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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I just wondered if anyone uses it. I was thinking that I need a subtle volume boost to bring my bass to the front of the mix for some small passages of two numbers. I really don't want to change the sound too much and can't really stop to change settings. I use an EBS Multicomp, which has a gain dial so would adding a 2nd one with the grain dialled up would do the trick? What about alternatives? I see a pedal called a Steel Leather?. Any advice would be much appreciated. I need something pretty compact though as I'm tight on space on my board
  2. If you break it down, Glastonbury is amazing value but I have no desire to go to something like that and musically it has lost its way...its just too big My first big festival was Knebworth in 1979, which was the last with Led Zep's original line up. : http://www.ukrockfestivals.com/79-Kneb-festival-recording.html I went to both weekends and was younger and wilder then and so out of it that I don't remember the first concert after about 4.00pm but can recall the 2nd In retrospect the musical experience wasn't that good and my best experiences have been at smaller festivals and gigs. I really enjoyed going to Global Gathering in 2011 and 2012 but thats big enough for me.
  3. After trying numerous basses I now play an SR5 and after trying numerous strings I have settled with Rotosound Flats...job done I have to admit that I haven't tried all the other strings you mention but can say that I'm really happy with the roto's, I play both finger style and with a pick and find the whole set up very responsive to my playing style.
  4. Learn to play drums and you can join my band!
  5. Awesome, I'm busy playing my 3005E at the moment. Great guitars and rare to see a 6 stringer. If I was looking at moving to 6 strings I'd have it.
  6. I saw them in around 1980's at St James's Park in Newcastle. It was a lovely day and the J Geils band were in support. I really felt that their most creative years were already behind them. They didn't do much of the classic 60's/early 70's stuff so this was probably the highlight. They haven't done anything since to make me change my mind. I hope you enjoy them though [url="https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIB64BxV8UYAWUf7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBzc2M2MjdyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTE-?p=Stones+Start+Me+Up&vid=5915e166e9e8cde8b58abeb7b1ee68a3&l=4%3A52&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DVN.608007824478111711%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dx6n4Dq_CvsQ&tit=The+Rolling+Stones+-+Start+Me+Up+-+12%2F18%2F1981+-+Hampton+Coliseum+%28Official%29&c=10&sigr=11bfivf8o&sigt=12bqniooq&sigi=11ru0cf3k&age=1410554533&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=aaplw&tt=b"]https://video.search...v&fr=aaplw&tt=b[/url]
  7. I had a new Schecter guitar with faults a few years back from a Scottish Branch and they were most helpful and sorted things out. It sounds like you were dealing with an idiot with no customer training whatsoever.
  8. [quote name='dub_junkie' timestamp='1427333720' post='2729112'] If you end up going for an unlined board think about where you want the side dots. some bass have side dots where they normally are on a fretted bass so you played in front of the dots where the frets would be. On others (my current fretless included) the dots are on the fretlines which for me is easier to get my head (and fingers) around. [/quote] +1
  9. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1427318647' post='2728945'] I've never played one before, and am curious how long it takes to adapt. Thinking mostly about intonation - would it be best to get a lined fretless? My fretted favourites are my Stingray 4 and US Std Fender Jazz - so I'd preferably like something of similar quality. Any advice on taking the leap is most welcomed. [/quote] My advice would be to get a bass that is similar dimensions and feel to one of your favourites. That makes it much easier if it feels familiar. Lined or unlined? Unless your going to play looking at the fret board all the time I don't think it makes that much difference but I would say avoid getting a de-fretted bass as the dots along the top edge will be in the wrong place. I refer to them all the time. Also I have found fretless a really rewarding experience. I hope that helps
  10. I love this bass but don't need two pups and can't justify (or afford) another bass. Have a bump!
  11. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1426545726' post='2719282'] He's headlining Glastonbury this year, so he must be very good. [/quote] Really, wow I would want my money back out of principal
  12. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1426464202' post='2718326'] is it time I flogged the lot just a thought? [/quote] I would say yes to that question. Keep your favorite and amplification and then start looking new that will inspire you. Maybe even another type of instrument or genre. There is nothing worse than sitting with a whole bunch of unused instruments-that is depressing. I got to that stage and traded them all in for a fretless bass I was lusting after. At the end of the day you can only play one bass, and use one set of amplification at a time so you need a set of kit that inspires you to play. You can always start a fresh and get more gear if you want once you have had your clear out.
  13. Thats tomorrow, should be good
  14. Not sure if anyone has posted this yet but Guitar Player Face makes a lot more sense when guitars are replaces by giant slugs.... [url="http://imgur.com/gallery/R9NCh"]http://imgur.com/gallery/R9NCh[/url]
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1425814135' post='2710892'] Don't worry about 34" fivers, I've played many that have a great B and plenty of naff 35" fives. Get one that you like the best, ignor the finish and style to keep the budget down rather than buying a great looking poor playing one, most of the basses suggested look, play and sound great anyway [/quote] Agreed, don't ignore the looks of a guitar are important if you intend to keep it and play it in public. With a bit patience you will get there. [quote name='Tripehound' timestamp='1425812693' post='2710870'] To answer the question of why I struggled with a five-string the first time around.... I'm getting on a bit now and the muscle-memory is engrained, I have some lovely 4 string instruments that I love playing and probably most significantly I'm the singer in the band. I find it tough enough to do two things reasonably well (if at all) at the best of times! Maybe persistence would pay off but life's short and I felt I was holding things back by making mistakes. The second band is a different matter as all I have to do is play bass and that presents the opportunity to focus on playing. I also listened to Summer of 69 - which I have been asked to learn - and noted that it goes from D up to A at the start and that means.... Of the suggestions made it looks like there are plenty to look at - Yamaha and Ibanez seem very highly regarded. I had the pleasure of meeting Dave Pegg last year and he was telling me that he uses and swears by his Ibanez Sr505. It sounded great but I suspect he could have made a ten bob bass sound good. I'm particularly interested in Laklands (the 5501 or the DJ5) as I've owned a couple and the Sire Marcus Miller looks very interesting indeed. I note that the latter is 34" - should I worry about length? (Fnnarr Fnnarr!) [/quote] My advice would be to get a 5 stringer that feels like your current 4 string favourites. If it has the same scale and feel then it will be much easier to swap between them. Note: I mess around with a fretless at home. My first fretless attempt was with a totally different style of guitar and I just couldn't take to it at all and soon gave up as I just couldn't keep in tune. Now I play one that is similar to my fretted bas I get on far better. With a similar 5'er you should be rocking into the distance in no time! Good Luck
  16. I would be interested to know why you struggle with a 5 as I'm assuming that its tuned like 4 with an additional B string? If you play it the same way you play your 4 and use the B as a thumb rest you will just slide into playing 5's naturally If Its because of the neck is wider then look at thin necked fivers like ESP and Ibanez. If its the string spacing there are plenty of 5's with wide spacing. I would personally veer away from jazzers for rock music...I know others use them brilliantly but wasted a lot of lime trying to dial in powerful cutting lows and never really succeeded. Note: I use an SR5 in a rock band and it suits me very nicely so don't rule out Sterling Ray35's
  17. Hi, a heads up that we're playing at the Louisiana this Saturday. A cheap list applies so message your name if you want to save a quid. FB is in my sig, details here: [url="https://www.ents24.com/uk/tour-dates/the-angry-badgers"]https://www.ents24.c...e-angry-badgers[/url] A link to a vid of our last visit to the Louisiana here: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkIUVVRmPfY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=KkIUVVRmPfY[/url] It would be great to see you there Cheers!
  18. DRUMMER NEEDED for an alternative psychedelic post prog rock band The Angry Badgers" are a relatively new originals band. We receive good audience feedback wherever we play. Find us on Facebook, Soundcloud and Reverbnation. If you drum we’d love to hear from you-especially if you can play to a click track! Note: our current drummer can't continue to commit sufficient time to the band along with his family and day job,
  19. Heads up Bath on 14th March we support [b]Black Dog Company[/b] [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/458451264309795"]https://www.facebook...458451264309795[/url] It would be great to see you there
  20. I'm happy with by bolt on I'm more excited about the Slinky Cobalt Flat Strings. They seem worth checking out. The basses do look nice...worth checking if your buying new. That guy can certainly play them.
  21. [quote name='roceci' timestamp='1424810578' post='2700783'] Anyone who proclaims they're GAS free is either dumb, naive or in denial. I say this because I've been all three. Right now I really want a SR5. [/quote] Yes but if you buy an SR5 you will be cured
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