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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1482766347' post='3202590'] I'm with Pinball except that I would have the ASAT, same electronics, but love the shape. Interestingly Pinball, have you modded your L1500 pre-amp and tone pots? I have and it's a whole new awesome beast! [/quote] Hi, That's interesting. No I havent altered them (L1500/L1505). I kind of found my tone both active and passive just by knocking a bit the bass eq. I would be really interested to hear what you have done. Note: I'm near Bristol
  2. There is a G&L for every occasion, they are great value and the ones I have had were all confortable designs with a great sound. I have three an L1500, L1505 and SB2. If I was limited to one bass it would bave to be one of the L2000 series. If I wanted a cheaper bass it would have to be a Tribute, as the L2000 that I had in the past was one of the best basses that I have ever parted with. I quite like them!
  3. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1482753134' post='3202506'] Walking back to the station on Thursday there was a charity thing outside Charing Cross" . The bass player had a Micromark like this [url="https://www.gak.co.uk/en/markbass-micromark-801/56360?gclid=Cj0KEQiAnIPDBRC7t5zJs4uQu5UBEiQA7u5NeyR5vdS840VVDW5mIS1E2iLAPvA8qNGf7KgGIUKdrj8aAswu8P8HAQ"]https://www.gak.co.u...drj8aAswu8P8HAQ[/url] going into the PA. sounded amazing and probably good enough for any teenage practice, and probably a darn sight better than the 75w Laney I started out on... [/quote] Thanks, they look great. My favourites in terms of being compaact and portable, with phones in and a good line out. Micromark 801 EBS Session 30 Ampeg Microstack CL I know that the Ampeg stack isn't portable but it has a small footprint and he can take to head and put it though the PA That won't be until next month though.
  4. ooh lots of nice pedals to look up. I really like this one for both guitar and bass. I'm hoping to use it in out new set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6J7jCLo-84
  5. [attachment=234615:IMG_2677.jpg]
  6. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1482684308' post='3202206'] All the best with it. Sounds like you're doing a lovely thing for him. [/quote] Thanks, well he's doing fine but he's one of that generation who hasn't got much spare cash. It's not high on his priorities I don't give him the chance it won't happen.
  7. Thanks all, I've been reading over and checking the options.Some extra but relevant info is that his Girl is a singer/key player so it would be cool if he could play along if need be. I have to keep reminding myself that this is for him and not me and I reckon that he looks will be important to him as he''s not that confident. The answerts have really helped clarify things a lot so I'll answe them all: [quote name='pbasspecial' timestamp='1482622451' post='3202025'] Secondhand Mexican Fender P Bass - around £300 Decent Preamp pedal with headphone socket - MXR, Ampeg, DHA, etc - under £200 [/quote] That's pretty much what I was thinking. If he gets on OK and has an small amp or pre-amp then he can sedide if he has space for a cab [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1482623194' post='3202030'] Squier Jaguar Bass 32" scale £250, S/H combo up to £250 [/quote] I had never sonsidered these but having looked at them and Mustangs on youtube this morning they seem really cool and don't break the bank. I Like the sound of the "HB" ones too [quote name='sifi2112' timestamp='1482624188' post='3202037'] If he's considering 5 string One of the Markbass combos might be worth looking at but guess they'll be a little over budget., I recently got a Genz Benz Contour 500 amp (head only) & been impressed so if you can find a combo 115 or 210 version I'd seriously try one [/quote] Probably best that he starts with 4, a small combo would be cool but even that may be too much at the moment. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1482660666' post='3202112'] If he has a computer, a Zomm B3 can be used as a usb interface. If he doesn't have a computer a Tascam bass trainer, very helpful for learning with. I wouldnt worry about live performance straight away. [/quote] Good thinking, provided his PC is up to reproducing some wound without headphones...I need to check [quote name='rhcp128' timestamp='1482664782' post='3202134'] I have a markmini 802, which you could get 300-ish pounds used. Really nice and punchy amp, combine that with nice squier and you have an awesome rig! [/quote] I love the look of that...OK not my choice for live work but it has a DI out, phone connection etc. Thanks for flagging it I'm not actually in a position to do anything at the moment as I need to sell first but someone has just made me an lovely gift offer....thankyou santa and Merry Christmas all!
  8. My son has been showing an interest in bass guitars recently. I reckon that he could play so I would like to get him started. He lives with his girl in a flat in town and they really struggle for space so giving him or loaning him my kit isn't a sensible option. What he needs is a compact set up for practiceing and that he could potentially use live. I have some criteria in mind:[list] [*]The bass should be medium or 34" scale [*]Compact and easy to store [*]He has no space for cabs so he'd need a compact amp or pre-amp that he can plug his phones into and would be good enough to plug iinto a PA [*]It shouldn't break the bank so a few hundred, say £500 max [/list] Any suggestions?
  9. The best solution I think. I have an L1505 and it is great both active and passive
  10. Some other thoughts about my "keepers"..... 1. They are all in the £500-£1000 used price range. I clearly don't need to spend more to be happy 2. All except for one (A G&L SB-2, which is a pretty basic bass) have one pickup 3. I could be happy with 3 basses, Note: I currently have more as I switch between 4 and 5 string and a fretless
  11. I'm feeling strangley gas free this Christmas...I have been swapping and trying different basses regulary over the last 5 years and all of a sudden seem to have settled into Stiingray 5's and G&L's. Even though I will still sell and swap the odd one I am strangely GAS free. Could this be the end of searching and swapping? I went though the same with Electric and acoustic guitars but am pretty settled on that front too.
  12. Interesting, I was just playing along to the clip with my G&L 1500, with flats and passive setting and it was close in terms of tone...lol
  13. Well I would say the first 2 have P bass character. I wouldn't have recognized the third as a P bass. I like the first overall but just to complicate things a little more what I like on it's own doesn't always work best in a band.
  14. Quite a few of the Burns basses hav three pups, including the Bison does aswell. Also the Godin Shifter (oh you beat me too it) I don't know but would guess that most designs work well with either 1 or two pups so a 3rd isn't thought worthwhile and that the makers who do use 3 also make lead guitars so have transferred that experience over to basses.
  15. [quote name='Harryburke14' timestamp='1482093663' post='3197617'] I managed to play a load of Burns gear not too long ago. Great guitars and great basses. GLWTS. [/quote] They certainly are-very nice build quality Trades added
  16. [i]Note: too many basses means that some have to go.....more incoming. [/i] [i]Trades: A more traditional passive bass-aomething light that handles well e.g. Jazzers, precision or bass collection for a friend to learn on.[/i] This is a nice Burns Marquee bass but my curiosity has now been satisfied. It now sits in its case and I can't see me ever using it in my band "up she goes". Here is a link to a review I did of it on BC: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/292454-burns-marquee-review/page__p__3142296__hl__marquee__fromsearch__1#entry3142296"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry3142296[/url] [attachment=234294:IMG_2676.jpg]
  17. [i]TRADES[/i][i]: A nice P bass, German Sandbergs, USA G&L's,[/i][i] Sterling Ray35. [/i] [i]I like [/i][i]34" scale basses, nothing too heavy and frets and cash either way-try me[/i] Fender Precision, lined fretless Bass made in the USA in 1995. SN N552234 Candy Apple red, white pick guard, maple with rosewood board, string though. Everything is original and all electrics work perfectly. It is nice and light in weight It has a few minor scratches on the back and side and a tiny ding on the bottom. None of these are significant visually IMHO. It also has round wounds on it that have left some marks along the string lines. Apart from that it looks almost new which isn't bad for a bass that is over 20 years old! It's been very well looked after. I bought this locally as I had similar bass about 5 years ago. Since then I have bought a frettless Stingray and realize that although I like it I still don't need this so it is up for sale. It plays beautifully and produces the feel and sound you'd expect from a quality fretless.
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1482000805' post='3196925'] Try Status Hotwire half-rounds. Just as smooth as flats but with more growl, great for fretless. I just tried to look them up on their site, you might have to call them... They are mentioned as being for sale but I cannot seem to find where to click to buy a set! [/quote] +1 I like those, unfortunatel;y they don't have them for sale on at the moment. Hopefully they will get some more soon
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1481965370' post='3196550'] I'm a bit confused about two words. It's Stingray and versatile.? They don't seem to go together for me�� [/quote] By that I mean you can use them (and they are used in) a lot of different genre's and styles of music. I use mine for rock but they can also more subtle stuff. Here's my fretless on a soundcloud demo (excuse the mix and playing as its a demo). [url="https://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/beautiful-skin-solo-demo"]https://soundcloud.c...-skin-solo-demo[/url]
  20. Re: Stingrays and G&L's, having owned a few of each now. Both are excellent and very usable. Stingrays are a little more quirky maybe but are very versitile. I have a great fretless with a wonderful tone Weight? well typically they both have great balance and vary in weight. Some of the older ones are pretty heavy so it's a case of finding one that your confortable with. There is a wider breadth of sounds on the G&L's but do you need it? If you like simplicity I would say Stingrays If you need a passive option G&L's. I don't know much about Lakland's.
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