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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Pinball

    G&L JB-5?

    Does anyone out there play one? Opinions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar_FXH2VVj8
  2. and these clips are is soooo cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpY8LBYpqlM [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFCwzmFdEqk#t=25"]https://www.youtube....FCwzmFdEqk#t=25[/url]
  3. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1474703181' post='3139906'] I was concerned about the lack of a tone control but my worries were unfounded, I reckon Leo got it right. After a little experimenting and blending of the two volumes, I could get all the tonal variations that I wanted. [/quote] Yes spot on! Such an easy bass to dial in and sounds so good once you do it. I got mine in a trade and after about an hour knew it was staying. Virtually every time some-one plays it or I take it out I get complements about the tone I also love the controls and switch system on the L2000. They are simple and effective to use when compared to some other basses I have had. They just sing!
  4. Yep Black/Blue I didn't know that there was a green model, I'm behind the times
  5. A shameless plug..http://basschat.co.uk/topic/288305-gl-tribute-l2000-trades-1025-passive-5-or-gl/page__fromsearch__1
  6. I notice that they no longer do black Tributes so grab it, you won't regret it. Pic and bump [attachment=228515:$_86.jpg]
  7. I tried a great sounding Tribute L2500 a few weeks back in a shop. The salesman was saying how he loved it but strangely it hadn't sold. He also said that he had lost count of the number of times that buyers had come in and tried it and raved about how good it was, only to walk out with a Fender. I have settled into Stingrays and G&L's. I have an SB-2, L1505 and Tribute L2000. L really like them all but I'm currently trying to cut down so would like the sell the L1505 and L2000 to raise a bit of cash and get Tribute L2500. The SB2 and SR5's it has cured my GAS''just looking for a lower priced back-up
  8. Lots of positive experiences. The Japanese built ones are superb. SR1300-A very powerful bass, nice and light with a very thin and fast neck (1990's) SR3005-a beautiful bit of kit with a wide range of sounds to match. The only reason I still don't have it is because I prefer the simplicity of a Stingray and wasn't sold on the colour. It remains one of the nicest basses that I have played. I also tried many in shops over the years 605, 700, 1205's. I have yet to be disappointed
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474389718' post='3137618'] All fenders need buying on how good they are rather than which model and where it was made. The old us jazz V with five tuners in a row was awful, one of the worst bases I've ever played do I never thought I'd own a jazz five, the later ones are a totally different animal think God and I love mine even though I've pulled the passive controls out for a bartolini circuit [/quote] I remember playing one of those in line tuner 5's. It was so bad that it made me angry. I just couldn't get my head around how anyone could charge that much for such a bad bass. The B string was awful. I have no problems with the newer ones as they are great. £1500+ seems a lot for a 5 string precision though. Also I didn't like the Dimersion much...the sound seemed over engineered for my tastes
  10. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1474316089' post='3137128'] 'Buy yourself a 'vintage' G&L'., some real value for money about. Failing that just buy used German Warwicks, quality all day long at very sensible prices. I have owned a plethora of US guitars and basses, 5 at present, I have a liking for them but now feel that far eastern and Chinese basses offer 85 - 95% of the quality at bargain basement prices, especially s/h. Quite what Fender can do to compete remains to be seen. I have seen the same with my wife's business, luxury specialist products turned into high quality, low cost 'white' consumer goods over time. Country of origin no longer matters. I no longer buy German or Swedish cars either, better value for money elsewhere. [/quote] I would go further, I have a mixture of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and USA instruments and the quality of all is excellent. G&L's and stingrays (Ray35's) are a good example.
  11. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1473675142' post='3132081'] I played one of those in a 34 ten or so years ago , it was defiantly full scale it played well but a little thin for my taste but back then i was wooden humbucker's with the tone on zero played with a pick or nothing. Enjoy it ... I hope to see a full review . [/quote] Aha so they have been made before! I thought there would be some around somewhere...it would have been strange if they weren't on such as old guitar line. A review is possible but I don't have much experience of "Jazzers". I'm more of a P man. I'll maybe enlist some independent help or a 2nd opinion. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1473676030' post='3132095'] The big decals make me wonder if it was a trade show sample or similar. [/quote] That was my first thought...made for a display of some kind. I thought someone may have seen it and if there was a small run of them I would think that someone on here would know.
  12. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1473627336' post='3131848'] It's rare to see a 3-pickup bass. Godin brought one out a few years ago but I have never got my mitts on one. [/quote] Yes, I like the look of those. The Burns Bisons have three as well and they sound great IMHO. This one shares the same pickups so I'm hoping for a similar sound. Of course it doesn't have a Wild Dog setting Thanks for all the comments...no answers though. I've pinged an email to Burns to see if they can tell me something about it. I thought that someone here may have seen it at a show or something.
  13. Here's a standard Marque getting the treatment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yorHgYo1bSU
  14. Any thoughts on this? As a happy Burns lead guitar owner I have always fancied a Burns bass but "What no 5 string?". There are the 4 strings which include the short scale 32" Marquee, the even shorter scale Nu-Sonic, the "quirky" Bison or the more expensive Shadows bass. They are all good in their various ways but I discounted them all for various reasons. A shame but wait......I just took a punt on this! It is a 34" scale Burns Marquee. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it. My first thought was that it was cobbled together from a couple of basses but the seller claims to have bought it new as is and when comparing it to the 32 version there are differences. The seller tells me he bought it a couple of years ago and was the first owner. That means it is probably from the Far East. The differences the standard Marquee bass are as follows: 1. It has logos/writing on it (Burns and 1964). 2. It is 34 rather than 32 inch scale 3. The neck profile at the back/near the body is a bit unrefined, which suggests it's a special or one off. 4. The bridge has moved to help lengthen the scale 5. The "big plastic" has a shorter horn to make way for the bridge 6, The back of the neck and head aren't painted like the production model 7. The neck wood is nicely grained 8. The Strap button has been moved from the back of the guitar to the end of the horn...probably to help balance the longer neck 9. The "bottom horn plastic" seems to have a finer shape. 10. It appears to have its own specially made Burns case. They are not exactly groundbreaking changes but it all suggests more thought than something that is just thrown together from a bunch of parts. I don't know if its me yet but I'm excited about getting it. [attachment=227642:s-l1600-1.jpg] [attachment=227643:s-l1600-2.jpg] [attachment=227644:s-l1600-3.jpg] [attachment=227645:s-l1600-4.jpg] [attachment=227646:s-l1600-5.jpg] [attachment=227648:s-l1600-9.jpg] [attachment=227647:s-l1600-6.jpg] [attachment=227641:s-l1600.jpg]
  15. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1473268898' post='3128564'] Yes! Bought one off here last month, from Eddie (Pinball), and I love it! It replaced my Crowella Animato copy, and does a better job (without the need for a blender!). Good low end retention, adds some if anything...Gets really distorted without losing the gnarly top end bite, which my TK-421 can't do. [/quote] I liked it when I had had, you could get get some really unique sounds out of it. Unfortunately my band weren't as keen. I think our guitarist felt threatened
  16. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1472979051' post='3125659'] [color=#1D2129][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We have spent hundreds of hours writing, rehearsing to be[/font][/color][color=#1D2129][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]come the band we are, we get radio play and great reviews from the few that bother to come and see us. It seems a waste of time inviting people to come to these things as invariably they don't turn up. So, it was a waste of time for the venue, the promoter, the sound man and the bands, I assume at some point these venues will close, the promoters will stop, the bands won't have anywhere to play and people will be on here bemoaning the fact that there is no new music anymore.....rant over[/font][/color] [/quote] Yep we find the same. I can't understand the people who say they are coming and then don't. That is a big change in the way people behave.. I think you just have to do it for yourselves and for your enjoyment. If you aren't enjoying it it's not worth it there days.
  17. [color=#3C3241]Back up for sale as it is too nice to drag around as a back-up. It has had a recent set up.[/color] [color=#3C3241]G&L arguably represented the pinnacle of Leo Fender's R&D. This is a great playing and sounding bass with plenty of thump. [/color] [color=#3C3241]This is my back up bass and is in superb condition for it's age. It has a couple of indentations in the body-great for a late 90's bass. [/color] [color=#3C3241]Note: The pervious owner made a reversible mod. : "I have fitted 5 machine screws into the through-body holes, secured with nuts and washers that sit flush in the ferrules on the rear. They are easily removed if you want to string through-body". [/color] [color=#3C3241]The bass sports one monstrous MFD (magnetic field design) pickup with adjustable pole pieces, a volume control, and passive treble and bass controls. There are also 2 switches: one selects series or parallel coils in the pickup; the other brings in the active circuit, which effectively takes the sound of the bass from vintage to modern. Current draw for the circuit is incredibly low - my batteries go out of date rather than running flat! [/color] [color=#3C3241]Any trial Welcome [/color] Trades? A nice quality short scale? [color=#3C3241]Thanks for looking.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472369291' post='3120557'] Style over substance. [/quote] Yes that and it's society and the system, "must have a suit, dark glasses and be called Mr Smith". Two fingers too it.
  19. [quote name='dmckee' timestamp='1472287160' post='3120021'] It's a done deal. :-) Looking forward to getting it next week sometime. Thanks to everyone for all the reassurances. [/quote] Congratulations...I think you scored there
  20. Just search on ebay then look down the search options on the right hand side of the screen
  21. I would say...yep I would say so...and I still like space rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yao_T2adl14
  22. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1472152506' post='3118977'] From the online demo, it does seem like the xotic bb might just be the one. [/quote] That's what I was going to suggest too
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