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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the first sign of madness apparently...welcome to the mad house!
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1424778072' post='2700271'] Since I joined BassChat my underpants have been constantly full of Zovirax. [/quote] Good band name! For the first time since switching to bass 3 years back I am happy with my current SR5 set up. Its working for me live and on our current recordings I'm also happy with my amplification and pedals-No gas here, which is just as well as no money left
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1424611308' post='2698220'] This one? Love the sound of both pickups on. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS-tpgPFUpI[/media] [/quote] Great sounds, nothing I would want to swap the sound of my SR5 for though. I must be pretty boring as I just use two tone variations-one with everything flat and the other finger style with a touch more on the bass That would drive me crazy going though the various options < boring fart
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1424218407' post='2694110'] Angry Badges, eh..? Collectable, I presume..? It could catch on... [attachment=184181:Angr_Badg.jpg] [/quote] Good idea I like it! I had best change it I guess, the post title not the band name!
  5. This Friday 20th Feb. It would be great to see you there-come on down! [url="https://www.ents24.com/uk/tour-dates/the-angry-badgers"]https://www.ents24.c...e-angry-badgers[/url]
  6. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1424050758' post='2692061'] I bought Eddie's TGI hard case. Thoroughly nice guy, all went well, and I am happy, apart from being jealous of his writing talent [/quote] Thanks Mike much appreciated
  7. I just sold a hard case to Mike. It was an easy deal and he's a pleasant guy to deal with.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423957855' post='2691005'] All true, and I would add that as well as sounding muddy, Ashdowns will also spontaneously burst into flames - so be careful. [/quote] Sounds ideal for heavy rock and they don't charge extra for the pyrotechnics....bargain
  9. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1423947360' post='2690829'] Has anyone ripped the guts out of a ray5 and replaced the pickup & preamp with something else? Like a set of Nordy Big Singles and modern higher output preamp? To make a JazzRay? I love the playability of my Ray5, but tonally my Sandberg TM5 leaves it for dead. What have you lot done? (Obviously I'll put this on the EBMM forum as well at some point! ) [/quote] That's interesting as its almost the opposite to what I found. I loved playing my Sandberg TM4 at home but could never find a sound that I was 100% happy with in the band. I spent weeks fiddling with switches and nobs on the guitar and amp getting nowhere. I then traded for a Panther and then that for an Umbo before giving up on Jazzes totally. On the other hand my Stingray continues to the spot live but has less options than a TM4/5. I now consider it as "my tone" and wouldn't change it. The SR5 also works better than anything else I have had with my pedals. I guess it all depends on your own preference and music style. I can't really advise on other options as I have't tried any. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1423949379' post='2690862'] That will be Ceramic then, I like my Ceramic one but some people prefer the Alnico for that classic Ray tone, interestingly some people find the output too hot to handle on the ceramic basses and just too in your face, I wonder if there is an issue with it? Also and this is a biggy, the ceramic one on its own can sound a bit odd but in a live band mix it is crazy good, series with the mids boosted and basically you are going to be heard in any band mix! I love my 2 eq Alnico equipped Classic5 but it can be more difficult to get to cut through a pair of Les Pauls at full belt [/quote] Mines ceramic, I use it with the EQ flat most of the time and sometimes give the bass a tiny boost if playing finger style. The actual volume output is low compared to other basses I've had but it cuts through brilliantly.
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1423867606' post='2690019'] What's Hipster music? [/quote] Good example, it seems everyone in Bristol has a beard at the moment and it seems to revolve around indie music with an acoustic, singer songwriter feel. I never thought I would see tweed and walking sticks in fashion but I've seen it here in Bristol. It all changes really quickly. It's probably on the wane already
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1423867564' post='2690017'] To me that's all just 'dance' music - but I was never a fan. Did fans of each genre have a style of dress that was different to the rest? [/quote] Well I could hear the difference, Drum and Bass was a breath of fresh air but it never got a chance to develop...that was the point I was trying to make.
  12. There are lots of mini music trends happening all the time. I used to enjoy listening to Drum and Bass, House, Progressive House etc. on late night shows. The problem is great new music is quickly sampled, copied and then manufactured into popular music at such speed that it never really gets a chance to become a subculture.
  13. Stingrays have hit the spot for me. Otherwise his would be my choice if I played 4's. Check out the neck-ideal for the nimble fingered. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/255738-beautiful-ibanez-sr4000e-prestige-for-sale/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] You can see why I'm always broke lol
  14. Nice bass, I have a SR3005e and love it. I would love to try your 4 stringer as I bet the neck is amazing. Good luck with the sale!
  15. [quote name='[email protected]' timestamp='1423782650' post='2689106'] A big hanks to everyone for their replies and comments. Really helpful. So it seems the consensus is that they are good bases throughout the range, well built and good tone (but not for everyone), with thin necks, so easy to play but not to everyone's taste, and buy second hand because they loose their value quickly (even though they are good). All great advice. I will go and try some out. Huge thanks again. S [/quote] They are great value I would point out that there are also larger necked basses-the BTB range, wioth 35" scale and ATK. They are also capable machines but have a totally different feel.
  16. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1421113316' post='2657371'] What I've learned: I like stingrays I don't like jazz necks I don't like the jazz body shape I don't like the jazz pickup placement I don't like jazz bass VVT controls I do like flats Flats/rounds/fretless is a perfectly good excuse to own 3 otherwise ridiculously similar basses. I need to practice more [/quote] Wow that's exactly my experience
  17. I can confirm that this is a really nice instrument!
  18. [quote name='bonnp' timestamp='1423347033' post='2683857'] thanks for the help, i have read all of them and great advice, i needed someone to tell me?? gonna set aside an hour each day and work till the end of the song, but songs that are not too difficult, thx any further advice please add! [/quote] Don't forget the advice on playing with others, its an important both in terms of technique and motivation. GL
  19. Thanks all. I really can't justify it.
  20. £100, not good timing as I'm buying another bass and collect tomorrow It feels very gigable
  21. Hi, I know of one locally. It seems a really nice instrument-it felt classy. Lovely neck, very light, natural with a torte guard. It's in a charity shop so I couldn't try it through an amp. Both knobs were missing although the electrics and tuners appear good. Whats the value? Note: If I played 4's I would have bought it by now.
  22. I just bought an distortion pedal. A swift straightforward deal. The pedal arrived quickly as described and well packaged. Thanks Matt
  23. I bought a GB cab from Lee. Lee is pleasant to deal with and the item is as described. THUMBS UP from me! Thanks
  24. I'm no expert but know that some models are bolt-on and some neck-through construction. In my experience the neck-throughs are a little heavier. Both are nice but I prefer the bolt-ons as I can't hear any real difference. Also some differences is woods etc. Some of these lines have been going some time so there is some variation between them-there are a few old Japanese 800's around without Bartolini's for example.
  25. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]PM'd Malekko B:Assmaster [/font][/color]
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