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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I write so when I was in a band called Beautiful Skin I wrote a track called Beautiful Skin! When I was in a band called Deep Red I wrote a track called Deep red! Neither band lasted long enough to record them but all was not lost as the band I'm in at the moment recorded Deep Red. I hope too record Beautiful Skin myself sometime.
  2. I had one. No follow up message If it was a scam it was for a faily low cost items so it probably wasn't worth the follow up New member again
  3. Wow where do you find these gems Graham, that is lovely.
  4. When I saw the title I was thinking SR5, Ibanez prestige or a G&L or yammy maybe but by suggesting probably a passive I'm struggling I would suggest a warwick 5 but wouldn't worry about the passive bit...Also get something that feels familiar so that swapping isn't a big deal. I don't like the 5 string F' jazzes at all, either in terms of sound of playability. A recent fender 5 precision maybe but I don't have experience of them
  5. Digitech Harwire HT6? Really clear on stage, quick and accurate. I can check all my 5 strings with one swipe
  6. I have a set that came on a bass, cool looking and no issues. I don't use them at the moment as I standardized on Schallers
  7. Waddyareckon? The audiences love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ma3l59xGcI
  8. I hope that its a sign that people are looking for a different listening experience and actually listening to whole albums rather than individual tracks
  9. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1480975532' post='3188714'] Having had a chance to spend some time with the BB1024, I have altered my opinion. Whilst still preferring the profile of the 414 neck over the 1024, I find that I prefer everything else about the 1024 above the 414 and the former has now become my 'go to' bass. [/quote] I think neck preferences is a strange one. Familurity, and therefore the patience to give it a chance plays a large part. If it sounds good and feels familiar your there. I've played everything from skinny ibanez 4's to old "cricket bat" warwicks and have learned to get on with them all
  10. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1480759405' post='3186907'] You can't go wrong with a G&L JB2 Tribute. Amazing basses for the money. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H2.XG%26L+Tribute+JB2.TRS0&_nkw=G%26L+Tribute+JB2&_sacat=0"]http://www.ebay.co.u...te+JB2&_sacat=0[/url] [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/TributeSeries/basses/JB-2_new/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars...2_new/index.asp[/url] [/quote] G&L Tributes are great. Otherwise a newish used Mex Fender
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1480531914' post='3185192'] t most music video in the current era is all about titilation, not music. [/quote]` Nailed it....those aren't about the music and they have become boring.
  12. So then reading the above it's nothing to worry about...as long as your happy with the sound
  13. Hi, I used to think that neck-through was something to aspire too until I got a used Ibanez 3005 wich was a stunning bolt on model that changed my mind. I have since worked my way though many basses sice to get to my current favourites (Stingray's and G&L) and it I dawns on me that they are all blot on models. I have had both types at the same time and couldn't hear any difference. I have noticed that the bolt-on's seem to generally lighter in weight but that is about it really. Waddyathink?
  14. The good news is that they are both good basses. I had a TRB1005 and found an excellent bass too
  15. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1480025229' post='3181193'] I'm struggling with the two origonal songs that I'm recordingh/videoing on Saturday. I haven't had a problem with them at all until I have 2 days to go Wish me luck [/quote] [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1480048361' post='3181275'] good luck, just relax and let your hands do their thang [/quote] Thanks for the advice. I'm happy with our performance. I wasn't playing bass this time as I was playing lead guitar and singing. Thats not my preferred instrument. The guys in the studio were very relaxed and professional, which helped a great deal
  16. I'm struggling with the two origonal songs that I'm recordingh/videoing on Saturday. I haven't had a problem with them at all until I have 2 days to go Wish me luck
  17. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1479208695' post='3174718'] I found real difficulty in playing it and eventually traded it for a fretted TRB5. I thought it was the scale length that was throwing me off, but now, having bought myself an Overwater Perception ProDeluxe which is also 35" and with an unmarked fingerboard, I'm beginning to suspect I just prefer unlined boards as my intonation on this neck is infinitely better than on the previous. As I learned fretless on a Westone Thunder III Mk.2, (possibly the best bass I've ever had) perhaps my preference for unlined is understandable. G. [/quote] I struggled for a couple of years to play fret-less and failed, with a P bass and Bass Collection. I now happily play a fret-less/unlined version of my Stingray SR5. It was so much easier for me to play a fret-less version of a bass that I was familiar with.
  18. Thats great that your already happy 414 I swapped loads of basses before finding my favourite which is a 5 string Stingray. Having said that I recently owned a Tribute G&L L2000 model that was purrrrfect except that it had only had 4 strings and I use 5 Once a bass is in your hands the cost is irrelevant, it is how it feels and sounds that matters.
  19. Yes that sounds like mine, I bought it new and lived with it for 4 years and traded it a couple of months back. They really did a good job when they built that guitar. It mainly had home use as I have been playing bass. That is why I traded it
  20. Hmm this may have been mine...there are great guitars GLWTS
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1478127233' post='3167057'] Good question though. If you dig too deep you'll likely run into someone's hand out for some cash. Blue [/quote] Thanks for the feedback My opinion as a writer of origonals is that I would l;ike to hear people playing my stuff. It's a tribute or recognition of your work by fellow musicians. On the other hand if someone was making a lot of money on the back of it I would feel entitled to some of it. No moral worries here and it sounds like no legasl worries either as our activity will be below the radar
  22. Some advice from the great minds at BC please I'm in an new originals band. We have no recorded sounds so in order to let people hear what we sound like we're making a couple of quick live videos. We thought we'd do one of our own songs and a cover done in our own way. Are there any problems with putting up a "cover" video on youtube? We don't intend to sell it or make money from it and would reference the original.
  23. [quote name='w_joe' timestamp='1477929923' post='3165337'] What's the weight of the bass? [/quote] I don't have scales but the previous owner said [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4.33kg[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] = 9lb8½oz[/font][/color]
  24. Pinball


    [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1477850954' post='3164835'] If you want a jazz configuration then from the G&L range I suggest you seek out a Tribute JB-2. They are exceedingly well made. The SB-2 is the bass player's revenge. That innocent looking P pickup will eat most actives for breakfast, and throws out a strong fundamental for real weight in the low frequencies. Fellow band members might not like it. So, it is not so much the J pickup being weak in my opinion. It is usually the case that the P predominates though. Even my expensive Mike Lull PJ5 suffers from that. Any passive tone control will bleed off some treble at all settings, although whether or not you can hear it depends on the component values. The SB lets through the raw output which means a bit more top end agression. You can tame it somewhat by winding back the bass volume and increasing the amp input gain. If you then need to cut through, turn up the volume and you not only get louder but add clarity too. Genius (Leo Fender, that is). [/quote] All this +1, mt SB2 is really easy to dial in. I love the way the that bringing in the bridge pup volume alters the tone
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