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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Hi, I have a well used but nice playing USA Peavey Foundation Nice lightweight and plays well with a lovely tone Lined with dot markers I like it fine but would prefer an unlined fretless to avoid confusion when I switch to my other unlined fretless. Alternatively I could sell and have a box to post at cost. Anyone fancy a swap, I'm happy to to add or subtract cash as appropriate? [attachment=209347:Pbod.jpg] [attachment=209349:Pnum.jpg] [attachment=209350:Phead.jpg] [attachment=209351:Pneck.jpg] [attachment=209354:Pdam2.jpg] [attachment=209353:Pdam.jpg] [attachment=209356:Pdam3.jpg]
  2. Hmm this would partner my fretless, nice sounding basses these.
  3. I've had similar problems when I switched from my old Ashdown to GB amplification. I immediately lost the beloved tones that I had been refining over time and found the new tones comparatively sterile. In my case I moved from EMG powered basses to a Stingray and was happy. I think that Markbass and TC are at the most "modern sounding" end of the amplification available so (as suggested) I would try flats and if that doesn't do the trick you are going to have to change something more major. GL
  4. Maybe add a BB, Harke Bass Attack or VT pedal for aggressive OD
  5. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1452268509' post='2948327'] I've been wondering about that too. Specifically the 5string HH version. [/quote] Stingray gets my vote...no need for two pups in my opinion as it hits most spots with just one. A great system, flats and use a pic or fingers and you have it all there. It also works consistantly with pedals
  6. [quote name='mojobass' timestamp='1452120907' post='2946810'] No-one interested at all? [/quote] Well someone should be at this price. I had a Panther for a while and it was a great bass. I was swapping back up to 5 strings at the time so it had to go but it was definitely one of the best sounding/playing basses that I have had. I have to admit I'm tempted but don't need it so wouldn't use it. GLWTS
  7. I so need assistance here....people can't understand why I can't recall to the words to songs that I wrote but I find it really difficult.
  8. I saw this band in 2015, massive bass sound and a short scale Burns Marquee I believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yorHgYo1bSU
  9. Pinball


    Well that should sell it, GLWTS Bargain
  10. I bought an EBS UniChorus from Alex. As described, good communication and a speedy deal. A recommended seller
  11. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1451392847' post='2940061'] Couldn't stand Motörhead but loved his playing on space ritual and loved his take on life,gutted,a true icon,always makes me think of my own mortality when someone like this passes. [/quote] I liked Motorhead but loved Hawkwind, Awesome relentless playing, Some of his best work was on this I think. I still enjoy listening to this album now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3395sRfD24
  12. [color=#141823][font=Helvetica]a great quote from him referring to Motorhead: [/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica]"Very basic music - loud, fast, city, raucous, arrogant, paranoid, speed-freak rock n roll. It will be so loud that if we move in next door to you, your lawn will die".[/font][/color]
  13. Thanks Ray, miming of course but don't tell anyone
  14. Hi, we just got our first recordings out there. We're very pleased with them but we're just heading into the studio to do more so any constructive criticism is most welcome. Note: We normally go into the studio as a band to get the drums and vocals down and then we add more at home as needed. Note: This is a link to the video but it's also on Soundcloud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujZTv4eTfXQ .
  15. Our first video here. This is version one and a version tow should follow that will be darker and redder Constructive criticism is always welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujZTv4eTfXQ
  16. [quote name='Uberkate' timestamp='1450294026' post='2931496'] Greatest guitar shop is S. Wales memory was Speed Music in Newport/Cardiff but they unfortunately closed down. Again, really enthusiastic, knowledgeable staff who were happy to let you blast LOUD on amps and always gave you a great deal. [/quote] I always find PMT in Bristol to be good and as a result had spent more money than I should have done-good business on their part They listen to what you say, let you try stuff and are competitive The bass section is pretty good. It has a good solid range of MM's, Fenders, Ibanez and Yamaha basses. Steve, who used to run that is now managing the new Cardiff PMT store so there is a new Welsh alternative to look into. There aren't any real bass specialists in Bristol unfortunately.
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1450934662' post='2937126'] Good punchy basses, these are. Much under estimated. At a stupidly low price too. GLWTS [/quote] Not underestimated by me, mine stopped my GAS in it's tracks. It hits the spot!
  18. I would have loved christmas present like this when I was starting out, have a bump GLWTS
  19. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1450166994' post='2930100'] I'd check Spinnup now as they may still have their "free single distribution" offer on. It/s due to finish around now though [/quote] An update: if you want to get 1 track out there free the offer that ends on the 16th December (tomorrow). I'm not recommending them as the best option and I'm not sure that they allow a free download but it gets your name on Amazon, Itunes, Spotify and everywhere else. https://spinnup.com/gb?gclid=CjwKEAiAkb-zBRC2upezwuyguQ4SJADZG08vtTNfIBF3wlP6n5iLHIwPP29jWSU-GSDLxAlp9576thoCC-jw_wcB
  20. I'd check Spinnup now as they may still have their "free single distribution" offer on. It/s due to finish around now though
  21. I recognise this. Great bass....my favourite EB MM era and sound
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