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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1443853432' post='2878124'] It's dreadful. But so is everything before and after it... [/quote] This is why punk happened!
  2. Hi, after much ado we're looking forward to the launch of our first recordings-Dario's Visions on the 29th October. Hopefully some of you can make it along for some alternative post-proggy goodness. The event is here: [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/1636796569921323/"]https://www.facebook...36796569921323/[/url] Poser! [attachment=203508:EP launch poster.jpg]
  3. A big thanks to Mick for a fast and pleasant bass trade. Trade with confidence All the best ED
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1443525444' post='2875479'] Traded basses with Ed...nightmare dealing with UPS who kept telling me that my address didn't exist - Ed was a gent though and was sympathetic to my ranting. Bass (eventually) arrived well packaged and plays like a dream now that I've fitted a new set of of Status Tapewounds (very highly recommended BTW). No hesitation dealing with Ed again (as long he uses a courier other than UPS)... [/quote] I'm glad that your happy. me too Best wishes
  5. Watching with interest....is there a date yet?
  6. Pinball


    Good advice above that about covers it. I'd just add that LTD ESP 205's and Cort Crubows also seem live good value for money.
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1443119920' post='2872460'] A couple of minor gripes now that I've had it a week. On the pic below you'll notice that the strings don't pass directly over all of the pole pieces. If you check out the E and G strings and note how far they are from the sides of the neck you'll see they're not quite centre either. It doesn't affect the playability or the sound or the volume of each individual string so it's only my OCD it bugs. I don't think I should be bothered by it really. [/quote] Well it looks great and if the performance isn't effected why worry. Would you like a replacement...probably not The crackle on the other hand..yep they should get that sorted ASAP
  8. Bump. Here is some video's of someone playing one of these rare beasts, Hear those Barts sing The rocky vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFPYvd0yYgw The laid back vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcfsTCcqs3E
  9. Bump with updated info. DOB is confirmed as 2002 according to EB so it's in great condition.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1442829506' post='2869696'] Lovely guitars that punch way above their price point. [/quote] Thanks, yes its a fine guitar. great-results at a great price. Nice quality too.
  11. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1442951828' post='2870942'] "Nurse! This man seems to suffering from chronic GAS." [/quote] I am on a plane beyond Gas, Seriously I love playing different instruments as they inspire me. Today is new bass day and its a Zoot.
  12. Nice, have you got matching outfits to go with each. A 5 stringer...that's what I need
  13. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1442860780' post='2870101'] My old trans red fiver is still the one that got away for me. Traded it in against a TRB about 15years ago which sounded great but never really felt as comfortable as the Bass Collection had. [/quote] Don't say that I'm struggling to keep mine at the moment. I need to sell some stuff and my higher end stuff hasn't moved yet. The fretted BC at the top is being traded and I'm just contemplating if I should move on the fretless Note: I love them all thats the trouble
  14. [quote name='jahfish' timestamp='1442745347' post='2869109'] oh my word beautiful body grain! [/quote] Thanks, it definitely has style. The sound matches the looks as it does a good job of stretching between modern Jazz and "P" bass + more. Loads of aggression there if you want it.
  15. Interesting collection of music, thanks for the link....listening....
  16. New Trades and info bump Thanks for the nice comments
  17. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1442680868' post='2868748'] That's it really, you found a good one today but so many players get put off because they happen to pick up and try a not so good one, (of which there are plenty), or a poorly set up one, or one with worn out/dead strings. Find a good one though and it is such a pleasing thing and feels so right. [/quote] You got it, a good bass is a good bass.......add to that that most Fenders are uncomplicated and easy to live with so you have a winning combination. I find the same with Stingrays
  18. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1442668060' post='2868641'] I have to add that the setup on this bass is absolutely spot-on. The bass guy in PMT Bristol insists on checking over every bass and setting them up if they need it. It certainly helped with my buying decision. [/quote] +1 on that PMT Bristol I tried a Mexican Jazz Standard and they had it set up brilliantly so I tried another and that was great too. Nice Congratulations
  19. The whole track has a great raw live feel that suits the vibe and feel. That can be difficult to achieve and I enjoyed it. No real criticism from me as I can't think of anything that would improve it.
  20. Your on the right lines. Get a bass similar to the fretted one that you play. It makes it sooo much easier and you won't need to look at the lines or neck dots as much.
  21. [quote name='sbrag' timestamp='1421942594' post='2666919'] I'd be up for something if it is up Bristol way. [/quote] I an probably arrange a venue in or around Bristol sometime but not now as we don't want to compete with Exeter or where ever. I may be able to do Exeter.
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