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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Welcome Karl Eddie from Nailsea but the rest of my band are from WSM so that's where we're based
  2. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419758193' post='2642394'] Depends what work you do and get depends if a website is cost effective. I think I might not bother with a new band project website so FB will have to be the main tool. We use it it for events and general info and I only have a FB presense for musical/bands reasons. I guess I'm going to have to get into the like game again...but you only really want likes from people who are interested in the band and will come and see you. [/quote][quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1419815561' post='2642998'] I write the website - domain registration is about £3 a year and hosting all the websites I have costs (I think) £120 a year as I run a VPS (virtual private server - ie. it's a share on a server which appears to be a standalone server). [/quote] I'm increasingly thinking of FB as a free web presence and signpost to other sites and there are good alternatives for free out there. I like Ents24 as a music fan as it emails me info when either a band I follow is playing or what is on at local venues. Link here: [url="https://www.ents24.com/uk/tour-dates/the-angry-badgers"]https://www.ents24.c...e-angry-badgers[/url] We're also on ReverbNation, which looks good. It's not as user friendly but it does the job. Our band page is here: http://www.reverbnation.com/theangrybadgers?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav I'd love a web site and am looking into it but everything we do seems to cost us at the moment.
  3. [quote name='Oddly' timestamp='1419537500' post='2640768'] Always happy to throw a like to a deserving cause...and if ever I find myself in Bristol, I'll be sure to check you guys out... Nice sound from what's on the page. [/quote] Thanks
  4. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1419546303' post='2640876'] Pinball Do you have a Twitter account and a YouTube channel Google loves Twitter, it's easy to then link the Twitter account to your facebook so that any postings on facebook are automatically tweeted and vice versa That's what I have done, I have however not enable SEO on our website so it doesn't register in searche yets, but I am laying the foundations ready It's also yet another social media website to try and build a following on, we are going to have a friend in the audience of next gig just taking photos and tweeting them constantly throughout the night These automatically just get shared with the Facebook page [/quote] [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1419683301' post='2641855'] We do. We also put them on our proper website. TBH, I think any band with just a Facebook page isn't taking the interwebs side of things seriously. Maybe I'm just being snobbish about it, but I can't control the design of the band's FB page. I see Facebook in the same light as Myspace before it and whatever will come after it, which may well be sooner rather than later as people get pissed off with FB's attitude. For the time being, I see FB as a somewhat useful evil, and regrettably people expect you to have an FB page so that's what you need to do. Incidentally, angrybadgers.co.uk has gone but theangrybadgers.co.uk is available... [/quote] Thanks for all the advice and whoever suggested starting a thread dedicated to getting likes. I did worry that it may get bombarded with hate for a short time but the power of BC prevailed. I'm up to 99 Likes this morning. Next step is a web site I guess.......more new ground to cover.
  5. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1419718565' post='2642249'] I just weighed it and whilst it feels feather light to me compared with my other basses, I suspect most would find it a bit heavy at 9lb 11oz. [/quote] What is an acceptable an weight is an interesting point and depends on the user and the bass in question. I think that ergonomics and balance are equally important as weight. I would rather have a comforable balanced 11lb 8oz bass that an unbalanced 8ib 8oz one any day. Anyway I rate anything lighter than 10 ib as light weight.
  6. [quote name='Qlank' timestamp='1419696052' post='2641978'] 92 likes now. [/quote] Thanks, much appreciated It's going in the right direction. If anyone is looking for band likes post a link on here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252071-like-my-bands-facebook-page-thread/page__fromsearch__1
  7. I really should learn to play bass better too, I play my own stuff and really struggle to jam
  8. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1419636768' post='2641576'] This year has been a bit slow musically. Playing with a great bunch of guys, but logistics dictate that we probably only meet once a month. I want to (finally) release a solo album, finish the album with Slander that we started this year, and get a Jazz duo/trio together with a local Jazz guitarist. That's not too much to ask now, is it? [/quote] I sympathise 2014 had a poor start. The band I was in at the start of the year faded out, which was a shame. We seemed to be going somewhere. We had a local radio appearance in January and some nice gigs lined up-managed to stagger though a couple, It wasn't a nice experience as there is nothing worse that going into a gig under-rehearsed and lacking in confidence. The some of the remaining members started another band that lasted for one gig and now the 3rd band is doing fine.
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1419634225' post='2641551'] The promoters are going to love it when they book you based on your FB likes, and no-one shows up at the gig. [/quote] I think your way ahead of the game, I don't think Facebook likes are the be all and end all. If people don't like the shouldn't like.. Have a listen though there are some interesting results. If people want to like it-much appreciated...hey its Christmas! well it was yesterday
  10. 2015? 1. Get our music recording finished and out there, 2. Play some festivals 3. Find another band to join who will play my "nice songs" as the current one plays the dark ones Our band has only got going in late 2014
  11. [b]Please note: To save searching through the thread I've collected the links together supplied and posted them together. Start at the end and work your way back to it and you will see them all.[/b] I thought that I'd set up this thread after a suggestion by a fellow Basschatter. I was having a "wee moan" about privacy issues on Facebook and (being impatient) also mentioned how it is getting increasingly difficult to promote our band page and to get likes. In response I got 10 page likes within 24 hours-It may not sound a lot but was much appreciated and cheered me up no end, For new or originals bands having a FB band page is a useful signpost, for your audience, promoters and festival organisers so having a decent amount of "Page Likes" is a good thing. [b]The idea is simple[/b] "follow the link and like the band page" and hopefully get a like back or if you may wish leave a link on this thread for others to like your page. Unless you really don't like them of course Anyway here's my page so lets see if it works? [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers?ref=hl"]https://www.facebook...yBadgers?ref=hl[/url] Note: You may find some great new bands in the process-only one way to find out.
  12. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1419609345' post='2641265'] I liked the Angry Badgers before they were cool [/quote] Why thanks you! But we have always been cool-although my kids disagree
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419608943' post='2641260'] FB events for every gig.. surely everyone does that..?? But once you have people at gigs, you should try and get out and talk to them and that can eventually do well for you. Bands had followings before FB so it is not the be-all and end-all, but it is a useful tool along with others....?? [/quote] I agree entirely, I was having a whinge about FB privacy issues initially and some kind Basschatters started liking the Angry Badgers page. I think FB's use is limited. We're a new band and have already found that the people that come along to gigs (we have only played 3 do far } have heard of them through word of mouth rather than FB. If the band keeps at it it will become irrelevant. As an originals band and at this stage in our development it is worth giving FB some attention Promoters/venue owners give it the once over when we're looking for gigs and the question "how many likes do you have on facebook" also appears during some festival application processes. In the medium/long term it will be no more than a basic information source and a sign post to other information
  14. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1419599000' post='2641152'] So, is there a thread where we can post FB links to 'like' each others band pages? [/quote] Nice idea, I like it and will maybe set one up so that other can benefit [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1419608176' post='2641252'] Another like just done. Good luck with the band. [/quote] Cheers Keep them coming! [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers"]https://www.facebook...TheAngryBadgers[/url]
  15. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1417514694' post='2621084'] I'm not saying its impossible to gig with it but I would probably have to shape the rest of my sound system around the pedal to get the sound I was after. [/quote] An update: I'm planning on taking it our to play live but not using it as a replacement in my band set up-it sounds beautifully with my fretless.
  16. Hi, no Band Web Page or Twitter. At the moment we're on Facebook, Ents24 and Reverbnation, which I try and keep active and up to date. That is probably enough to cope with at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion I'll look into it during the holidays-never even read a tweet myself. I'm pretty useless with social media and it seems to take me ages to do anything I find Ents24 the easiest to work with In the mean time more keep the Facebook band page likes coming please were "[color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Alternative psychedelic post-progressive rock"[/font][/color]: [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers"]https://www.facebook...TheAngryBadgers[/url] Still 19 to go....
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1419538806' post='2640781'] Just out of interest... What are you hoping to achieve by getting likes from people just for the sake of it? (genuine question - not sarcasm!) [/quote] At the moment if you internet search the band "The Angry Badger" you get Soundcloud, gigs etc that come up but the Facebook page is way down the searches. It should make our FB page more visible (hope so anyway).
  18. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1419539370' post='2640786'] Pinball Done Here is our page if you would like to return the favour [url="https://www.facebook.com/alterchaos?ref=ts&fref=ts"]https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts[/url] As we are pretty local to each other maybe we could hook up in the summer for some dates, there is a few of us bands looking to stage some small multi band festivals in Bristol next year [/quote] Done Scoobystig , thanks all only 19 required now. Here's the link again: [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers"]https://www.facebook...TheAngryBadgers[/url]
  19. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1419524028' post='2640650'] Liked. Every little helps. [/quote] Indeed it does much appreciated, and we will hill links to some new recordings in January 24 to go!
  20. Not sure what to say about this......other than its him again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVeVwr0YUSA
  21. I saw Cardiff bans Ghosts As Alibis in Bristol this year and really liked the intelligent bass playing and their sound moves around. Check this vid out at about 3.20 and you will see what I mean. The guy had a great tone on the night and the rhythms were spot on. A very enjoyable band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YE0Jfh0A90
  22. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1419465469' post='2640357'] Gentlemen (and ladies of course) shame on you ! A fellow basplayer needs some likes on his facebook page to foil an imposter band ! (Probably another BC member ) and I think after 212 views and 12 replies there is only me liked his band. Heed the call to arms. [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers?ref=ts&fref=ts"]https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts[/url] we are legion Les [/quote] Thanks M8 much appreciated, every little "like" helps. and thanks Dad and SRP. I totally understand people who avoid Facebook. Even though I'm the oldest I'm the only member of the band and of my family who uses it. I have had a lot of personal pleasure from using it in the past-its great for keeping up friendships Merry Christmas
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1419457712' post='2640262'] re: The change in January - you'll probably have to be a bit creative around how you pitch your posts. If they're straight ads, you'll have to pay. If they're 'Hey everyone.. have you seen...?' you might get away with it. Time will tell. [/quote] Good thinking
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1419458943' post='2640287'] Sorry. I can't see anywhere that it says you'll have to pay. [/quote] Hmm neither do I, my understanding was that when you share something from a band page it will no longer automatically go to people who have liked your page but that there will be an option to pay to have the information circulated. Hopefully I'm wrong though. There is no charge for having band pages etc, which is good news. I'm not really up on facebook etc. can anyone else clarify?
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