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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Chris Sharman' timestamp='1420833213' post='2654106'] Right then chaps, I have liked every single band I could find on here so if you would be so kind as to reciprocate my bands are here: Water For Dogs [url="https://www.facebook.com/waterfordogs?ref=hl"]https://www.facebook...rfordogs?ref=hl[/url] The Badly Stuffed Bears [url="https://www.facebook.com/BadlyStuffedBears?ref=hl"]https://www.facebook...fedBears?ref=hl[/url] [/quote] OK your on the list I hope its not spreading too far as its becoming a challenge to keep the list updated. If it gets to big I reserve the right to opt out
  2. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1420747238' post='2653038'] excellent work fellas! Any slots left that night? :-) [/quote] I'm afraid not-all full
  3. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1420743299' post='2652960'] I was thinking something along these lines. There are quite a few on here from similar areas so it could be a handy gig organisation tool. Some venues around my way love it if yo can populate an entire night line-up. [/quote] It's already happening, Since reading our FB page Black Dog Company have joined The Angry Badgers are on the same bill at the Louisiana on the 1st of February
  4. I think its to be expected that "Likes" would slow and tail off at some point and there are more duplicates I much appreciate all the likes I have as every little helps. I was more than really happy when the Badgers one reached 100 as the page had stubbornly stuck at around 70 for months. The idea was originally to help new bands to get established on FB. I followed the lead of some others and put up a 2nd site of a WIP band. The Angry Badgers, which was the first has about 50 likes-maybe a few of those are from outside the thread and the 2nd "Deep Red" has had 12 so maybe the thread is going to falter. On the other hand, many could well come back and like everyone before the thread closes. I would think High 40's should be possible if everyone hangs in. Fingers crossed for you guys and gals!
  5. Taking part in Bristols big show-casing event on Saturday as part of the Free for all Festival. Over 150 originals bands playing in January Here's a link to Saturdays event: https://www.ents24.com/bristol-events/StagAndHounds/free-for-all-festival-bristol-presents/4124168 Thanks for looking
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1420459078' post='2649476'] Phew, that took a while, just liked you all! My studio is here: [url="https://www.facebook.com/RiffFactoryUK"]https://www.facebook.com/RiffFactoryUK[/url] And my bands: [url="https://www.facebook.com/Creepjoint"]https://www.facebook.com/Creepjoint[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/head.sticks"]https://www.facebook.com/head.sticks[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/DirtyMoneyNo5"]https://www.facebook.com/DirtyMoneyNo5[/url] [/quote] I think you should get all your band members to like everyone too Thanks for all the likes
  7. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1420326236' post='2648204'] Bought a peavey active millennium, for me and just my opinion it was just a touch better than the sr300 and 400. i am thinking later in the year get a high end SR or peavey. [/quote] Cool go with your heart. Peavy aren't fashionable at the moment but they made/make some great basses and that makes them good value for money. Enjoy your purchase
  8. Status halfrounds? Almost flats and great strings
  9. Rotosound 77's get my vote-retain some brightness and have plenty of thump too
  10. Nice idea for a thread, I was having a crack at this Reggae Track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxtIdBUQ2Ac
  11. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1420190712' post='2646437'] What a great idea, I'm in a few bands, but this one is in the most need of likes and shares, simply because we are VERY new, It's a placebo tribute band. [url="https://m.facebook.com/placebotributeband?v=info&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.uk%2F&_rdr"]https://m.facebook.c...e.co.uk%2F&_rdr[/url] [/quote] That's what this thread is about Should we put an end date on this thread-say the end of January? For many it will have served its purpose and overtime it will get more cumbersome and less effective. Someone can always start it up again or start another in say 6 months or a years time What do you think?
  12. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1420077367' post='2645452'] Buy a used SR500 for the same money as a new 300. They come up all the time. Jon. [/quote] [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1420077760' post='2645458'] When I was looking for a compliment 5 string to go with my SR1000, I got a SR505 (the one I am selling now!) as it is noticeably better than the 300s, but the differences going up are less noticeable. The 300s get you the basics. Feel wise they are all pretty similar. [/quote] [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1420124966' post='2645824'] I have owned many Ibbyzz over the years and I would go for the 500 or the 700 if your budget can stretch. They have a nice finish on them. The 300 are nice but why buy this model and upgrade the pickups, when you can buy the 500 and have a really good bass right from the off? And as icastle said above, try before you buy as the necks are positively Kate Moss. [/quote] I agree with the above, everything I have seen is good quality from the 500 upwards. Personally I prefer the "bolt on neck" SR's as they tend to be a bit lighter and sound equally as good. Congratulations on the "Barts", I had an SR1300 with Barts and it was a superb combination.
  13. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1420042209' post='2645117'] Not really sure of the mechanics of Facebook but I liked all Bass Chat bands from my personal page and also logged onto facebook from my band page and liked everyone again. So here's hoping you all get 2 for the price of 1 from me. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]StatusNo [/font][/color][url="https://www.facebook.com/statusnoscotland"]https://www.facebook...tatusnoscotland[/url] [/quote] Thanks, I wondered that too but noticed that the band pages didn't seem to count towards the total
  14. Done, don't forget to "Like" from personal pages rather than band pages so that they count!
  15. Back to privacy issues. After getting a message from a dead friend from FB a while back, an end of year thread featured a band I was in that split quite dramatically after one gig. Not that upsetting as we all get on but they really shouldn't do that sort of thing. There are cases reported here in the Sunday Times. [url="http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/393262/facebook-year-in-review/"]http://national.sunt...year-in-review/[/url] My daughter had a crap year and I notice that she has deleted her acount-maybe because of something like this. Take care
  16. Hi, I play rock and use Rotosound 77 flatwounds. I bought a bass a couple of years back already had them on and I fell in love with them and they are perfect on my Stingray. What I like about them is they are response to changes in playing position. Loads bright enough for me. I think there were some for sale on here a few days back Another alternative would be to try Status Hotwire halfrounds.
  17. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1419878945' post='2643547'] Unfortunately I'll probably be quitting playing for good. .. trying to get a band happening here in Carlisle has took me the best part of 6 years (since getting back into it again) and I just can't make anything worthwhile happen. .. plus I doubt I'd have the flexibility to gig that much with my shift work so looks like that's it. . Fed up with trying. . The hassle... The pillocks... The timewasters... Just fed up be thankful if you've got something going. . Good or bad. . And hang onto it Craig [/quote] Yes been there in 2014 with two bands. The 3rd band is much more focussed and interesting because of it. Lets hope it continues that way as it's great when it happens. Hope you find something better in 2015
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1419883413' post='2643627'] I often wondered myself. I like it when we play a gig and we notice a bunch of new likes, and I can check who they are and maybe remember a couple of them as someone who was at the gig. That's cool. I don't really care for adding "likes" just to fatten up the number. I'd like to think the likes represent people who actually felt like checking us out and liked what they saw. Is the actual number of any use, beyond being an ego thing "my band has 2x the number of likes than yours ner ner ner neeer ner"? Just curious. [/quote] I agree-on the face of it. The problem is that if your unknown or an originals band looking for the chance of a gig or a festival spot, your almost always asked for a link to your sounds and your facebook page. Recently I have been asked twice to reply in writing how many "Likes" do you have on Facebook? It's a "catch 22" as if you can't get any decent gigs/supports slots you can't reach an audience to raise your profile. Are "Likes" fair way to Judge? Well no in my opinion. The last band we shared a gig with had 270 Likes, 4x as many as us at the time. I mentioned this when we were setting up and one of them said "ignore that, none of them have heard us, this is only our 2nd gig and its all family, friends and our year group from school and collage". Sure enough when the gig started sure enough far more of the audience had come to see us. It's all a numbers game but one that it can hold you back-just like not having sound samples or a professional looking presence on the web. It helps get you in the game in the first place. That's my theory on Facebook Likes so thanks to everyone who liked my band in the other thread-much appreciated
  19. Out went all the 4 stringers and EMG powered basses when I changed my amp set up. Out went: LTD/Surveyor 405's Spector Legend4 Custom Farida HB20 Warwick FNA5, which sounded great but had a number of niggly problems that mean't I didn't trust it. In came: EB Musicman SR5 SterlingRay35 What have I learned? Lots actually. Over-complication is a bad thing, Fewer basses is better as consistency is a building block to a good sound. What sounds good at home may not sound as good in a live band situation
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