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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. What is the best way to promote a gig here in the UK at the moment Bandcamp, Facebook, Lemonrock or old fashioned posters and fliers? What do people out there do to try and get the audiences in?
  2. This is the way to do it properly. The "truly" Sensational Alex Harvey Band Watch to the end...What a band [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTIox95OxTc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=nTIox95OxTc[/url]
  3. I used to play Northumbrian Pipes and you could get sets that were tuned to D, sadly mine aren't they are in F
  4. [[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1468679579' post='3092617'] Sorely tempted, even though I already have an excellent DaisyRock twelver. SHMBO wouldn't appreciate the nuances between them, I'm afraid. A superb instrument, more playable than a Ricky, for mortals. Good luck with the sale. Any chance of photos of the red-burst on your one..? [/quote] Hi, there are a few pic's about but no close ups I'm afraid. It is a pretty flat/rich red burst rather than a red stain. I can take some when I get a chance. It is a very easy and satisfying guitar to play. [attachment=223628:1273702_501732579919740_456531153_o.jpg]
  5. Lou Reed's music often had great bass lines. I think the nature of his voice and strong lyrics lend themselves to adventurous bass playing. Think of "walk on the wild side" or New Sensations, which is one of my favourite all time albums. It looks like the whole thing is here. It disappeared from the music shops for years because a dispute I think. Check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIPgMWgVdcs&list=PLjoFXWTkzwgDAtSXC3Dm1LcAlnSa8tuK9
  6. In my world, buying either new or used, I reckon: I could get something that would do the job well for under £500 e.g. Mex fender, SterlingRay, Tribute G&L, Ibanez, Yamaha I could get what I wanted for well under £1000 e.g. Stingray, SB-2, P-bass, high end Ibby, Yammy or Sandburg anything above that is luxury, which wouldn't add significantly to my sound...but there is nothing wrong with a bit of luxury in your life. Note: Anyway the guitar is just one part of the overall sound system. You need a decent amp etc as well.
  7. I have for sale a really nice playing Redburst 12 string burns guitar. It has been lightly gigged but is in good condition. It is a really easy 12 string to play and a distinctive guitar that gets a lot of attention when used live. It's about 4 years old and comes with it's original silver Burns case It has a brilliant sound...just listen to this: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u6AQFToAvY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=1u6AQFToAvY[/url]
  8. A possible trade added. G&L Tribute L2500 A really nice used Schecter Ultra Classic guitar. It' This was an expensive top spec guitar. It has powerful Seymour Duncan custom pups, though neck construction, ebony fret board and Schaller locking tuners. I have owned this from new (3 or 4 years). It has been mainly used at home over the years and has a few light marks but not major chips or damage. [color=#333333][font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Chitarra elettrica 6 corde - Struttura: set-neck - Corpo: mogano e top acero fiammato massello con fascia centrale rialzata e bordo a vista - Manico: acero multilaminato con inserti in wengé e noce - Tastiera: ebano - Scala: 25,5" - 22 tasti jumbo - Intarsi: dots - Binding: crema - Pickups: 2x Humbucker Seymour Duncan Custom Custom (SH-11) + '59 (SH-1n) - Controlli: 1x Tono + 1x Volume + Potenziometro Push/Pull + Selettore a 3 posizioni - Ponte: TonePros - Meccaniche: Schecter autobloccanti - Finiture hardware: cromate - Capotasto: Graph Tech - Colore: marrone scuro sunburst trasparente - Finitura: lucida.[/size][/font][/color] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT3NYU1JN60"]https://www.youtube....h?v=GT3NYU1JN60[/url]
  9. Hi, I have here a black/rosewood G&L L2000 in great condition. I bought this only a few months ago. I was really looking for a 5 string back-up for my Stingray. This bass came up on BC a few months back and I saw this as a chance to try the "L" series out. I wasn't disappointed so I have since bought an identically coloured G&L L1505. That means that this is now unused and surplus to requirements. Good points are that is plays superbly and has a great action (down to the previous owner), it has a great sound in both passive and active modes and it it really well made, lightweight and well balanced. "nuff said" Looking for something near £300 or I would trade it for a passive 5 bass Yammy 1025 or G&L L2500. I can add a bit of cash. Not jazzers though Not the best vid but t looks like this one: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--V7wSNGXlM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=--V7wSNGXlM[/url]
  10. My opinion is that they are lovely guitars....I loved playing mine at home but could never make it work in my band and ended up, ahem "knob twiddling". My weapon of choice is a Stingray or a G&L-either a passive SB-2 or L1505. I'm sure there are many better options than a TM and would go for a VM or a panther if you want a Sandberg. Just say'in like
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1467803208' post='3086340'] Just goes to show that you need to get out there and try basses for yourself. I know buying online is the only option for some people, but it is very much a lottery. I've had a one or two mediocre Fenders but my current Precision is the best I've had in 40-odd years and it's a Mexican. [/quote] This sums it up..try before you buy. I've tried a few and found some excellent Fender basses but they do vary
  12. That is beautiful. I really like burns stuff. I love the leaf switch too
  13. Hands up as I can't do this. Trying to sing and play bass is already stretching my ability without messing with patch selection etc.. When playing in my band I just concentrate on the bass and have individual stomp box type pedals and manage that fine. Our guitarist on the other hand uses a whole lot of pedals including one programmable one and also vocals pedals. He ends up tap dancing on occasions such is his dedication to getting the sounds that he wants. It clearly is possible but needs a lot of dedication and practice to get it right. Hats off to those who can do it.
  14. Listening to blur it sounds like you need something with a radical distortion and mixing options. I had a B'assmaster (not sure of the model) until fairly recently and liked it a lot. I found it "fuzzier" but a really strong sounding pedal. I moved it on mainly because of its size and to make some space. I'm pretty happy with the Mantic Vitriol that replaced it. I like the sound at the start of this vid in particular but notice the position of the distortion nob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4L3PwjvkZs I also have a Dark Duality on the way which sounds like it is capable of getting similar results. I'll let you know when I receive it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw5lOr6hsvg
  15. Nice! Lindisfarnes's Fog on the Tyne was the first album I ever bought. I still have it-Ray Jackson lived a few doors down and and my cousin to sign it for me. The quality of those songs and the production still shines today...great stuff I got to know the original bass player Rod Clements a bit as he ran a folk night and went to a couple of his NY parties. Is he still playing and if so whats he up too?
  16. I would say to start with go 2nd hand and get a bass with a similar feel to your 4 stringers. There are loads to choose from. For £1000 you can get yourself a really nice MM or G&L which are my favorites or anything really.
  17. [quote name='sbrag' timestamp='1466324658' post='3074867'] I'll see if i can get over the bridge that day to support. Just got to check the date. Happy to lift share with anyone else from Bristol if you fancy it. Cheers Steve [/quote] I'd be interested in a lift share Steve
  18. Your ray will do it...stick some flats on it or why not try a fretless?
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