just looking at his site in the NY
  7. I can't see Cotwold's site anymore...is it still going? Is david OK?
  8. £300 on ebay? Bargain http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122320024081?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1484913155' post='3219605'] I've owned a StingRay for the past 30 years and have run it through various amps over that time: Trace Elliot GP12 combo with 4x10 speakers Ampeg SVT Classic with 8x10 cab Ampeg SVT200 with 8x10 cab Ampeg SVT3 with 4x10 and 1x15 cabs Genz Benz Streamliner 900 with Genz Benz NX212T cab The only amp setup that I didn't get on with was the Trace Elliot as I found it too sterile and clangy sounding, but the Genz Benz rig really seems to suit the StingRay (or vice versa). [/quote] I have a GB Streamliner 600 and Nx212T and agree it sounds great
  10. Some combinations just don't work that well in the signal chain. I was really happy with sound from my ESP/Spoector, EMG powered guitars with my Ashdown rigg but not with my current Genz Benz kit. The Ashdown seemed to color the sound in a positive way, where as the GB is very transparent.
  11. I spotted it early and missed it by 10 mins...if the deal falls though I'm next in line but I suspect that it won't
  12. I have fond memories of the 5 string version that I had...nice quality and sounds...have a bump
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1483694440' post='3209271'] I would imagine there was an issue with the pickup, battery and setup on the Ray 5. I've tried many many Laklands, and whilst they make a fairly cool 35" 5 string bass, the Musicman 5 strings I've played always sounded MUCH tighter with more of a kick on the B string. [/quote] I was thinking that, I'm on my 3rd fretted SR5 and 1st fretless and found all of them to be great basses. I only moved on from the first one because I wanted a different colour
  14. Somr of my favourite fretless rock stuff here...awsome. Lou Reeds New Sensations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-fq_BOj3ho
  15. I've used roundwounds, flats and harf-rounds on my G&L's and Stingrays and have now abandoned the rounds completley. I mention both basses because both are really good at cutting though in the mix and therefore retain some of that "zing" quality. Having said that you will need to be willing adjust your EQ settings to dial it back in. Also I can get half rounds to sound like roundwounds but flats will always sound like flats IMHO It is also worth noting that flats can vary a great deal. Fenders start fairly bight but then darken a bit with time, the Ernie Balls that I have on my L1505 are quite dark sounding and give a great dubby sound. If you want to retain the ultimate zing go for half-rounds. Chromes or Rotosounds flats that are at the brighter end of the scale and very consistent over time. Have fun!
  16. I remember trying a fretless SR5 in PMT Bristol and thinking the same about 4 years ago-love at first sight. i popped in again a few days later and the price had dropped £500 so I went home and got everything I could think of to trade and went back with two basses and acoustic guitar and some cash and redturned with the Stingray. I have never regretted it. One bass that you love is worth a whole bunch of others anyday....infact I'm off to noodle on it
  17. I don't know if this has been posted but I love it. What a great instrument bass guitar is... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CrSdJPZLss"]https://www.youtube....h?v=7CrSdJPZLss[/url]
  18. You know that G&L's must be doing something right when my other favourite manufacturere are following them. Watch this vid and notice the slightly hotter pups on the Cutless. I could wear with my eyes shut that it was an SB-2 and what about the two volumes controls of the Caprice. They look like nice bits of kit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FfUNsdb55Y
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1482772413' post='3202637'] Pet hate of mine! Much prefer one vol and a pan pot.... you can't do volume swells with two volumes! [/quote] RE: Sb-2 You can still do you just need to turn the J pup down as the front pup sounds great on it's own. Of course you will be left without tonal options but what a great tone it has This guy explains it well, and nice tones near the end.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgIp-czCOiw
  20. Hi, I had a couple of MIJ Ibanez SR's from that period, an SR1000 and a SR1300. Both had a Bartolini system and pups and sounded great to my ear. Both basses had a touch of magic about them and sparkled in terms of build quality and sound. I only moved on because I found the necks too skinny and because I was moving towards 5 strings. I have heard that the ones with the ibanez pups aren't as good but have no experience to back that up I'm not a fan of variable mids on a bass as for me it is unnecessary complication...I have plenty mids control elsewhere If it has barts you may find that you don't want to change it anyway I hope that helps
  21. I tried out another tele style bass last week and the bass felt most comfortable when held in a more horizontal position than is usual for me. I think the ASAT "neck dive" is a reference to that. Some people will be very comfortable and others not. This guy demonstrates what I mean. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TuBzfEK43Q"]https://www.youtube....h?v=6TuBzfEK43Q[/url]
  22. What a talented bunch you are...I really enjoyed listening to them all
  23. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1482767855' post='3202603'] An ASAT is the only bass I own. I have GAS for an LB100 with flats on. Following the G&L factory on Facebook doesn't help, they make some proper corkers! [/quote] I use flats on mine, they work really well on the SB-2 P-ups, as they gain some thump but retain the tone of the bass really well Re: Cuzzie Thats interesting and sounds great. I am not too worried about the treble but maybe that is because I use flats and like to retain a bit of zing...thats probably why I like Stingrays too. There is a lot to take in on your post. I think I need to have my tea first and then PM you later Note: I also advertised my L1505 for sale but stopped pushing it when I found my sound...I got the L1500 recently in a trade and I really should sell one but I'm not sure which one. It changes on a daily basis.
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