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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I met a couple of Basschatters last night so just wanted to say thanks for coming along...much appreciated
  2. Thanks everyone, a little help is always useful and mission accomplished.
  3. Almost here, thanks for looking
  4. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1422489758' post='2673463'] If poss always get a fretless that is the same make and model as your main fretted bass. Muscle memory and all that. [/quote] Agreed I really struggled with fretless until I got a bass the same as my fretted one. Now I'm OK and improving rather than just crap
  5. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1422569343' post='2674289'] Well after a couple of weeks wearing flats, quickly came to the conclusion that the 'Ray is better with rounds. Anybody fancy a set of EB flats cut to fit a 'Ray? going v cheap.. [/quote] I bought a set of those and found them "too flat", even the colour was dull.
  6. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1422566938' post='2674252'] Sorry I'm late with this but I've just realise one of my sideline bands does it's first gig tomorrow night in Stalybridge. [url="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Volt-Switchgear/766477096753855?fref=ts"]https://www.facebook...6753855?fref=ts[/url] Ta Les [/quote] Good luck, I hope it goes well for you
  7. In the past I've had a fretelss "P" and borrowed a fretless withP/J Barts and have to say that it this be my ideal combination. I wish I was in the market as this looks like it was made for me. Someone will love it. GLWTS
  8. I hope some of you will make it along to this. its an exciting gig for us and probably our last showcasing event in Bristol or a while. Note: Its this Sunday but all music is finished by 10:30 so not a late one Cloudy Apple and Black Dog Company are also playing [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/752514558175310/"]https://www.facebook...52514558175310/[/url]
  9. I didn't go for it in the end. It was a wood bodied/necked passive Spirit. The condition was great but the sound didn't grab me and it sounded rather thin. Also I didn't like the plastic fittings at the head end so walked away. Interesting though and I would definitely take a look at another model if it came up. Thanks for the replies.
  10. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1422222261' post='2670111'] As promised, another six or so 'likes' added today. Well done to PinBall for starting this thread, [/quote] No problems, thanks for all the likes and for everyone for keeping it going
  11. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1422196145' post='2669713'] You should be able to use any double ball end strings. Status Hot Wires are always good. Good price as well and a wide choice of types and gauges. [/quote] [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1422196476' post='2669718'] +1 for Hotwires. There are also offerings from Rotosound, LaBella, D'Addario and GHS. [/quote] Great thanks, that was my main concern and I like hotwires. I thought I may struggle with it being a 5 stringer. Anything particualr that I should be looking out for?
  12. Hi, I've been offered a 5 stringer and whats more its fretless. It's one of the more trad ones rather than the skinny design. What about strings? Are you stuck with own brand strings? I'm off to try it later so any advice from owners or those in the know is much appreciated
  13. This is a lovely bass. It passed through my hands briefly as part of a trade deal. If I played jazzers I would have kept it-its as nice a jazz as I have played. Someone is going to get a nice bit of kit and a real looker too GLWTS
  14. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1421527067' post='2662382'] Just a quick warming guys, I got locked out by facebook for liking too many pages too quickly They thought I was spamming and locked my account for over 2 days [/quote] Thanks
  15. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1421254809' post='2659024'] thank god it's going, too much temptation [/quote] +1
  16. Same here, one of my favourite bands though and Alex Harvey is still one of my favorite song writers "Shake that thing"
  17. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1421056419' post='2656518'] Can my lot be added to the list please? [url="https://www.facebook.com/runleiarunband"]https://www.facebook.../runleiarunband[/url] [/quote] Great band name and fits your music perfectly, You're liked
  18. Our recent Badgers gig was surprising good, considering that our drummer called off 10 days before. We were one of 11 bands to play/showcase at the Stag and Hounds in Bristol on a Saturday night so we were expecting a decent crowd and weren't disappointed. We adapted a drum track that we already had recorded and used that on a mobile phone, operated my our keys player through a mixing desk. It wasn't quite the same as having a drummer but it worked, the crowd were great and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. A really interesting line up of bands too so it was a great night out and got good feedback afterwards. Hard work but it paid off!
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1420984311' post='2655769'] How about running a thread like this every quarter? Or every 6 months? Seems a good fun thread. [/quote] Indeedy, it is fun. As others have said its really interesting to see what others are up to and the diversity is amazing.
  20. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1420978410' post='2655669'] Why close the thread? It will manage itself if any new bands update the list as they post. The initial interest will tail off but it would always be there for future 'likers' and it's an archive of the many and varied bands that we share on facebook. [/quote] The aim was to get some more likes for pages and thats why people joined. If it goes for ever people will get bored and stop liking, then other will get grumpy, I or someone else will get bored with updating and Basschat will end up as Talkbass Seriously it has an end sometime or it will be unmanageable. Then someone re-starts another for a new wave of bands sometime in the future.
  21. I had a beautiful playing and sounding Sunburst fretless USA P bass that was made in 97. I hardly ever used it so sold it to buy better amplification. It was the right thing to do and I have never regretted it but I would buy it back if it came up again. More recently I traded in my my Sterling Ray35 against a SR5 Fretless. When I started looking for a backup it was still sitting at the back of the shop so I bought it back and am happy that I did.
  22. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1420887714' post='2654532'] Maybe each new addition could update the list and add themselves to the bottom - that way the thread would manage itself. Some people are not using personal pages and likes from band pages do not count towards total likes. [/quote] Good idea and I could spell it our in CAPS that only Personal Likes count-Shout it not because I'm angry, just to ensure everyone hears
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