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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Pinball


    [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1476768397' post='3156998'] If its a defo P Bass you want LB100 is the classic sounding one, SB-2 PJ but you still get a Ptype sound, but with versatility, SB-1 is a P bass on major steroids. [/quote] I couldn't agree more, I got my SB-2 in a trade while looking for a precision with the intention of selling it on and then realised that the SB-2 was what I wanted. The control system is superb, it feels gorgeous and I haven't heard a better tone yet. If you come across one give it a try.
  2. oo oooh it's a beut. My favourites GLWTS
  3. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1475874056' post='3149499'] Tune it to A like I do - becomes a whole different instrument. [/quote] I'll give that a try as I'm still not feeling it.
  4. [quote name='samhay' timestamp='1475852237' post='3149259'] Do you play chords on it, or predominantly single notes? If the latter, then tune the Gb -> G and you will find some familiar territory in strings 2-5. [/quote] I'm sure there is some room for this as there is a lot of room to play 2-4 string chords instead of using all 6. taking it closer to either typical bass tuning or 6 string tuning will help. I'll try both of these over the weekend I reckon. I think it's worth the effort before admitting defeat
  5. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1475841414' post='3149122'] If you bought one single string of the appropriate guage ( thinner than the high B ) then you could just remove the lower B , move the other five over and add the new highest as a high E , then tune like a regular guitar . Maybe . Maybe not . [/quote] A thinkers answer I like it! My 1st thought it, it's not the guitar that is the problem it is my lack of ability....that doesn't really help though. My 2nd thought is that following on from what you say I could re-tune from the E as a normal 6 string and forget about the high E...not sure what that tuning is called but it will have a name no doubt. I could mute the B when chording?
  6. HI, I could really do with some ideas of how to make the best use of my baritone Cort guitar (see video below). It was an impulse buy last year. I absolute love the growl that it makes and everything about it but.......it sits there unused, mainly because I find it difficult to transpose songs that I already play in E down to [color=#333333][font=Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]B-E-A-D-Gb-B[/size][/font][/color] here's the spec: http://www.cortguitars.com/uk/product/sunset-baritone [font="Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif"][color="#333333"][size=3]I'm now thinking of abandoning the usual tuning and being more radical, maybe even tuning it like my bass and then writing songs that fit the sound and tuning. Any suggestions on turnings?[/size][/color][/font] It is the first on here:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddNgW09Xrsc Any advice would be much appreciated as I know I can do good things with this if I can get my head around it.
  7. Bass Bashes would be a bit boring if you weren't able to play them
  8. I like hearing other people playing my bass gear. In fact I have learned a lot that way. I wouldn't just let anyone play it though, it has to be people who I respect.
  9. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1475437971' post='3145937'] i think we have a cross wire here pinball? I've been watching a Left hand one on eBay ?? [/quote] Aah yes, I think that's cracking and a good price.
  10. [quote name='biro' timestamp='1475428906' post='3145840'] What year is it from? I am actually after an L2500, but I could be tempted... [/quote] No idea Made in Indonesia though. No 119432078
  11. Nice one, It is easy to over complicate things in my humble opinion. For most live uses you just need a really nice sounding bass and probably one sweet sound. That's what the band, soundman and the audience want to hear
  12. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1475422083' post='3145770'] Cheers pinball, spose I'll have to buy it now, man have you got me in trouble. [/quote] Good timing as the price just dropped. If you pm me I'll put it on hold we can discuss details Anyway she will never notice if you put it in a dark corner
  13. Hey, well done you're sorted. The important thing as that your enjoying yourself Lovely basses too!
  14. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1475338085' post='3145194'] So I wouldn't regret it if I bought it, it's too far away to go and try it out [/quote] Nope you wouldn't it's lovely. The reason for selling is that I play 5 strings so don't play it other than at home, I could do with some dosh, I am so impressed I would like a L2500.
  15. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1475323026' post='3145027'] There's a L2000 lefty on eBay that I'm watching, looks lovely. [/quote] Yes that does look really nice. Lovely grain Note: I still have a couple of mine on sale on here at the moment. I am not sure how much longer though as I have been enjoying playing them this afternoon. I have been comparing them all. Of course it ends up that they are all different but good The L2000 is a cracker though, such an easy bass the play and it sounds great. I'm now thinking I should keep my L1505 as if I go any lower it will be down to the price of a Tribute.
  16. I love the black...similar to the G&L basses that I'm selling
  17. Still here, nice pedal in nice condition
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1475074155' post='3142830'] Very nice indeed... If only I had £300! Just out of interest, could it be posted? [/quote] Yes it could be posted, maybe even delivered as I'll be travelling past your neck of the woods before Christmas. It plays as good as it looks too
  19. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1475001485' post='3142233'] I used to sell them in my shop, well made and they came from China. Don't know a lot more than that except Burns were heavy. [/quote] Yes I had 3 lead guitars and they varied. A Double Six, a great guitar in every-way but like you say heavy and awkward to lug around in it's hard case so I sold it, A Marquee Special, which I just didn't like. That wasn't heavy enough and a Sonic Elite, which I really like and still have. That is nice and light, a bit like a tele and bright sounding. This bass is very comfortable but that is probably more to do with the good balance rather than the weight. I don't have scales for an exact weight unfortunately
  20. Yes I splashed out on a Fretless Stingray 5 and it was an inspired purchase. I had tried and failed to play fretless bass before. I tried this bass at a time when I couldn't afford it. When it later dropped £500 in a sale and I went in with 3 guitars and a handful of cash and negotiated the purchase. I can now play it pretty well and although I have never played in at a gig I absolutely love the thing.
  21. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1474892293' post='3141256'] good review, enjoyed reading that. [/quote] Thanks I enjoyed writing it [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1474890006' post='3141229'] Great review! I've always fancied one of these - or to be more accurate, a Bison with Marquee electronics. [/quote] Unusual controls are a pain for occasional use
  22. Hi, I have an update. It turns out that the previous owner had the decals especially made for the guitar so they were a false lead. I have removed them because I didn't want it damaging the finish in the long run. The bass itself is good so I have done a review as requested here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/292454-burns-marquee-review/page__fromsearch__1 Thanks for all your interest and input
  23. [color=#000000]As requested a review of my new toy! A 34" scale Burns Marquee.[/color] [color=#000000]I am the 2nd owner. This bass was came in a Burns Custom case, which contained a ticket that said made by Burns London in November 2014 bought new in 2016 from PJS Music in Barnsley. I have no idea why it was made or if more exist but it is a factory product. [/color] [i][color=#000000]Update: I have an email form the Burns CEO/Barry Gibson telling me that they have been making 34" scale Marquee basses since mid-2014. [/color][/i] [color=#000000]The current Burns bass line up consists of the Marquee short scale bass (32"), The even shorter scale Nu-sonic, the Elite and more expensive Shadows Bass and the Bison Bass. [/color][color=#000000]I had ruled all of their basses out for various reasons[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]but I have tried and like both the Bison and Marquee and often found myself thinking "if only Burns made a 34" Marquee I would buy it". Well now they do and this one came up on ebay and it's now mine [/color] [color=#000000][b]The review:[/b] This bass is based on a Burns of the 1960's and has remained true to the origonal design.[/color] [color=#000000]This 34" scale bass has some differences from the 32" Marquee. To achieve the scale the neck is longer and the plastics altered to allow the bridge to be moved. To ensure that the bass remains well balanced one of the strap attachment points has been moved from the back of the bass on to the end of the horn. A cosmetic difference is that the back of the neck and head are unpainted unlike the usual finish of the Marquee or Bison. [/color] [color=#000000][attachment=228586:Burns FR.jpg] [attachment=228587:Burns bod.jpg][/color] [color=#000000][b]Features:[/b] It is British designed but probably a far eastern (Cort factory?) product. It is well made and attractive IMHO, with a white body with tortoiseshell 3 piece scratch-plate. It has a zero fret, a rosewood fret-board and maple neck and the famous "Burns batwing" head, that is tilted back to avoid the need for string trees. Marquees have a basswood body and a substantial Marquee bridge, 3 angled Tri-sonic pick-ups. 5 way selector Switch. Master volume knob and two "tone" knobs. The top tone knob does what you would expect, While the bottom tone knob appears to do little other than act as a push-pull Switch to bring the bridge pick-up into play and access additional neck/bridge and neck/middle combinations. This gives a total of 7 different pick-up combinations. The Burns sealed machine heads appear quite small by modern standards but of good quality. [/color] [color=#000000][b]Sound:[/b] The previous owner had fitted a cheap set of round-wounds on it which I subsequently swapped for Roto 77 flats. I wondered if this choice would work well but I needn't have worried. Using the P-UP selections alone gives a wide variation of usable sounds. The Tri-sonics are silent and buzz free. They give the Marquee a very pure and unique voice, with the neck pickup being more precision like and the others being progressively more jazzy as you move towards the bridge. The Tri-sonics give a nice clarity to the individual notes or when playing chords with no muddiness present. I quickly found my favorite sounds, which are based around the neck pup. [/color] [color=#000000][b]Action, Fit & Finish:[/b] No complaints as the finish and fittings seem excellent. The neck is a pretty skinny Jazz neck and on this particular model has some nice tiger stripping The guitar shone from the inside of it's fitted case the first time I laid eyes on it. The paint work and chrome look wonderful and the shiny Tri-sonic pickups add some bling. Very impressive.[/color] [color=#000000][b]Reliability & Durability:[/b] With my past experiences of modern Burns kit, the good build quality and attention to detail I see no reason to worry here. Time will tell.[/color] [color=#000000][i]Note: The thin jazzy neck stuggled to retain a good action with the flats on it so it was changed back to rounds, which suit it better.[/i][/color] [color=#000000][b]Overall Impression:[/b] It is a really nice piece of kit and very easy to get on with. It is from Burn's cheaper "Club" range but seems well made. It's old style good looks and 3 piece guard make it stand out from the crowd and I do like the big bat-wing backward tilting head too. The combination of the big body, big head seem to be exaggerated by the skinny neck. I would describe it as a medium weight bass but it is perfectly balanced. The sound is impressive in terms of voice and clarity. It will cover most types of music but as a passive jazz bass it is probably most at home with jazz,folk, rock and blues. Having said that I have heard a Marquee used very effectively in a heavy punk band and there is some funk under the bonnet too. [/color] [color=#000000]You can see it next to Paul's P bass for a scale comparison [/color] [attachment=228588:Burns comp.jpg] [attachment=228589:Burns BK.jpg] [attachment=228590:Burns Head.jpg]
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